Well-Known Member
lock her upCalling it like I see it. You keep trying to call me names instead of refuting my observation.
Sure sign of a weak position.
lock her up
lock her upCalling it like I see it. You keep trying to call me names instead of refuting my observation.
Sure sign of a weak position.
If they're guilty, they're guilty. Let it work its way through the courts.yep, just some lite fraud.
the current Democratic Party apparatchiks are so terrified of it and will do whatever they can to stop it.
They've already put their donor cash where their mouths putting it in the party platform?
"Fuck facts, my feels say <insert ridiculous notion here>" - ttystikkThey've already put their donor cash where their mouths are.
That would be why I'm no longer fooled by either Democratic Party bullshit or your increasingly shrill and ever less intelligent vitriol.
That all the little man has is names! But I'll tell you this he has a lot of names for anyone who doesn't 100% agree with him. Rather pathetic if you ask me. But people like him is why we will continue to win. His candidates keep losing and he can't figure out why. Personally I'm glad he's lost and can't make a competent argument. The louder and longer he acts like a child the better it is for our country!Their results speak for themselves.
You can't provide a substantive argument so of course you retreat to name calling.
we will continue to win
You expect Republicans to vote for your candidates. That's why you run moderate centrists, like Ossoff and Clinton, and they get their asses handed to them by Republicans. That's your strategy, own it. We think trying to earn that remaining 54% who didn't vote is a better strategy. That's why we move to the left while you move to the right, and consistently lose."Fuck facts, my feels say <insert ridiculous notion here>" - ttystikk
You can't even get support from Democrats but expect Republicans to vote for your people...
She won 53% of the vote.You expect Republicans to vote for your candidates. That's why you run moderate centrists, like Ossoff and Clinton, and they get their asses handed to them by Republicans. That's your strategy, own it. We think trying to earn that remaining 54% who didn't vote is a better strategy. That's why we move to the left while you move to the right, and consistently lose.
What ever you say! I've told you before I'll tell you again. Keep up the demonizing of everyone who doesn't agree with you and call us all the childish names you like. None of it is helping you or your beliefs. I will correct myself though. It's not close to 1400 seats you're Democratic Party has lost. It's really close to 1100. Forgive my memory. But that's still a HUGE number. I hope you really enjoy the demonization and name calling because if you're not you're really wasting your time! Do you really think you've convinced anyone to vote for your ideology? Slowly but surely even the Dems are realizing what they've been doing and preaching isn't working. But keep up the resistance and other antics it's only helping the Conservatives win over the independents."nazi ideology puts faith in victory and vanquishes all doubt"
SHE LOST THE ELECTION! Who cares that she did great in the large liberal states? The only number that matters is 232 - 306 that's 43% Dems - 57% republicans. You lost by 14% of the electoral college. You can hang your hopes on every other stat you wish. But there is only one set of numbers that matter.She won 53% of the vote.
Maybe you should blame the EC system instead of taking a swipe at your own side like an angry retarded child.
SHE LOST THE ELECTION! Who cares that she did great in the large liberal states? The only number that matters is 232 - 306 that's 43% Dems - 57% republicans. You lost by 14% of the electoral college. You can hang your hopes on every other stat you wish. But there is only one set of numbers that matter.
232-306 Just in case you can't see it that's an ass kicking!
the demonizing of everyone who doesn't agree with you
Thank god the founders of this country were as smart as they were!
And still list by 14%!you think it was smart to give extra power to slave states and count black people as 3/5th of a white?
hillary won more votes. 3 million more. the people chose hillary, big time.
What ever"doesn't agree with you" is a great euphemism for "fanatical racist authoritaryan".
You're really a broken record. It's getting think it was smart to give extra power to slave states and count black people as 3/5th of a white?
hillary won more votes. 3 million more. the people chose hillary, big time.
You're really a broken record. It's getting old.
Not gloating at all just replying to all the crying going on. You're all lost and still have no idea why you were defeated so badly. I know losing to a beginner is hard so it's a good thing you've got several more years to get over it! But it seems to me you're not learning a lesson that should be obvious. Not only is your message a losing one but the people you're nominating are horrible candidates. Blame it on everything else but the real problem.Lol, nice three post AM meltdown. Still gloating about your big win is beyond pathetic, sweetheart. Trump lost the popular vote by millions, he has no mandate. There will be no wall, there will be no repeal of Obamacare, there will be no Muslim bans, and there will be no tax reform. Your president and his Congress have an approval rating around thirty percent. How does it feel to be part of the crying minority?