So went checked on ladies(yesterday)when I got there part of my fence was knocked down. When I looked closer at plants leaves had been bitten had to be fucking deer! So up set especially considering all the line of defences i had. I removed a couple fan leaves that had been bit. Put fence up spreaded a lot more human hair watered and left. My plan now is to get fishing line and couple post so I can mk a fence with that on the perimeter. Stopped by harborside in oakland ca and grabbed 6 clones all double dream. Went to work got off at around 1am get home and my lady ends up fighting her mom's sister in the process of trying to break it up the husband of the wife my lady was fighting started fight with me and now it feels like I have a broke rib hurts just sitting here hurts every time I breathe every time I cough extreme pain. All i can think was how am I going to get water to my plants. I carry a 5 gallon water jug on my back. And the hike is very hard. I'm very athletic 210lbs 6"1 28 years old in great shape. And that shits hard period. Went to ER they took x ray and cat scan no breaks just a really bad contusion and bruise so hopefully it heals up quick or pain becomes at least manageable so I can hike. Got couple two 5 gallons up there that will save me about 1 week. Rough day.