How many ways can you spell 'payoff'? The Obama book deal

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I would buy Obamas book, probably insightful and well-written.

Why would an ex-president writing a book be a pay off? He's wildly popular around the world and was the first black president of the United States.

Would you agree that Obama is "African American" but that he isn't "black"?
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Well-Known Member
There's no way the publisher is making that back.

In case you haven't noticed, people don't read books anymore.
its not about making the money back, its about the propaganda and lies. money means nothing to these guys just a tool to spread their shit


Well-Known Member
Show me one instance of 'common ownership' that wasn't the direct result of a bailout- and subsequent return to privatisation, a la General Motors.

...which in fact was an example of the taxpayer bailing out the corporation, or the very OPPOSITE of Marxism.


this book deal is nothing new.why should'nt obama get his payday when every recent president has done the same? is it obama's fault he got a better deal than bush? i mean he just served 8 years of hard time for what,500,000 a year,a shit basketball player makes more than that to play sports.


Well-Known Member
this book deal is nothing new.why should'nt obama get his payday when every recent president has done the same? is it obama's fault he got a better deal than bush? i mean he just served 8 years of hard time for what,500,000 a year,a shit basketball player makes more than that to play sports.
So because others were corrupt it's okay for him too?


Well-Known Member
Nice try, trying to fix me into a corner, tysk. Never gonna happen. I'll never defend the kind of spending that happened the last 17 years. It's an Obamanation. Facts:

Obama said he'd cut the federal deficit in half

- truth- 4'X
more than Quadrupled it.! Thereby crippling the economy and stagnating recovery the slowest since 1930.

#2- " You can keep your plan, and Keep your doctor!!"
- also major bullshit, and it cost TONS more, and you paid for shit you'll never use.

#3- Fast and Furious- Eric Holder was an active participant in running guns to Mexico and elsewhere, while stifling the investigative process as long as possible til he was out of office.

#4- Not that anybody believed actual facts from Nancy Pelosi's mouth, but she promised us the most "transparent congress ever." What a HUGE crock of shit! Fail...

#5- How about the IRS cover-up with the tea party and ZERO consequences? Fail.....

#6- Meeting on the Phoenix tarmac will Bill Clinton and AG Loretta Lynch
- $FAIL!!!!!!!!

#7 - The Iran Deal..............

#8 - Cap and Trade!

#9. - Meeting SECRETLY with the Muslim brotherhood.

#10- diplomatic spying, using political motives.........

.........and more than I can remeber.


Well-Known Member
Nice try, trying to fix me into a corner, tysk. Never gonna happen. I'll never defend the kind of spending that happened the last 17 years. It's an Obamanation. Facts:

Obama said he'd cut the federal deficit in half

- truth- 4'X
more than Quadrupled it.! Thereby crippling the economy and stagnating recovery the slowest since 1930.

#2- " You can keep your plan, and Keep your doctor!!"
- also major bullshit, and it cost TONS more, and you paid for shit you'll never use.

#3- Fast and Furious- Eric Holder was an active participant in running guns to Mexico and elsewhere, while stifling the investigative process as long as possible til he was out of office.

#4- Not that anybody believed actual facts from Nancy Pelosi's mouth, but she promised us the most "transparent congress ever." What a HUGE crock of shit! Fail...

#5- How about the IRS cover-up with the tea party and ZERO consequences? Fail.....

#6- Meeting on the Phoenix tarmac will Bill Clinton and AG Loretta Lynch
- $FAIL!!!!!!!!

#7 - The Iran Deal..............

#8 - Cap and Trade!

#9. - Meeting SECRETLY with the Muslim brotherhood.

#10- diplomatic spying, using political motives.........

.........and more than I can remeber.
But no mention of the Bush era tax cuts that benefited only the wealthy, impoverishing the budget and 'justifying' cuts to social programs from public school to food for expectant mothers? For the 'Noble purpose' of enriching the already fabulously rich?

Who handed Mr Obama the massive deficit? A Republican administration.

Who handed Mr Obama an economy in free fall? A Republican administration.

Who wrecked the balanced budget that was eating away the National debt at the end of the Clinton Presidency? A Republican administration.

I don't think right wingers have any leg to stand on when it comes to fiscal responsibility.

Not one item in your copied and pasted list of talking points above addressed my question about the 'Marxism' of the Obama administration. This proves to me that you aren't thinking for yourself, you're just a parrot for people who happily take advantage of your ignorance for their own gain- at YOUR expense.



Well-Known Member
What a pathetic response. All you have is attempted equivocation. Don't try to tie to that era or that party's spending and programs. No never said I was a fan boy. In fact, I protested the whole time during the Patriot Act , and the formation of HS. That's just a few from the recent past. What a waste of money, and national resources! On the other hand, did the dems protest when it really mattered? Fuck no. All they did was complain and say that we didn't spend enough!!! They claim to be about "sustainability, as long as it doesn't come the federal budget!). What a bunch of crap!


So because others were corrupt it's okay for him too?
If it is corrupt it's not the same type of corruption the trump camp has been into since day 1.all i was saying is i dont hold it against him for going after the money.just like fox news going crazy because he made 400,000 giving a speech.its not obama's fault those idiots were will to pay that kind of money for an hour long talk.steve miller,go on take the money and run.


Well-Known Member
stagnating recovery
recovery from what? seems like you forgot W's Iraq war and his policies that had the DOW at 8000 .GOP caused the recession.
You can keep your plan, and Keep your doctor!!"
if your plan met the min requirements, you could. your plan must have been shitty. i kept my plan and my doctor
Meeting on the Phoenix tarmac will Bill Clinton and AG Loretta Lynch
all he told her was have a safe flight and that the fish was really tasty onboard.


Well-Known Member
What a pathetic response. All you have is attempted equivocation. Don't try to tie to that era or that party's spending and programs. No never said I was a fan boy. In fact, I protested the whole time during the Patriot Act , and the formation of HS. That's just a few from the recent past. What a waste of money, and national resources! On the other hand, did the dems protest when it really mattered? Fuck no. All they did was complain and say that we didn't spend enough!!! They claim to be about "sustainability, as long as it doesn't come the federal budget!). What a bunch of crap!
Wtf is 'attempted equivocation'?

Don't tie what to that party? You mean RESULTS? GTFO!

If you can't accept responsibility for the consequences of your actions, you go to jail. Why is the Republican Party exempt from the same accountability?

We aren't talking about the Patriot Act or Homeland Security. Try to stay on topic.

Cutting taxes on the rich, then using budget shortfalls to destroy the support systems for the middle class has gotten us to the current economic disaster we're in.

Raising taxes on the rich to the levels of the 1970s is the solution. If corporations decide they don't want to pay, then they can give up access to our markets. And the profits that come with that access.

If the rich can't afford to pay those taxes and live within their means of mere millions, then maybe they shouldn't be trusted to have any of the money in the first place.
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Well-Known Member
If it is corrupt it's not the same type of corruption the trump camp has been into since day 1.all i was saying is i dont hold it against him for going after the money.just like fox news going crazy because he made 400,000 giving a speech.its not obama's fault those idiots were will to pay that kind of money for an hour long talk.steve miller,go on take the money and run.
It seems I'm in the minority here.

The slippery slope is steep here.

The ability to corrupt the system is vast.

We should be removing it from our society and Government, not excusing it.


Well-Known Member
Fact. Obama claimed he would Slash the federal deficit in half in his first 4 years.

Fact . He had a super-majority and could've slashed spending and balanced the budget with overwhelming Republican support. He chose not only not to, but accelerated the deficit to such an extent that most Marxist's that know how to bring down America into it's grips were salivating beyond their wildest dreams.


Well-Known Member
Fact. Obama claimed he would Slash the federal deficit in half in his first 4 years.

Fact . He had a super-majority and could've slashed spending and balanced the budget with overwhelming Republican support. He chose not only not to, but accelerated the deficit to such an extent that most Marxist's that know how to bring down America into it's grips were salivating beyond their wildest dreams.
Factually incorrect.

Nevermind that I think Mr Obama failed when he had his chances to really fix things.