Well-Known Member
This particular cup wasnt political....there where over 120 judges and the samples only had a it was truly a blind taste test...... but 2 "Cup Wins" (highly subjective and generally "political") don't prove anything VS 1,000's of "unflushed" Cup Wins.
Optimal "diet" will lead to healthy "metabolism" and "waste". Example; how many Enemas have you had? If you say "0", then you "must be" backed up with excess waste. Right? The only reason for a flush/enema is due to unhealthy nutrient regimen/diet. Feed the wrong nutrient levels and you will require an enema/nutrient "flush". This also accounts for kidney/gallbladder/bladder stones. Appropriate nutrient vs H2O levels completely eliminates this error/enema necessity. Appropriate "water to micro/macro-nutrient" levels completely negate "flushing".
Don't believe me, just ask any "Dr"/Botanist. Why should you trust me? I'm kinda "In the Know".