Wardrobe stealth build


Well-Known Member
Looking to build a stealth grow for someone but need some help as I have always done big grow rooms ore used the grow tents the space they have is
They are planning on buying a wardrobe with roughly these dimension then they want me to fit it out with equipment
Already have
.flood and drain trays
.600w hps sunmaster bulb and digital ballast
.panda film
.2x6inch extractor fans
.carbon filter
.59cm bye 48cm cool hood for light 6inch fittings for ducting and over 20 feet of ducting pipe
.ph testers
And a few other bits and bobs

just wondering if any one has eny experience with a grow like this ore how best to lay it out and what will be a good amount of plants to put in there cheers for eny help
I have an armoire cabinet converted and tbh that 600 is going to make heat a real problem.
I was only using a 400 but even with it dimmed it was too much.
6" fan on that thing will sound like an airplane is landing on it.
In the end I switched to a pcb led board setup using only 200>watts and have been very happy. Even downsized my fan to a 4.5"pc fan.
Hope you have better luck then I did
Ok cheers I thought the same thing keep trying to convince my mate to ditch that idea and stick a grown tent up if he's wants to do it all I have ever used is grow tents ore a 10ft by 7 foot room so no good at trying to set up these hidden grows lol
It comes down to expectations as well.
I'm pulling over 2grams a watt on my last couple runs but yet a lb seems to fill that cabinet to the point of diminishing return.

Leds can make smaller spaces work but hid in small areas is a pita imho
I'm assuming you're working metric since you didn't list any standard. Converting to imperial that means your space is:

4.75 feet wide x 2.13 feet deep x 6.5 feet high

Your best bet, believe it or not, is going to be a good T5 fixture. Minimal heat, good light, it's all you need. You can get a really nice T5 fixture for 180 bucks all in. That's a 4 foot long fixture with 6 6500K bulbs in it. That will fill that room with more than enough light and it does it while producing only a fraction of the heat. Wallpaper it with Mylar space blankets and you could, quite literally, use it as a tanning bed.

You've already got more than enough circulation to make that work and work very well. HPS in a space that small is going to be a non-starter unless you cool tube it and run a shitload of ducting...but that blows your stealth right out of the water, doesn't it?
Have a pretty similar area,also in a closet.Make sure plants elevated from floor,you want some type of air circulation under them. Next clad all your exposed walls with reflective,up to you what budget your on,remember inside of doors. Make sure whole thing is light tight,none getting in and none getting out. Iv'e got two T5's running vertically on each side and 400w spider cob LED lowered from clothing rack,real high tech,lol. No heat probs,just two 12in fans,one facing in,the other out. Got 9 plants in there at mom so having sm issues with humidity,78-80% but went to cleaning section at woolies and got 3 damprid that hang like coathangers and starting to come down. No need for extractors. IT works,you can do it,jeez if i can anyone can. Main expense would be lights of course,just keep your temps around 70-75 and rh 55-65% and your sweet. Got autos in there at mo,so won't be long get original investment return. Hope this helps,everything iv'e learned is from these forums,you can to. By the way mine is in soil and 3 gal pots
Have a pretty similar area,also in a closet.Make sure plants elevated from floor,you want some type of air circulation under them. Next clad all your exposed walls with reflective,up to you what budget your on,remember inside of doors. Make sure whole thing is light tight,none getting in and none getting out. Iv'e got two T5's running vertically on each side and 400w spider cob LED lowered from clothing rack,real high tech,lol. No heat probs,just two 12in fans,one facing in,the other out. Got 9 plants in there at mom so having sm issues with humidity,78-80% but went to cleaning section at woolies and got 3 damprid that hang like coathangers and starting to come down. No need for extractors. IT works,you can do it,jeez if i can anyone can. Main expense would be lights of course,just keep your temps around 70-75 and rh 55-65% and your sweet. Got autos in there at mo,so won't be long get original investment return. Hope this helps,everything iv'e learned is from these forums,you can to. By the way mine is in soil and 3 gal pots

Thanks for the answers