Democrat, Anthony Rendon, just shelved single-payer in California

Pissing away billions of dollars on war and nobody bats an eyelash. If the same happened with a single payer healthcare system every Trump voter in the country (most of which would benefit from it) would take to the streets pitchforks in hand.

Fucking dolts.
Exactly! Trump calls for 50 billion dollar INCREASE in military spending (part for another Nuke aircraft carrier) and nobody Democrat or Republican says boo! Meanwhile Aubrey De Grey has to go begging for 400 million over 10 years for aging research. If we can control aging that will eliminate some diseases and greatly reduce many others.

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Exactly! Trump calls for 50 billion dollar INCREASE in military spending (part for another Nuke aircraft carrier) and nobody Democrat or Republican says boo! Meanwhile Aubrey De Grey has to go begging for 400 million over 10 years for aging research. If we can control aging that will eliminate some diseases and greatly reduce many others.

Putting an end to Citizens United and ending the flow of money into American politics will help solve this problem, among many others.
gee, if only one party or the other would vote that way unanimously and put the tenet in their party platform.
I did vote for Mrs Clinton in November. She still lost, despite all the official excuses.

It's time for a very different approach but I don't see anyone in the party stepping up to that plate. One can only wonder why?

My answer to that question is 'follow the money'.
I did vote for Mrs Clinton in November. She still lost, despite all the official excuses.

It's time for a very different approach but I don't see anyone in the party stepping up to that plate. One can only wonder why?

My answer to that question is 'follow the money'.
agree, follow the money! Hopefully they'll get to the bottom of the Bernie and Jane Sanders situation. I thought he hated banks?
agree, follow the money! Hopefully they'll get to the bottom of the Bernie and Jane Sanders situation. I thought he hated banks?
I still think pushing a progressive agenda and candidates will encourage the Democratic Party to move left. In spite of their donors' wishes.
You're a Canuck?
Nope, I meant the US Army.

Pull out everything except Special Forces and their logistics and just pop them all off, one by one, from a distance with no collateral damage.

Civilians seeing ISIS members dying (before they even hear the shot) with no accidental losses would make us heroes instead of "callous bringers of death from the sky".

When they pop their heads out of the holes in the ground (where they're now living for fear of being sniped) make sure there's a bullet to greet them.
Nope, I meant the US Army.

Pull out everything except Special Forces and their logistics and just pop them all off, one by one, from a distance with no collateral damage.

Civilians seeing ISIS members dying (before they even hear the shot) with no accidental losses would make us heroes instead of "callous bringers of death from the sky".

When they pop their heads out of the holes in the ground (where they're now living for fear of being sniped) make sure there's a bullet to greet them.
SF trains local national guerilla forces to rise up, mainly.
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