DMT pull

You gotta wash it to get rid of all the impurities. It should be white once you clean it enough. Naphtha leaves hydrocarbons behind like most paint thinners. Crystallize it with an acid for maximum purity.
The only crystaline acid form of dmt is dmt fumarates rest are go. But then you cant smoke it only take it oraly, iv, im, or snorted
I wasn't trying to spoon feed anyone information. Can't smoke it? That's not true
Sure you can smoke it but the effects are nill to nothing i know this for a fact. The combustion temp to destruction temp is to close. At least for most dmt acids. I hear you can smoke acetates tho but the effects are still weaker than freebase.
I find the brand of naphtha you use also influences the pull, my favourite is Neon. I suspect that much of the bark on the market isn't hostilis, but similar species. This may account for colour.

Fumarates are great for large volume extractions as it stores much better than free base. You can also convert it back to free base with very little effort.
I find the brand of naphtha you use also influences the pull, my favourite is Neon. I suspect that much of the bark on the market isn't hostilis, but similar species. This may account for colour.

Fumarates are great for large volume extractions as it stores much better than free base. You can also convert it back to free base with very little effort.
Yeah thats wat i do is fasa then reconvert it to freebase.
Thanks for all the info you guys have provided me. I have enough root bark to give it another go. So, soon I will repeat the extraction and try to be a lot more careful with my procedures this time.
Take your time, do your separations in sunlight so you can see the smallest impurities, and be ruthless with what you will accept as your final product.
Wash your pulled naphtha with sodium carbonate water. Helps clean it. Multiple washes till you're naphtha is clear
Is the sodium carbonate wash the best way to convert back to freebase, I have some old solution i want to pull with xylene and convert to freebase.
If its already freebase in the solution then the sodium carb water wash is just to clean it but if you pull with xylene you cant crash it out only evaperate. But hey check this site out and join im a member there. You can post any questions you have and they are the top authorities on dmt extraction. Also read through the extraction trheads and theres a search engine as well hope to see you there soon
I think I'm going to eat it. Now I just have to find a mao inhibitor. I read that it will last 4-8 hours. I'm really excited to try this. Ive smoked it 4 times but never eaten it. The setting is going to be walking around my neighborhood in the night.
There's really no point in going through the extraction process to eat it with an MAO I. Just make tea with the rest of your bark and some caapi vine or syrian rue.