Universal Basic Income; 'bout time or batshit crazy?

You mixed up your input numbers. Children don't work and so don't make 30k per year. The median income in 2015 was 35k, but that's a small error compared to your assumption that every man woman and child have an income.
Children count for welfare, food stamps and tax deductions, why not basic income? They eat and need shelter, services like education and healthcare.
@Lucky Luke I responded to your post with Aussie tax rates on the last page.

What's the situation with tax deductions there?

Deductions are a huge mess here, they tend to be very regressive- as in the poorer people are, the less they tend to qualify for them.
@SneekyNinja or anyone who likes math

the u.s. pop is 318.86 . more than half of U.S. wage earners made less than $30,000. half of 318 is 159.

6,455,240 people earn at least $500K annually that's 2% of the entire pop.
take "one-percenters" or say there are only 3,227,620 people earning that much. that's 3,227,620 people

now tax that 3,227,620 people each $1,000 a month or 12,000 a year.
divide that money equally between the 159 million making under 30,000 .
you have $20.29 left over and a whole 3,227,620 more people earning over 500k left, if you need more
I didnt run your numbers but at face value you could definitely tax them more than that individually...

No-one opposes the wealthier paying more, it's the smash and grab tactics by some on the ridiculous left that most people oppose.

You have to make the payment universal though, so count that into your math and increase taxes accordingly.
The western world is not under attack by Muslims. I point out that the preponderance of all terror attacks in the US come from people born in the US. Practically all of those terror US attacks are by white Christians. The propaganda tactics you have fallen prey to are fear mongering and scapegoating of minorities. The person you should fear is the white man who sits in the pew next to you.
Excuse me I should have been more clear. The western world is under attack from radical Islam.
Just thought id share Australias tax rate for anyone comparing. Under 18k no tax payable.

Current Resident Tax Rates 2017 - 2018
Taxable income Tax on this income
$0 – $18,200 Nil
$18,201– $37,000 19c for each $1 over $18,200
$37,001 - $87,000 $3,572 plus 32.5c for each $1 over $37,000
$87,001 - $180,000 $19,822 plus 37c for each $1 over $87,000
$180,001 and over $54,232 plus 45c for every $1 over $180,000


what you reckon that nets as a percentage above our tax table which on the high end is about 40% and is about 10% on the low end where yours is zero.

maybe 5%?
Excuse me I should have been more clear. The western world is under attack from radical Islam.
How so? Practically all terrorists in the US were born here and are white and are Christian. Are Islamic terrorists sneaking into the country in white women's wombs? Are those radical Islam attackers hiding in Christian church pews? Maybe they are falsely claiming their father's and mother's country of origins as part of their heritage?

Have you gone totally bonkers or are you subject to @undercovergrow 's absolutely hilarious claim that

"facts don't have to be true to be believed"?

Too funny this.
It was not white Christian's that attacked Boston. Not sure if you live in the states or in England but England is under attack and it isn't from white Christian's. With over a million Muslims in England, ever here of the Trojan horse.

what a retard you are.

remember how it was a white christian that shot those 9 black people dead in church as they prayed?
How so? Practically all terrorists in the US were born here and are white and are Christian. Are Islamic terrorists sneaking into the country in white women's wombs? Are those radical Islam attackers hiding in Christian church pews? Maybe they are falsely claiming their father's and mother's country of origins as part of their heritage?

Have you gone totally bonkers or are you subject to @undercovergrow 's absolutely hilarious claim that

"facts don't have to be true to be believed"?

Too funny this.
you are so cute
biggest pussy is the keyboard warrior hard ass, literally everyone knows that except you.

emo kid.

then call his bluff and give him your address.

it's not like the military trained him to be a marksman that could take you out from hundreds of yards away or anything. then vanish without a trace.

edit: hey, where did your sig go?
face it, you are Republican status quo trump cocksucker who is embarrased to admit it in a public forum. And so, you call yourself a "libertarian" because that can mean whatever people want it to mean and sounds edgy.
View attachment 3968044

you need help finding the libertarian platform? it's non-negotiable, like my currency is.

very much unlike you post modern Marxists posing as democrats and the republicans which are Democrat lites.
Then why are most terrorist attacks perpetrated by Christians? In America, why are over 75% of all terror incidents done by white Christian American citizens?
The western world is not under attack by Muslims. I point out that the preponderance of all terror attacks in the US come from people born in the US. Practically all of those terror US attacks are by white Christians. The propaganda tactics you have fallen prey to are fear mongering and scapegoating of minorities. The person you should fear is the white man who sits in the pew next to you.

could you two possibly be more cucked?

clearly he said the western world, not the united states, which is only part and parcel to the western world.

your worldviews are tiny.