Why do some have problems with people of different color

Why do some hate based on color of skin

  • fear of the unknown

    Votes: 22 48.9%
  • Jealousy

    Votes: 7 15.6%
  • taught

    Votes: 23 51.1%
  • confusion

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • small penis

    Votes: 25 55.6%

  • Total voters
Dude, I'm probably twice your age and don't even have anything close to man boobs. Tarzan like chest when I'm hiking, and Shwarzeneggaresque pectorals when I'm working out. Do you even lift, girly man?

How many times must you be told that nobody believes you? Your need to assert your manliness only diminishes it, dumdum.
Either way, I would have an issue with the use of force, since I believe human interactions should be based in mutual consent.

Also, I'm sorry you are still fantasizing about your teachers raping you. I thought you were over that?
actually you said that you would have to see how the teacher looked. Now you changing it to a force issue. Crazy shit you saying guy. A 12 year old cannot consent to sex with an adult. Why do you find this so hard to understand ?
actually you said that you would have to see how the teacher looked. Now you changing it to a force issue. Crazy shit you saying guy. A 12 year old cannot consent to sex with an adult. Why do you find this so hard to understand ?

I'm curious if you believe a 13 year old could consent to sex with another 13 year old ? ( I can't believe we're going to play this game again...boy are we bored)