Update. The gerber file is completed and forwarded to the manufacturer for review and manufacture. All CO-OP participants will get a copy of the gerber file, a copy of the quotation minus names and addresses and the contact email to the manufacturer for open environment, as well as the ability to negotiate further arrangements with the manufacturer. There are NO profits to be made, just some boards if others are interested and a willingness to work together. I am not going to sell any boards now or in the future.
I initiated this activity, to open the door to DIY by anyone with any reputable manufacturer in he LED market. If not enough folks show an interest, I will not pursue this any further. This is an opportunity to get your hands on some Samsung boards 100w per board 50 watts per channel. The 5000k and 3500k were chosen for their performance I have observed over the last year and a half experimenting with these differing spectrum. I have found together they create great vegging and and also great bloom. I developed the design for veg capabilities and toi run the boards in series with channels run in series, controlling either both channels or either channel directly with potentiometer dimming or PWM dimming.