The Monsanto Thread

I'm sorry to hear that.

It could be worse, a woman could cut your dick off and throw it out the window of a moving vehicle.

Ya know, perception.
There are hundreds if not thousands of cases of farmers being sued by Mon$atan because pollen from their GM crops blew down the road and contaminated another farmer's crops thus illegally contaminating the sued farmer's crops with their frankenfood pollen.
This is @OldMedUser lying. It's made up B.S. The people sued by Monsanto were deliberately using their patented tech because they wanted to spray their crops with RoundUp. The hapless organic farmer who got sued by Monsanto because their neighbors pollen contaminated their crop is nothing more than a fantasy from self styled "activists" who have turned the Monsanto windmill into some demon they can fight and signal to others their virtue.

This reminds me of the jackasses who go around claiming to be former Navy SEALS. When confronted with the fact that their names don't appear in the records they claim their records are "classified." So it goes with @OldMedUser. He can't cough up any of these hundreds if not thousands of lawsuits because of nondisclosure agreements. Not a single person has gone to court with Monsanto...except the people deliberately trying to rip them off. Funny that. Every single one of the innocent farmers who got sued had no choice but to settle. It's just nonsense.

For those keeping score at home, the Organic Seed Growers And Trade Association sued Monsanto to get declaratory relief for the very situation that @OldMedUser is bullshitting us about. They wanted the Court to hand down a judgment preventing a lawsuit against their innocent farmers who didn't want anything to do with RoundUp ready genetics and didn't want to get sued by Monsanto. The suit was tossed out and not just because these claims about Monsanto suing innocent farmers are a bunch of bullshit. The suit was also tossed out because Monsanto has promised not to sue hapless farmers. When you combine the facts that none of the dozens of plaintiffs could point to any farmers who had been sued for inadvertent contamination, the fact that Monsantos lawyers promised the Court that they had never sued a farmer for inadvertent, and a public promise the company has officialy made that others are relying on, you get a tossed out lawsuit.

That's the facts, Monsanto cannot sue hapless farmers as @OldMedUser tried to bullshit us about. If they do, the lawsuit will get tossed out in a preliminary motion. It's called "judicial estoppel."

While Monsanto’s representations are not a covenant not to sue, they have a similar effect. If we rely on Monsanto’s representations to defeat the appellants’ declaratory judgment claims (as we do), those representations are binding as a matter of judicial estoppel. It is well established that a party who successfully argues one position is estopped from later adopting a contrary postion in a case involving the same patent. See, e.g., U.S. Philips Corp. v. Sears Roebuck & Co., 55 F.3d 592, 596–97 (Fed. Cir. 1995); see also New Hampshire v. Maine, 532 U.S. 742, 750–51 (2001). The main factors warranting judicial estoppel are (1) a party’s later position is “clearly inconsistent” with its prior position, (2) the party success fully persuaded a court to accept its prior position, and (3) the party would derive an unfair advantage or impose an unfair detriment on the opposing party if not stopped.”
New Hampshire v. Maine, 532 U.S. at 750–51.

That's the law found in a 2013 Federal Circuit case called OSGATA v. Monsanto. There isn't a shred of evidence that Monsanto is suing anyone for inadvertent pollenation despite @OldMedUser claim that "hundreds" of farmers are being sued for this. All he can do is try to blow more smoke up your ass about how bullying all those innocent farmers is a secret that Monsanto pays millions to keep buried. He knows because he read it off a picture in his Facebook feed or something. Also, 9/11 was an inside job and the concept of MSG was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. restaurants non-competitive.
No, they just tested the soybeans and found their proprietary genetic code in their crops. They lost their seed stock and ended up settling out of court.
This is more like the Meth-santo therad.

"Chemtrails and gay frogs.

Monsanto, evil capitalists, illuminati confirmed, vaccines cause autism"-levels of bullshit going on in here.
dont give the right for pepole 2 be trolls fucken starting to hate what this forum is becoming i seriosly hope all the trolls on here get busted what could ov been e decent discushion fuck i should have joined another forum only goot part of this forum is the organics section
dont give the right for pepole 2 be trolls fucken starting to hate what this forum is becoming i seriosly hope all the trolls on here get busted what could ov been e decent discushion fuck i should have joined another forum only goot part of this forum is the organics section

Then by all means confine your inarticulate shit-posting activity to the Organics section
dont give the right for pepole 2 be trolls fucken starting to hate what this forum is becoming i seriosly hope all the trolls on here get busted what could ov been e decent discushion fuck i should have joined another forum only goot part of this forum is the organics section
You hope people get busted and don't rite gud...

You a cop?
dont give the right for pepole 2 be trolls fucken starting to hate what this forum is becoming i seriosly hope all the trolls on here get busted what could ov been e decent discushion fuck i should have joined another forum only goot part of this forum is the organics section
cool, we already got enough illiterate assholes here!!!!
dont give the right for pepole 2 be trolls fucken starting to hate what this forum is becoming i seriosly hope all the trolls on here get busted what could ov been e decent discushion fuck i should have joined another forum only goot part of this forum is the organics section

dont give the right for pepole 2 be trolls fucken starting to hate what this forum is becoming i seriosly hope all the trolls on here get busted what could ov been e decent discushion fuck i should have joined another forum only goot part of this forum is the organics section

Ya know, they do have a point. Articulation is key in a debate. Grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc. are very important. I know you mean well, your heart is in the right place.

Ya know, they do have a point. Articulation is key in a debate. Grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc. are very important. I know you mean well, your heart is in the right place.

fair enough but i dont realize iv made half of the mistakes iv made and when i do it becouse someones replied 2 the thread and im checking thier reply im not articulate iv got problems not every one is inteligent if thay have that mutch of a problem they can hit the ignore butten not having a dig a at you dude i get youre point but if its that big of a deal thay instead of being dicks thay could offer advice instaed of jumping at the chance 2 be an asshole again nothing against u man i see your point i know i got alot of shit 2 work on im just getting a bit frustrated this forum was the one place i could come where i felt like i fit in i wouldent no any of what i now know if it wasent for this thread i deffanetly wouldnt of made it this far had nothing but admeration and respect for this forum considering leaving no one seems 2 be able 2 put shit aside and attempt to talk about the subject at hand no it ohlook this guy did somthing wrong lets be assholes half the most notable members on here are trolls and when there not being trolls its becouse there talking to one another again nothing against u dude just over thier shit
fair enough but i dont realize iv made half of the mistakes iv made and when i do it becouse someones replied 2 the thread and im checking thier reply im not articulate iv got problems not every one is inteligent if thay have that mutch of a problem they can hit the ignore butten not having a dig a at you dude i get youre point but if its that big of a deal thay instead of being dicks thay could offer advice instaed of jumping at the chance 2 be an asshole again nothing against u man i see your point i know i got alot of shit 2 work on im just getting a bit frustrated this forum was the one place i could come where i felt like i fit in i wouldent no any of what i now know if it wasent for this thread i deffanetly wouldnt of made it this far had nothing but admeration and respect for this forum considering leaving no one seems 2 be able 2 put shit aside and attempt to talk about the subject at hand no it ohlook this guy did somthing wrong lets be assholes half the most notable members on here are trolls and when there not being trolls its becouse there talking to one another again nothing against u dude just over thier shit

I hear you. And agree mostly. But If you break your posts into paragraphs they would be much easier to understand and read.

Like this! Now the words won't all run together and look like a blur. Posting concise readable comments will get a much better response.

I know the popular trolls will attack. It's just part of RIU.
I hear you. And agree mostly. But If you break your posts into paragraphs they would be much easier to understand and read.

Like this! Now the words won't all run together and look like a blur. Posting concise readable comments will get a much better response.

I know the popular trolls will attack. It's just part of RIU.
thank you for your advice i apreciate youre feedack.i will defenetly start studying grahmer! spelling might take awhile. lol. and to enigma i like you to bro i hope u dident think i was having ago at u man if somebody is wright thier wright and i have no problem admiting it. Its just when they are trolls about it sutch as these a holes plus im not in a very good frame of mind hopfully i dont killmy exept for when its time FUCK MONSANTO :hump::peace: