Is this a wise choice for a new led!?

Also has anyone from the U.K. Ordered this? He's already said it will be 135$ shipping but duty/import will be extra. Anyone done this to give me an idea how much it cost?
Money isn't a massive issue tbh. My main worry is the fact the vipar seems to lack the spread/power to cover the whole area nicely and the general consensus seems to be cob will do that which will surely in turn increase yields, my other "main" worry with the vipar is it has no warranty as it's been dropped and I've heard lots of stories about diodes failing etc. So the plan was to use the cob and throw the vipar under the bed as backup or maybe even use it on red mode for flowering? I do get where you're coming from and I'm not expecting to see a 50% yeild increase, but surely a better coverage and higher par figure will translate in to at least a measurable increase in yeild? I do appreciate your help although it may not seem like it lol
I think you're making a great decision upgrading your lighting. My lights are new and I'm over them as far as flowering goes. Imo those China made Leds are good for vegging but they fall short during flowering:(
So I'll be upgrading next run. Follow your first mind :)
I think you're making a great decision upgrading your lighting. My lights are new and I'm over them as far as flowering goes. Imo those China made Leds are good for vegging but they fall short during flowering:(
So I'll be upgrading next run. Follow your first mind :)
You not manage a decent yeild with your China light?
You not manage a decent yeild with your China light?
There are pics of it so far on the thread I started LED VS HPS. No, I'm not happy with the results so far. After RainDan explained a few things that I should look for in a light, I discovered my lights were lacking and wouldn't ultimately produce the QUALITY or QUANTITY of flowers a proper light would. I've seen with my own 2 eyes what proper lighting does.
There are pics of it so far on the thread I started LED VS HPS. No, I'm not happy with the results so far. After RainDan explained a few things that I should look for in a light, I discovered my lights were lacking and wouldn't ultimately produce the QUALITY or QUANTITY of flowers a proper light would. I've seen with my own 2 eyes what proper lighting does.
How do I see this? Still new here sorry haha
Can't seem to find it. Any chance of a link cause would love to see what you yielded. Also what Chinese panel were you using?
Just had a look now and they certainly look nice, Just a little lacking in the weight department, what wattage was the panel you were using? (Actual and "led")
2) 300 w ( 196 actual, so they claim)
Thanks, it's the lighting falling short and I won't be wasting my time attempting to flower with those again.
Hi @Tokintoucan

Thank you for the thread and also a big thank you to everyone for their very nice words - we do work hard at our customer service and make it a point to be a very customer focused company. I appreciate the feedback and will definitely pass it on to everyone else here.

I have replied to your PM - please feel free to respond either via PM, by email at [email protected] or in this thread.

Best Regards,

Do you guys send to Brazil? Im considering in buy one of those lights.
To the guy bigging up the vipar ,Vipar is total shit even i know that and i don't own LED yet, your comparing apple's with oranges mun,do your research bro
Actually, the light you originally posted is very much on par as the Viaspectra 900 you already have. The Cob I think would be a bit better overall, but I wouldn't expect a night and day difference.

In the end, they both utilize about the same amount of power. They're both rated for roughly the same space. Considering how much more the Cob cost, I think you'll be disappointed. Not because the Cob isn't a very good light. It is. But because it's not going to make any huge amount of difference in the end results of your grow. Certainly not 200 dollars worth at any rate.

I would hold off on buying one until you are ready to not only upgrade your lighting but upgrade your space as well...or at the very least until your Via 900 as at the end of its life, then definitely replace it with the Cob.

You don't have a clue what you are talking about. I'm seriously not trying to bash you in any way but that is the farthest from the truth as you can get. The Timber light will have at least 50% more light at the same wattage............
i guess thats only just under 1000 ppfd in a sq meter. i thought it would be brighter but 100W def dents cob efficiency, about 10% over the more typically used 50-60W/cob. but that fixture is an excellent value to light up a sq meter for sure. not the most efficient rig out there but it should do great for anybody replacing a 600 HPS

the only thing i dont like about it is its not readily expandable with those constant current drivers, youd be repurposing them if you wanted to add a cob or two.

if the whole thing was on one or two constant voltage drivers (tough with the oddball voltage of vero C), you could add 1 or 2 of the same model cobs in a year or two (when they are cheap as dirt) and get a nice efficiency bump on the fixture. also with the same size constant voltage drivers youd be eeking maybe 10% more power out of the cobs
I knew it wasn't the best before I bought it. It just seemed the best for the price at the time and is actually performing really well tbf, day 24 of flower
I think you get what you pay for I should say if your happy with your results no point changing unless it's about costs which I am considering changing
I think you get what you pay for I should say if your happy with your results no point changing unless it's about costs which I am considering changing
I'm happy for what it is. It replaced the hot noisy hps and worked. However I know there is better out there. Money isn't a massive issue, I just want the best light possible for 1x1m and I'm trying to find out what that is
I'm happy for what it is. It replaced the hot noisy hps and worked. However I know there is better out there. Money isn't a massive issue, I just want the best light possible for 1x1m and I'm trying to find out what that is
If you're looking for a manufactured/pre-made light/plug n grow then I'd recommend looking into the Amare SE-250 or SE-450 depending on your yield desires. If it were me, I'd go w/ the 450, that way if you have a light intensity sensitive strain you can always turn off the monos & run it @ 300w. W/ these you'll have quality components ran @ 1/2 their rated consumption for decent efficiency, a 5 yr warranty, & the option to use the enhanced spectrum or veg w/ it too. I use these & am happy.