Well-Known Member
A lot of what's out there now is just a bunch of mishmash that's hit-or-miss depending on the combination of strains and how good of a job the grower did with it.
So true. Even though Tweed gives good information about cannabenoids and terpenoids, you have to figure out what it means to you.
With all of its "bred-for-high-THC" qualities, doesn't change the fact that old, landrace strains with their relatively lower THC levels are still more effective.
YEP, landrace strains are the best, which is why I like REAL hash when I can get it.
The only solution I have found is to grow strains from regular seeds and hope I find one of "THE" strains that recalls some (or all) of those old properties. In any case, growing is a kind of rewarding "high" of its own and that will have to suffice until I meet someone who has kept a pure line of breeding for the last 40-50 years.
I wish you luck. The old school growers I know cannot tell me for certain what the lineage of their grows are. Most of them just grow good stuff year after year and never really tried to keep up with all the new tech and hybrids. I have many seeds now but really no idea which ones were from which strain. So it is going to be pot luck unless and decide to just buy some seeds online