They sell chemicals that kill bugs, birds eat bugs. Birds die.
Many chemicals sold as insecticides kill bugs - organic chems kill bugs - all those can be eaten by birds too.
So by your logic - insecticide makers kill bugs and birds by proxy. I can dig that but, That exact thing is very rare indeed. Nowadays.
Scott's used an insecticide, made by another company (they don't make insecticides, only use them and in less places then many think) In the case in question. They mixed insecticides with seeds to prevent bugs while in storage. Birds eat seeds - that killed birds, not the bugs...They were sued for that and lost. They don't use insecticides that way anymore - they are monitored on that.
See Lola's link...
Just to let you know - Weed and feed lawn ferts are simply high NPK ratio's to make a lawn fill in and choke out weeds - no anti weed chems in them...
Grub killing ferts are to kill grubs and thus moles don't dig around in your suburbia/rural home. They use a natural bacteria or fungus to do that (a form of BT). Not a "chemical".
I hate Imid - kills Bee's and causes colony collapse.....imid is used buy the almond industry on their trees. This is mostly in Cali.....Then bee colony's are trucked in to pollinate the trees. OOpsy! The industry that needs the bee's the most. Is killing the thing that makes the product possible......That is just and example, plenty more people use imid...