Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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Ahhh, the smear by association.

If that's your idea of logic you're officially batshit crazy.

Just because we agree on an unrelated political idea does not mean I'm saddled with all their baggage. You have a problem with those statements, take it up with them. I'm not responsible for what another adult says.

Your crusade to smear anyone who doesn't agree with you is weak sauce and everyone else except fogdog and Stinkydigit sees right through it.

Put down the kool-aid and back away slowly, cult boy.

You're the only one who thinks the Democrats walk on water.

About Israel; I like Jewish people, culture, food and traditions. What the Israeli state has done to the Palestinians (who lived there first) is nothing short of a half century of ongoing state sponsored war crimes, equivalent to if not worse than South African apartheid. But I'm sure that makes me an antisemite in your twisted worldview. Go tell it to a Palestinian, asshole, and see what they have to say.

You're a sheltered snot nosed punk with an ego that's as fragile as it is oversized.

Now get the fuck out of my thread with your nasty reverse racist shit.

Standing O! Bravo! Tty, bra-vo!:clap:
And something I hate even more @UncleBuck is walking into a prospects place of business and in the course, prospects whispers 'you part of the tribe'? This offends me.

Happens at least 1x monthly.

I have to pull my personal Jew card and assure them my Jewish son-in-law (insert name, school graduated) makes me by proxy.
Didn't one of your Bern-outs say they thought going to a black doctor would make them crave chicken and watermelon?

I was addressing the stereotype, but since you're a compartmentalized, lizard brain deep down, you don't get it.

When was the last time YOU let a black man touch you? Put his hands in your mouth? Put you to sleep? Perform surgery?

I'm going to say fucking half past NEVER..

It is YOU who are the racist!:finger:
I was addressing the stereotype, but since you're a compartmentalized, lizard brain deep down, you don't get it.

When was the last time YOU let a black man touch you? Put his hands in your mouth? Put you to sleep? Perform surgery?

I'm going to say fucking half past NEVER..

It is YOU who are the racist!:finger:
You said that you personally wouldn't hire people with too black a name.

It's been cited at least 15 times.

And unless I refer to you directly or quote you (which I haven't been at all recently) stop replying to me, everyone knows your game.
And you're a Bernie baby. Funny, how no matter who won the election in November, Bernie babies were going to cry a storm. It's been over year, you should get over it, blow in grow.

Because it was not a true contest and we were robbed.

But cheaters get what they deserve ultimately..the VERY THING she wanted, the presidency, is LOST to her FOREVER.

Some of us are honest people who didn't lie and misrepresent themselves.

They keep their word..and honor their wagers.
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You said that you personally wouldn't hire people with too black a name.

It's been cited at least 15 times.

And unless I refer to you directly or quote you (which I haven't been at all recently) stop replying to me, everyone knows your game.

And you're a fucking liar. Cite it.

Ignore button works well..don't respond to me, Dad.

And reported for saying I said something without're able to recall it was 15 times, yet you won't post it, LIAR. It's the same as talking about someone when they're not here..I can't defend myself, but others remember what you say..just like a jury..once it's said, it doesn't get unsaid..they've heard and remember whether it's true or not. Cunt:finger:
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I was addressing the stereotype, but since you're a compartmentalized, lizard brain deep down, you don't get it.

When was the last time YOU let a black man touch you? Put his hands in your mouth? Put you to sleep? Perform surgery?

I'm going to say fucking half past NEVER..

It is YOU who are the racist!:finger:
It sounds like that black dentist really traumatized you... My doctor is a black chick.. I'd let her put more than just hands in my mouth. She's fucking sexy
Because it was not a true contest and we were robbed.

But cheaters get what they deserve ultimately..the VERY THING she wanted, the presidency, is LOST to her FOREVER.

Some of us are honest people who didn't lie and misrepresent themselves.

They keep their word.

Yeah they robbed you of your vote, derp. I would pay money to see the look on your face when you realized you couldn't vote for Bernie, lol.
And you're a fucking liar. Cite it.

Ignore button works well..don't respond to me.

And reported for saying I said something without citing.
Lol, pathetic.

Seriously though, stop replying to me, I've given you plenty of space and have been ignoring you completely until you reply to one of my posts. If you don't want to invoke my ire, stop invoking...
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