bernie sanders: regressive

Study shows 15 dollar an hour minimum wages in Oregon have already cost 5000 jobs! Study show those the law was meant to help are actually making less. Their hours have been decreased and automation is taking other jobs! Don't say I didn't warn you about this!
Study shows 15 dollar an hour minimum wages in Oregon have already cost 5000 jobs! Study show those the law was meant to help are actually making less. Their hours have been decreased and automation is taking other jobs! Don't say I didn't warn you about this!

You're back? Thought for sure you were still dancing around somewhere else celebrating your big 9-0 victory yesterday, lmao.
Study shows 15 dollar an hour minimum wages in Oregon have already cost 5000 jobs! Study show those the law was meant to help are actually making less. Their hours have been decreased and automation is taking other jobs! Don't say I didn't warn you about this!

Cite or it didn't happen.
Time for another win.

Delusional skidmark.

CNN "ratings are incredible right now," President Trump "good for business"
John Bonifield, CNN Producer Says Russia Narrative "Mostly bullshit right now"
"Get back to Russia," Says CEO Jeff Zucker
President Trump is Right About Witch Hunt, "No real proof"
Comes in Wake of CNN's Russia-Gate Retraction & New Rules on Russia Coverage

(NEW YORK) -- Project Veritas has released a video of CNN Producer John Bonifield who was caught on hidden-camera admitting that there is no proof to CNN's Russia narrative.

"I mean, it's mostly bullshit right now," Bonifield says. "Like, we don't have any giant proof."

He confirms that the driving factor at CNN is ratings:

"It's a business, people are like the media has an ethical phssssss... All the nice cutesy little ethics that used to get talked about in journalism school you're just like, that's adorable. That's adorable. This is a business."

According to the CNN Producer, business is booming. "Trump is good for business right now," he concluded.

Bonifield further goes on to explain that the instructions come straight from the top, citing the CEO, Jeff Zucker:

"Just to give you some context, President Trump pulled out of the climate accords and for a day and a half we covered the climate accords. And the CEO of CNN (Jeff Zucker) said in our internal meeting, he said good job everybody covering the climate accords, but we're done with that, let's get back to Russia."

Bonifield also acknowledged: "I haven't seen any good enough evidence to show that the President committed a crime." He continues:

"I just feel like they don't really have it but they want to keep digging. And so I think the President is probably right to say, like, look you are witch hunting me. You have no smoking gun, you have no real proof."

"To report not on facts, but instead on narratives that yield high ratings, is exactly the definition of fake news," said James O'Keefe. "We said we are going after the media, and there is a lot more to come."
But there was no "win" that was "fake news" the ban was placed on the docket for Oct, lmao
Did this or did this not change how people are allowed into this country? Or not! You sure like to move the end zone. Keep believing the narrative they're feeding you. The only people looking bad now is obama and his administration. Loretta lynch will be brought in to testify under oath. Just wait until she's forced to plead the fifth because of her illegal actions. Or the memo that they have of her telling CLINTON campaign she won't allow the email INVESTIGATION to go to far. That's not collusion is it? Obama is in the crosshairs on Russia now. He knew months in advance and did nothing! He's the one caught on a hot mic about being free to assist them after his second election. Eric holder was the first AG to be held in contempt of congress. That's an administration to be proud of. Never mind the IRS Louis Lerner she's another criminal! The list goes on but you wouldn't accept facts anyway.
Did this or did this not change how people are allowed into this country? Or not! You sure like to move the end zone. Keep believing the narrative they're feeding you. The only people looking bad now is obama and his administration. Loretta lynch will be brought in to testify under oath. Just wait until she's forced to plead the fifth because of her illegal actions. Or the memo that they have of her telling CLINTON campaign she won't allow the email INVESTIGATION to go to far. That's not collusion is it? Obama is in the crosshairs on Russia now. He knew months in advance and did nothing! He's the one caught on a hot mic about being free to assist them after his second election. Eric holder was the first AG to be held in contempt of congress. That's an administration to be proud of. Never mind the IRS Louis Lerner she's another criminal! The list goes on but you wouldn't accept facts anyway.

You are the type of person that people in other countries think of when they think of Americans. A stooge that parrots retarded talking points and votes against his own best interests out of spite.

Try clicking on something other than Breitbart...
When war starts. You can run ammo to the front line. Express your views along the way. Call everybody a retard. See if it helps a gotdamn thing.
What do you know about running ammo? Ever carry a SAW or a 240B or 60-200 pounds on your back while walking 10-20 kliks and climbing mountains and shit while under fire? Have you ever even patrolled anything but a FOB? Or did you just patrol in Garrison?
Here is the state of OBAMACARE! This is the liberal New York Times. This awful law was imposed on us by the democrats with absolute no votes voting for it other than democrats. They knew they law was awful before they passed it. Planned on fixing it or should I say steering it to single payer. Because they couldn't vote to pass single payer and keep their jobs. So they passed this law that was doomed to fail because it was so poorly crafted. But if they passed this law that they knew would eventually fall apart they could in the future vote for single payer as a replacement. But once they stirred the pot they started losing elections on every level across the nation. Elections they're still losing. That's why we are stuck with this crappy law.

But what about the facts. It's in a death spiral now as you will see from this article. Just remember the democrats broke healthcare and they don't care about fixing the problem. They just want to fix the failing plan which is unfixable because they're trying to hang on to every tiny piece of legacy they can for their god Obama. They're willing to let all these people have zero or no choice because they won't participate in a better a law.
They should repeal the whole law and then pass something that both sides can agree to from the start. I'm not a fan of this bill either. I'm hoping it doesn't pass. Then I hope congress moves on and leave Obamacare as it is. It will be completely dead in the next year or two. Then tie a bow on it and wrap it around every democratic/liberal candidate in every election local, state, and national! It could very well be a death blow to liberal socialism.
You are the type of person that people in other countries think of when they think of Americans. A stooge that parrots retarded talking points and votes against his own best interests out of spite.

Try clicking on something other than Breitbart...
I'm not worried about what any other country thinks about us! We need to focus on us!
Just remember the democrats broke healthcare

the democrats passed the PPACA, which...

*made premiums rise slower than at any other time in the history of our nation
*got 30 million more people on insurance
*stopped the rise of health care costs in this nation, period.

then as soon as republicans took over they literally stopped funding it and insurers pulled out, citing that republicans wouldn't fund it.

are you honestly fucking retarded? or do you get paid to spam us?
Here is the state of OBAMACARE! This is the liberal New York Times. This awful law was imposed on us by the democrats with absolute no votes voting for it other than democrats. They knew they law was awful before they passed it. Planned on fixing it or should I say steering it to single payer. Because they couldn't vote to pass single payer and keep their jobs. So they passed this law that was doomed to fail because it was so poorly crafted. But if they passed this law that they knew would eventually fall apart they could in the future vote for single payer as a replacement. But once they stirred the pot they started losing elections on every level across the nation. Elections they're still losing. That's why we are stuck with this crappy law.

But what about the facts. It's in a death spiral now as you will see from this article. Just remember the democrats broke healthcare and they don't care about fixing the problem. They just want to fix the failing plan which is unfixable because they're trying to hang on to every tiny piece of legacy they can for their god Obama. They're willing to let all these people have zero or no choice because they won't participate in a better a law.

Fake news.
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