Is anyone else having trouble germinating new seeds ?

*Tin foil hat on*; Its the bloody breeders trying to make their products "clone only" and therefore protecting their copyright. It will destroy home growers once Big Pharma owns them all. *Tin foil hat off*
I'm having some trouble now with the seedling there are two first true leaves starting to grow The cotyledons leaves have already shrivelled up and turned yellow but the seedling isn't making any progress. maybe I should give it a mild N feed?
it was under a light it was doing well then I decided to put it outside because it's summer and was a nice day checked on it after two days and that's what it looks like maybe the night was too cold for it might bring it back in tomorrow if no change until it gets bigger if it does just hope it doesn't die ps it's an auto
Update on seedling, the seedling is no more RIP went outside to see if anything had changed and yes something had changed it was shrivelled up and white really bummed:cry: out. oh well what can you do
Also, you can use the freezer method. Throw in freezer over night and plant. Grows furious thinks it's spring. Or use the hot water method for older seeds.

When I use paper towel method, I put in a plastic bag then blow the bag up with air and seal it. Actually makes a difference.
thanks I like that new knowledge. I keep mine in frig but never thought about using freezer for 24 hrs