THC % Does Not Measure The High

A lot of what's out there now is just a bunch of mishmash that's hit-or-miss depending on the combination of strains and how good of a job the grower did with it.

So true. Even though Tweed gives good information about cannabenoids and terpenoids, you have to figure out what it means to you.

With all of its "bred-for-high-THC" qualities, doesn't change the fact that old, landrace strains with their relatively lower THC levels are still more effective.

YEP, landrace strains are the best, which is why I like REAL hash when I can get it.

The only solution I have found is to grow strains from regular seeds and hope I find one of "THE" strains that recalls some (or all) of those old properties. In any case, growing is a kind of rewarding "high" of its own and that will have to suffice until I meet someone who has kept a pure line of breeding for the last 40-50 years.

I wish you luck. The old school growers I know cannot tell me for certain what the lineage of their grows are. Most of them just grow good stuff year after year and never really tried to keep up with all the new tech and hybrids. I have many seeds now but really no idea which ones were from which strain. So it is going to be pot luck unless and decide to just buy some seeds online
I'm mainly asking because I love me some ice hash but at the same time am wondering if it would be best to just vaporize plant matter if there are extra medicinal benefits(flavinoids, terpenes etc.)

Ice hash (bubble hash) is damn potent I found and very harsh. I disfavor it because ice like too high heat destroys the terpenes. Without those you cannot get the "entourage effect". For me whole plant extract is by far the most effective medicinally.
Yeah, man...Back in the day, I must have thrown POUNDS of landrace seeds out the window. Everyone I knew had jars full of seeds....and most all of them got thrown out after awhile. What a waste.

The old hash wasn't the same either. It was black and oily and it had an incredible, heavy flavor. Some argue that that hash was very impure. I don't know.

I have made bubble hash many times and there are a few tricks to getting the highest terpenes from it. For one, you have to use distilled water and distilled ice. Otherwise, I have found there to be a chlorinated taste. And there are other things like how you agitate the slurry of water, weed and ice....too long to go into on this thread.

I like to make my trim and larf into bubble hash first and then turn the lower grades of hash into rosin.
Does anybody know any reasoning behind why I cannot get high off of edibles? I'm tired of wasting my fucking money every time I decide to buy edibles from dispensaries and they don't do shit.
IMHO you asked and answered your own question. None of the edibles I purchased from dispensaries worked at all for me either. I made my own a few weeks with mere shake and they were awesome. I am minutes away right now from straining my current brew of cannabutter so I can make some more cookies tomorrow. Best of all is that since I started this adventure my MS has gone into remission, way more than it ever has before. Try making your own with cookies or fudge, you make be pleased with the outcome. I would expect it will likely be less expensive.
I hope they dont use shakes to make those kind of packaged edibles... that would be a shame. Im surprised you only took a 1/10th bite after complaing about nothing working lol

Quiz and i would gobble that fucking bar for fun
LOL me too. Bet you can;t eat just one :o:
Read the whole thread here and it's all quite interesting and very informative.

Here's something else to add to the possibilities. I followed a link from in here that @tstick posted a couple posts above to ProCon. looked around in there and found a listing of the known cannabinoids and their known variables. Delta9 THC has 9 known variables and CBD has 7. Makes sense to me that these variables would have variable effects as well.

You can check it out here.

Modern domestic weed sucks on so many levels. Its all about commerce. The high has been ignored for bag appeal. The thc-breeding is definitely one of the reasons modern weed isn't that great.

I get higher on reggie.. There, i said it. An 8th of decent reggie will get my ass higher than a gram of decent domestic weed. Especially compared to dispensary weed. Its a better buzz, just have to vape 4 times as much. Domestic pot hits ceiling after what, 2 hits? I can't get any higher off domestic weed than the first hit..

I think edibles from the dispensaries dont work because they don't smell or taste like weed. Its not that i trust their dosage labels, but that theres more to it than that.. Ive only gotten trippy off cookies that tasted like weed.

I dont believe cbd has much to do with it either. Cbd talk is just marketing spiel to me.

Is that just because of dispensaries? So many people think higher cbd levels recreates the classic giggle weed. Not in my experience with buying the stuff. Its probably weed that wouldn't get anyone high, so they relabeled as cbd strains..
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Modern domestic weed sucks on so many levels. Its all about commerce. The high has been ignored for bag appeal. The thc-breeding is definitely one of the reasons modern weed isn't that great.

I get higher on reggie.. There, i said it. An 8th of decent reggie will get my ass higher than a gram of decent domestic weed. Especially compared to dispensary weed. Its a better buzz, just have to vape 4 times as much. Domestic pot hits ceiling after what, 2 hits? I can't get any higher off domestic weed than the first hit..

I think edibles from the dispensaries dont work because they don't smell or taste like weed. Its not that i trust their dosage labels, but that theres more to it than that.. Ive only gotten trippy off cookies that tasted like weed.

I dont believe cbd has much to do with it either. Cbd talk is just marketing spiel to me.

Is that just because of dispensaries? So many people think higher cbd levels recreates the classic giggle weed. Not in my experience with buying the stuff. Its probably weed that wouldn't get anyone high, so they relabeled as cbd strains..
All about how it is grown 8)
Modern domestic weed sucks on so many levels. Its all about commerce. The high has been ignored for bag appeal. The thc-breeding is definitely one of the reasons modern weed isn't that great.

I tend to agree mostly with that.

I get higher on reggie.. I can't get any higher off domestic weed than the first hit..

I do not know what reggie is, but I have the same effect, I do not seem to get any higher. I smoke hash for that reason, it is more potent to begin with, then I just keep getting higher. Same for oil and kief.

I think edibles from the dispensaries dont work because they don't smell or taste like weed. Its not that i trust their dosage labels, but that theres more to it than that.. Ive only gotten trippy off cookies that tasted like weed.

No trust here for dispensaries, results are inconsistent, prices are too high and I have no doubt that many of them sell weed sprayed with bad pesticides.

I dont believe cbd has much to do with it either. Cbd talk is just marketing spiel to me.
Is that just because of dispensaries? So many people think higher cbd levels recreates the classic giggle weed. Not in my experience with buying the stuff. Its probably weed that wouldn't get anyone high, so they relabeled as cbd strains..

I would look again on that one sir. CBD not only provides excellent medical benefits, it also gives you the "entourage effect". CBD is an antagonist to THC so in essence it modulates the high, making it last longer. That may be a lot to swallow but you can verify all this and learn so much more about CBD (which is no doubt to me in my hash).
The THC levels shown on labels are deceptive anyway. I saw a guy press the rosin from some supposed 30% weed and he only got 15% after 2 pressings. They would have to test every gram they sell to provide a true THC level, and then it would be used up in the test, so that ain't gonna happen. Any two buds from different parts of the plant can vary by 100%, ie; one being twice the other. That figure isn't supposed to be exact or anything, I just have read that lower buds can be half what upper buds are.
When you press rosin a lot of the oils are still stuck in the pot you just pressed tho. When they test in the lab they use solvents to remove all the oils form the pot then measure the percentage of the various cannabinoids in the oil recovered.

I spent about an hour just now trying to find out if the %THC or other cannabinoids relates to how much in dry plant material or the % of each in the total amount of oil extracted from a specific amount of dried material. All sorts of stuff about preparing samples for testing with various methods and how much sample to use but nothing about how the percentage rating relates to what you ingest.

I've come to the conclusion that it must be relative to the total amount of oil extracted but I still don't know for certain and I do like to have the facts before stating I know what I'm talking about. I have been accused of being wrong before. ;)

This is why I came to the conclusion I did. If it was the percent relative to the dry material, pot that is rated 20%THC would have 200mg of THC in a single fat joint and would put all but the most chronic of tokers in orbit. Or a rubber room for a few days. :)

200mg of THC in an edible might make you the first cannabis fatality ever. Here, try this. It'll make ya famous. dizzy.gif

If anyone knows for sure and has a link or two to the info too, (had to do that last too. :) ), I'd sure like to see it.

Yeah, man...Back in the day, I must have thrown POUNDS of landrace seeds out the window. Everyone I knew had jars full of seeds....and most all of them got thrown out after awhile. What a waste.

The old hash wasn't the same either. It was black and oily and it had an incredible, heavy flavor. Some argue that that hash was very impure. I don't know.

I have made bubble hash many times and there are a few tricks to getting the highest terpenes from it. For one, you have to use distilled water and distilled ice. Otherwise, I have found there to be a chlorinated taste. And there are other things like how you agitate the slurry of water, weed and ice....too long to go into on this thread.

I like to make my trim and larf into bubble hash first and then turn the lower grades of hash into rosin.
Know what the average potency of hash was in the old days? I read an article on it. They tested a bunch of different ones, Leb, Afghan, Moroccan, all the common ones, average about 5%. Dead serious. Weed was like 1-3%, probably because it was all seeded and the seed was half the weight.
When you press rosin a lot of the oils are still stuck in the pot you just pressed tho. When they test in the lab they use solvents to remove all the oils form the pot then measure the percentage of the various cannabinoids in the oil recovered.

I spent about an hour just now trying to find out if the %THC or other cannabinoids relates to how much in dry plant material or the % of each in the total amount of oil extracted from a specific amount of dried material. All sorts of stuff about preparing samples for testing with various methods and how much sample to use but nothing about how the percentage rating relates to what you ingest.

I've come to the conclusion that it must be relative to the total amount of oil extracted but I still don't know for certain and I do like to have the facts before stating I know what I'm talking about. I have been accused of being wrong before. ;)

This is why I came to the conclusion I did. If it was the percent relative to the dry material, pot that is rated 20%THC would have 200mg of THC in a single fat joint and would put all but the most chronic of tokers in orbit. Or a rubber room for a few days. :)

200mg of THC in an edible might make you the first cannabis fatality ever. Here, try this. It'll make ya famous. View attachment 3956782

If anyone knows for sure and has a link or two to the info too, (had to do that last too. :) ), I'd sure like to see it.

I eat that much in one chocolate my wife more. She once ate 800mlg at once
i use Thin Layer Chromatography ♥ to determine the ratio of CBD (if any) to THC, and it also lets me see if other cannabinoids are in abundance like CBG, CBN, CBC etc ... BUT, really it only gives you a look at those ~half dozen or so cannabinoids (and doesn't tell you anything about the ones that are <1%, other than eg "nope, no THCV in this one"), and it says pretty much nothing about the terpene profile too, and for example it seems established that myrcene contributes to a 'drowsy' stone but I have no way of checking for that! at the end of the day there's no substitute for a proper lab test :) ... but Thin Layer Chromatography (and Beam's Test if you want to check for presence of CBD) are still fantastic tools for home users!
i use Thin Layer Chromatography ♥ to determine the ratio of CBD (if any) to THC, and it also lets me see if other cannabinoids are in abundance like CBG, CBN, CBC etc ... BUT, really it only gives you a look at those ~half dozen or so cannabinoids (and doesn't tell you anything about the ones that are <1%, other than eg "nope, no THCV in this one"), and it says pretty much nothing about the terpene profile too, and for example it seems established that myrcene contributes to a 'drowsy' stone but I have no way of checking for that! at the end of the day there's no substitute for a proper lab test :) ... but Thin Layer Chromatography (and Beam's Test if you want to check for presence of CBD) are still fantastic tools for home users!

What are you using for standards with your TLC to know what cannabinoids are presenting? It's been almost 30 years since I've used it to determine nicotine from tobacco samples that we first extracted using vacuum distillation but we had pure nicotine standards to compare our results with.

I'm into growing some hi-CBD strains and would love to get into doing fairly accurate home testing rather than coughing up $75 per sample to get some idea of my pot's potency for more accurate dosing.

the commercial kits like AlphaCat etc have online manuals and images showing which is which, but some of them disagree, and some use Fast Blue BB others use Fast Blue B, and the resulting position also varies depending on the eluent! But THC, CBD, CBG, and THCV especially are all very easy to spot straight away, first from their distinct colors but also their positions in relation to each other. CBN can also be determined from degrading the sample ie over-decarb'ing as the THC spot gets smaller and the CBN one grows, and that usually just leaves CBC as the other main one.
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i don't have any clinical information, but for a long time, i've been paying attention to terpenes and its been my experience that strains with high pinene and humulene don't effect me much. it seems to be an individual response, friends will get all fucked up smoking the same weed that doesn't seem that potent to me.
contrarily, myrcene and caryophyllene almost guarantees that i'm going to be happy.
lemonene and linolool seem to be hit and miss, usually good, but not as good as the spicy, woody tasting terps.
unfortunate for me, i really enjoy the taste of pinene, but so far, pinene doesn't effect me much.
i don't have any clinical information, but for a long time, i've been paying attention to terpenes and its been my experience that strains with high pinene and humulene don't effect me much. it seems to be an individual response, friends will get all fucked up smoking the same weed that doesn't seem that potent to me.
contrarily, myrcene and caryophyllene almost guarantees that i'm going to be happy.
lemonene and linolool seem to be hit and miss, usually good, but not as good as the spicy, woody tasting terps.
unfortunate for me, i really enjoy the taste of pinene, but so far, pinene doesn't effect me much.
I agree with this....mostly...except lemony strains are the ones that give me a headache almost 100% of the time. Some of them, like Super Lemon Haze and Lemonder smell delicious....but, nope....not for me.

It's the terpenes that make/create a skunky nose and a spicy, woody, hashy flavor that hangs in the sinus and pallet long after the smoke is exhaled that makes me happy....and it's oh-so-rare to find anything like that, these days.

I never remember any lemony strains from the old days....and not many piney ones, either. I just remember the rotten blueberry and skunk strains -the ones that were dangerous to grow back in the day because of the level of stink. It was almost a dead giveaway to the authorities....And that's, ultimately why those strains are so rare today. It's really just a bunch of "show buds" with cute names, today. In essence, the trimming and growing is done better than it used to be with better lights and specialized equipment, etc...but the stinky-genetics, themselves, are so buried, now. I hope they make a serious comeback, someday! I don't care to try any more "Ghost OG Strawberry CreamTrain" or any of it's cousins...been there, done that. I know good weed when I SMELL it! :)