Well-Known Member
If we eliminated all the post of liberals calling others names this thread wouldn't be 5 pages long.
Typical liberal shit. Can't defend their position.
Absolutely NOT! Buy what's right for you and pay for yourself! No hand outs of any kind to anyone. Unless they are DISABLED! Get to work.Do you support universal healthcare?
There was no defense just name calling or can't you remember what you typed 3 minutes ago?!I did defend my position. You have no clue what you are talking about. Reading an article doesn't make you an expert on the issue. I proved the point that you are using typical CONSERVATIVE bullshit to stereotype and exaggerate issue to scare people into voting against what is best for them.
If we eliminated all the post of liberals calling others names this thread wouldn't be 5 pages long.
There was no defense just name calling or can't you remember what you typed 3 minutes ago?!
Absolutely NOT!
K, so we spend the most and get worse results in healthcare than other developed country. I leave it to you to tell us why.But to spend the most and get the results we do means the job isn't getting done. I leave it to you to tell us why.
Here you go!
"We need leadership change," New York Democratic Rep. Kathleen Rice told CNN outside the House chamber. "It's time for Nancy Pelosi to go, and the entire leadership team."
Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Seth Moulton echoed Rice's complaints in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper. "This is certainly something that we have to discuss because it's clear that, I think, across the board in the Democratic Party we need new leadership. It's time for a new generation of leadership in the party."
The moderate New York Democrat said she had talked to a number of House Democrats since last night's defeat and some expressed concerns about keeping the same leadership team. She said she is not interested in running for Pelosi's post or other leadership posts, but said there are discussions among some Democrats about next steps. She didn't call for Pelosi's immediate ouster, but said that she hopes Pelosi will ultimately decide not to run for another term as the top Democratic leader in the next Congress and several others emerge as alternatives to lead the caucus.
(CNN)Jon Ossoff's defeat in Georgia's special House election -- an election Democrats hoped would have been a referendum on President Donald Trump -- has renewed some soul searching among its members.
In an interview with CNN's Don Lemon Wednesday, Rep. Tim Ryan criticized his party's brand, their outreach to voters and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
"The brand is just bad," Ryan said. "I don't think people in the beltway are realizing just how toxic the Democratic Party brand is in so many parts of the country."
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Lemon asked Ryan if he believed Pelosi was more toxic than Donald Trump.
"The honest answer is in some areas of the country -- yes, she is," Ryan said. " I think that in certain areas, like in some of these special election districts, it doesn't benefit our candidates to be tied to her. "
Ryan challenged Pelosi last fall for the top leadership position, but lost that internal election, receiving only 63 votes from the 194 members.
"Clearly, we're coming off an election, and she's been getting pounded now for 10 years with negative ads from the Republicans." Ryan added, "I don't think it's fair. But, clearly, these ads using her, linking her to our candidates is still working."
The Ohio lawmaker argued that the Democratic Party had lost touch with the working class.
"I worry sometimes that we get so obsessed and angered by Donald Trump, which is OK, but you can't hold on to it because it takes your eye off the ball," Ryan said.
"We're not focusing on the economic messages. People in Ohio, Don, aren't really talking about Russia or Michael Flynn or Putin ... They're worried about paying the bills."
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There aren't any lies coming from me young buck!
I want people earning a living not living on others money. All the American dream entitles us to is a equal opportunity. Then it's all on us! The hard working thrive and the lazy people don't. We are nearing 50% of Americans receive some sort of government benefit. That's CRAZY!!
Where in the world do you think the money comes that gets handed out to the 47 % or so who get benifits?
Not seeing it doesn't mean it's not happening.
the parts of the country that voted for hillary account for two thirds of our economy, and the parts of the country that voted for trump have disproportionately high rates of disability, food stamp usage, and welfare usage.
the democratic areas of our nation thrive and have lower rates of unemployment than the broken down, rusted out, opioid addicted, disability check loving trump areas.
and that is a fact, retard.
you're welcome for all the free money and welfare, brokedick.
liberals calling others names
No hand outs of any kind to anyone. Unless they are DISABLED!
and if they are disabled, we make fun of them.
and then we complain about name calling like a two faced little rat fuck.
It is very interesting to see all the conservatives claiming they have no idea why politics in our country has come to the point of someone trying to kill congressmen during a baseball practice. You can't have Trump be the leader of your party and then act like you don't promote violent behavior and name calling.
Starting to learn I see, of course they are, they are politicians duh.these beta males are such two faced rat pussies.
It is very interesting to see all the conservatives claiming they have no idea why politics in our country has come to the point of someone trying to kill congressmen during a baseball practice. You can't have Trump be the leader of your party and then act like you don't promote violent behavior and name calling.
America by definition can't line up with a strong far left leader. That's no longer democracy. It's some form of socialism. But they won't label it that way. That's Bernie territory without Bernie. I want people earning a living not living on others money. All the American dream entitles us to is a equal opportunity. Then it's all on us! The hard working thrive and the lazy people don't. We are nearing 50% of Americans receive some sort of government benefit. That's CRAZY!! You might have to move to find opportunities. I know I did. But it is on us individually to find it and work for it. Not for half of us to work hard to give a portion of it to those who choose not to do it for themselves. I'm all for the government helping those who can't help themselves but there's no way in hell that number should be near 50%! And if it is that means the requirements are way way to kind. But if you're an able bodied person you should be earning your own way! You should feel better getting a check from Mickey Ds than a check from the government. I don't care if you're a laid off lawyer, carpenter, new graduate, or a mailman. You should take any job until that better job is found.
Give a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach him how to fish you feed him for life! Our schools need to do better. And no they don't need more money. We already spend the most and I don't believe we even receive top 30 ranking world wide. For some people college isn't even a wise choice. But we don't tell them that. We push them towards college and the debt that comes with it! Then they can't even use the silly degrees they're getting! But some of the reasons they fail is they are being taught by far left teachers who couldn't survive in the real world. You'll find many teachers are like building inspectors. A building inspector is generally a failed builder! And he's got no idea what the hell hes talking about!