How often should i give ferts to flowering plants


Ok so i have three girls five weeks into flower as of today. I only use my own homemade organic ferts. But i was wondering if i should use them more often than once every week with flowering plants? Im using compost tea made from banana skins and vermicompost with a little bone meal and molasses.


Well-Known Member
Make a good soil and you won't have to mess around with feeding anything. Hard to give advice without more background. What's the soil? Simply bubbling ewc molasses banana and bone meal really isn't doing anything. Any food source needs to be composted first in a worm bin or compost bin or pile. Bone meal isn't water soluable ad far as I know. I would go for a kelp aflalfa and guano tea if anything at all


Well-Known Member
Bone meal has to be composted to a soluble form. Otherwise, it's bone dust floating around the tea. Bat crap, kelp, black strap molasses are popular ingredients. I've never used banana peels so can't say anything about it.

With a workable compost tea. I'd suggest giving every 7-10 days. Say you apply it Monday morning. The plants need water...5 days later. Water the pot till it's heavy. No need for run off. After another 5 days, apply the tea to 20% run off.

As the plants get bigger and need water every two days. Then it'd be Compost Tea, water, water, compost tea. No run off when you use plain water.

Watch the plants growth, vigor and color.


Make a good soil and you won't have to mess around with feeding anything. Hard to give advice without more background. What's the soil? Simply bubbling ewc molasses banana and bone meal really isn't doing anything. Any food source needs to be composted first in a worm bin or compost bin or pile. Bone meal isn't water soluable ad far as I know. I would go for a kelp aflalfa and guano tea if anything at all
Cool thanks i have a good compost pile cooking now. Cant find any guano where i live guess ill have to order some online. The soil is burpee organics with coco core and perlite mixed in with some worm castings i picked up at tractor supply. It was that or mirical grow. Not alot of choices in this little town.


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks i have a good compost pile cooking now. Cant find any guano where i live guess ill have to order some online. The soil is burpee organics with coco core and perlite mixed in with some worm castings i picked up at tractor supply. It was that or mirical grow. Not alot of choices in this little town.
Thank god for Amazon. ! You can make your own soil from scratch and give nothing but water. If your interested I can give you an easy recipe.
Bone meal has to be composted to a soluble form. Otherwise, it's bone dust floating around the tea. Bat crap, kelp, black strap molasses are popular ingredients. I've never used banana peels so can't say anything about it.

With a workable compost tea. I'd suggest giving every 7-10 days. Say you apply it Monday morning. The plants need water...5 days later. Water the pot till it's heavy. No need for run off. After another 5 days, apply the tea to 20% run off.

As the plants get bigger and need water every two days. Then it'd be Compost Tea, water, water, compost tea. No run off when you use plain water.

Watch the plants growth, vigor and color.
On this note. I think a compost tea could be applied once or twice throughout the entire grow. Not to be confused with nutrient teas. But connelly unnecessary given the idea is too boost micro herd. Which once it's boosted kinda takes care of itself with good compost intl the soil and moisture levels being right on. I tecomend less water every other day. Or every day.


Thank god for Amazon. ! You can make your own soil from scratch and give nothing but water. If your interested I can give you an easy recipe.

On this note. I think a compost tea could be applied once or twice throughout the entire grow. Not to be confused with nutrient teas. But connelly unnecessary given the idea is too boost micro herd. Which once it's boosted kinda takes care of itself with good compost intl the soil and moisture levels being right on. I tecomend less water every other day. Or every day.
Yeah im very interested

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
I give nothing but water after week 6. Compost teas do less to actually feed your plants than they do to increase microbial activity. I give a tea maybe only 2 or 3 times during the entire lifespan of a typical plant; that's all that is needed really. GM is correct; you are better off putting most amendments in your mix globally when you recycle and all
your plants will need is water with the occasional AACT just to keep the microbial party rockin.
Start up a worm bin and you won't have to bother going to tractor supply to get the best EWC. Fresh worm castings makes plants super happy & healthy plus it is totally self sustainable. You can literally feed your plants kitchen scraps....


Great bc thats what i want to do no matter what i wanna keep it 100% organic. no chemicals at all. Need some good simple recipes for compost tea to start off with tho, im on kind of a tight budget.


Bone meal has to be composted to a soluble form. Otherwise, it's bone dust floating around the tea. Bat crap, kelp, black strap molasses are popular ingredients. I've never used banana peels so can't say anything about it.

With a workable compost tea. I'd suggest giving every 7-10 days. Say you apply it Monday morning. The plants need water...5 days later. Water the pot till it's heavy. No need for run off. After another 5 days, apply the tea to 20% run off.

As the plants get bigger and need water every two days. Then it'd be Compost Tea, water, water, compost tea. No run off when you use plain water.

Watch the plants growth, vigor and color.


Right now what i have is honemade compost, liquid fish emulsions 5-1-1, alaskin mor bloom 0-10-10 grandmas molasses and ewc.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Right now what i have is honemade compost, liquid fish emulsions 5-1-1, alaskin mor bloom 0-10-10 grandmas molasses and ewc.
First off take that bloom booster and throw it in the garbage. Anything with an NPK value higher than 5 does not belong in a living soil grow. Liquid fish is really good; say 1 tsp per gal. You can bubble that with a tsp of molasses and a cup or 2 of EWC per gal of clean water for 36+ hrs. I would acquire some kelp meal too when you can if you don't have any; it is loaded with probiotics. Kelp meal at 1 tsp per gal is always good. That's the only tea recipe you ever need IMO; EWC, kelp, molasses and liquid fish is pretty much all I use in my teas these dayz


First off take that bloom booster and throw it in the garbage. Anything with an NPK value higher than 5 does not belong in a living soil grow. Liquid fish is really good; say 1 tsp per gal. You can bubble that with a tsp of molasses and a cup or 2 of EWC per gal of clean water for 36+ hrs. I would acquire some kelp meal too when you can if you don't have any; it is loaded with probiotics. Kelp meal at 1 tsp per gal is always good. That's the only tea recipe you ever need IMO; EWC, kelp, molasses and liquid fish is pretty much all I use in my teas these dayz
Oh thats cool bc i acually have all of that, thanks man. I got a pump and some airstones today so i should be good to go now.