Well-Known Member
Quote me criticizing Clinton supporting the Republican witch hunt against her
ok, you want the "hillary is on the verge of death" quotes or the "but her speeches to goldman sachs!" quotes?
Quote me criticizing Clinton supporting the Republican witch hunt against her
Selective amnesia is another attribute that ties these loser white male liberals to loser white male red necksok, you want the "hillary is on the verge of death" quotes or the "but her speeches to goldman sachs!" quotes?
I'm not blindly following Sanders, I'm addressing a baseless smear tactic introduced by a Trump subordinate based on hearsay. If Sanders did anything unethical I would be the first person to criticize him because I actually hold the politicians I support accountable if they support or pass something progressives don't. Meanwhile, establishment Democrats give free passes to the politicians they support who can pass single payer in a state with a Democratic majority and a Democratic governor while claiming they still support it out of the other side of their mouth in the next breath.Or rather hinging a silly bet on technicalities, why don't you not act like the knuckle dragging Republicans who blindly follow their fearless leader? Even when real and actual evidence points to their criminal activities. Real criminal activities, not just some emails that may or may not have been considered classified before or after the fact. But rather actual criminal activities that hurt others.
Questioning her health and speeches she gave to Wall Street are both legitimateok, you want the "hillary is on the verge of death" quotes or the "but her speeches to goldman sachs!" quotes?
there is no need to make things up when you can simply talk about her voting record in the Senate to prove she's not a progressive.
Questioning her health and speeches she gave to Wall Street are both legitimate
The DNC wikileaks that is the subject of establishment Democrats current catastrophe with Russia. You are crying about Russia because you believe they hacked the DNC and exposed their corruption.. but you also claim they're fake or no big deal or they didn't show any wrongdoing...Fuck off hypocrite. Recall your complete meltdown over the DNC wikileaks BS that you still hyperventilate over. Not once have I seen anything that tied Clinton personally to the office back room email thread or any communication that linked her to the one question you feel caused Bernie to lose the south at the beginning of the primary.
The DNC wikileaks that is the subject of establishment Democrats current catastrophe with Russia. You are crying about Russia because you believe they hacked the DNC and exposed their corruption.. but you also claim they're fake or no big deal or they didn't show any wrongdoing...
How can you reconcile holding these two completely contradictory beliefs?
The DNC wikileaks that is the subject of establishment Democrats current catastrophe with Russia. You are crying about Russia because you believe they hacked the DNC and exposed their corruption.. but you also claim they're fake or no big deal or they didn't show any wrongdoing...
How can you reconcile holding these two completely contradictory beliefs?
And then say this:We have proof through Wikileaks that the DNC did not remain neutral as early as January, 2015, before Sanders even entered the race. I am honestly not sure why or how you can dispute this. We have evidence DWS colluded with MSNBC,then resigned as DNC chair in shame when it came to light. We have evidence Donna Brazile leaked multiple debate questions to the Clinton campaign. We have evidence of the Clinton campaign inviting (and them attending) multiple mainstream journalists to dinner, a private event that skews all possible objectivity, and there's evidence of election fraud taking place in multiple counties in New York that would have likely voted Sanders, somewhere in the realm of 120,000 votes, who were disenfranchised by the democratic party, which has also led to two different people being fired for the disaster.
or thisI'm not blindly following Sanders, I'm addressing a baseless smear tactic introduced by a Trump subordinate based on hearsay. If Sanders did anything unethical I would be the first person to criticize him because I actually hold the politicians I support accountable if they support or pass something progressives don't. Meanwhile, establishment Democrats give free passes to the politicians they support who can pass single payer in a state with a Democratic majority and a Democratic governor while claiming they still support it out of the other side of their mouth in the next breath.
It's a bullshit allegation levied by a Trump subordinate based on multiple lines of hearsay
I guarantee you nothing happens to Jane or Bernie Sanders
Implicated members of the DNC have verified the content of the emailshow would one go about verifying the content of stolen emails released by a hostile foreign power with the express intent of damaging the democrats and helping trump?
Implicated members of the DNC have verified the content of the emails
A level or corruption that virtually handed the most disliked political candidate in American history the nomination. We have Trump, right now, in part because of the actions committed by the DNC during the primaryI'm not disputing the details, just disputing the level of culpability and corruption you claim regarding the DNC's violation of its own rules
"No real cause to dismiss"... except that it was brought on by Brady Toensing, you know, this guy;while completely writing off an investigation to which you have no real cause to dismiss.
"A real crime" - show me the strongest evidence that makes you believe a real crime was committed by the Sanders'But am pointing out your hypocritical willingness to dismiss right now one investigation into a real crime while going all apoplectic over an internal violation of rules and dishonest acts that are in no way criminal or even illegal.
You can't win legitimately because your ideas and policy positions are bad
Another attempt at deflection. Not going to let you deflect. The subject is your hypocrisy.A level or corruption that virtually handed the most disliked political candidate in American history the nomination. We have Trump, right now, in part because of the actions committed by the DNC during the primary
Read my fucking post. I don't claim he's guilty, nor do I claim he's innocent as you so very quickly do. Neither you nor I have access to records of what happened. Enough evidence was available to impanel a Grand Jury. That's not a high bar. Yet there are legal requirements before a Grand Jury investigation may proceed. And so, I call you a hypocrite for so vehemently claiming a primary election was handed to Clinton by the DNC while, without any reason you dismiss the Sanders investigation."No real cause to dismiss"... except that it was brought on by Brady Toensing, you know, this guy;
Based on a story he heard from a Republican who heard it from another Republican, all who oppose Sanders' agenda, for the specific reason of trying to smear him politically because they know he's currently the strongest Democratic opponent that could challenge Trump in 2020.
"No real cause". Tell me, what's the cause you have to lend any credence to this bullshit conspiracy theory? Show me the strongest supporting evidence of Toensings allegations against Sanders and his wife
"A real crime" - show me the strongest evidence that makes you believe a real crime was committed by the Sanders'
Yes, an internal violation of rules took place with no meaningful effect on a primary held almost 9 months later. Sanders lost the primary in the South because he couldn't address the difference between economic equality and social equality. You and Sanders still have that blind side."An internal violation of rules" - that contributed to the Democratic loss and at least one SC seat, the DNC recording the lowest political contributions since 2003, a political party that is more disliked than both Trump/Pence and the GOP at large (astonishing), the fracturing of the party between establishment Democrats and progressives, and completely decimated levels of trust and credibility. The subversion of democracy. It turns out, people don't like that, even if it was just breaking a lil ol' internal rule that nobody really cared about anyway and it wasn't illegal. (I asked you, after the election, if we should make those rules legally binding, both you and Buck said no because you want the DNC to continue cheating immune of legal consequences). Your motives are transparent at this point. You can't win legitimately because your ideas and policy positions are bad, so you support cheating to win. Republicans support cheating, too, but so do you, which makes you no better than them.
Dishonest: she orchestrated a smear campaign against Sanders in WV that he was an atheist, just before the primary, being the chairperson of the DNC
All things equal she wouldn't have wonhillary beat bernie sanders by 4 million votes and trump by 3 million votes.
hillary also won poor and working class voters when running against trump and bernie.
All things equal she wouldn't have won
If Sanders had been on the ballot, I might have voted for him.All things equal she wouldn't have won
Sanders was beating Trump in polls on election day on average 10+%
I call you a hypocrite for so vehemently claiming a primary election was handed to Clinton by the DNC while, without any reason you dismiss the Sanders investigation.
You don't seem to realize that. Progressives are popular, establishment Democrats aren't. If we come to your side, we won't win. The only way to win is if you come to our side. If we don't win because you refuse to come to our side on issues like universal healthcare and a living wage, it will be your fault.You do realize that a split in the Democratic party can hand the 2018 congress back over to Republicans, don't you? effin hypocrite.
If you believe what the DNC did had no effect, then you don't get to cry about RussiaYes, an internal violation of rules took place with no meaningful effect on a primary
This is not a degrees of who did worse, dipshit. How fucking old are you? You tacitly admit the DNC did do something wrong, here, yet deny it everywhere else. You refuse to even admit they did anything unethical and constantly use the technicality that nothing they did was actually illegal so you give them a free pass. A foreign country meddling in American elections is no better or worse than a domestic organization meddling in American elections.There is a very real difference between what the DNC did and Trump's campaign apparently working with Russian intelligence agencies to screw the US election. If you can't see the difference then you are hopeless.
The kind of stuff that proves the allegation that DNC leadership was not neutral during the primaryThe kind of stuff that goes on every day in offices everywhere.
I read the email myself that proved it. All verified authentic from the DNCYet you took some idiot's mere mention of doing such as evidence of something that in fact never happened.
Right, then I suppose you felt the same way about Benghazi and Clinton's emails when Republicans were bringing charges against her, right? You were in total support over that, weren't you?Yet "oh by all means the investigation into banking fraud by Bernie's wife and maybe implications on Bernie are completely false". I'm not saying I what I think about that. I'm just saying you are very flexible unto hypocrisy over your sense of right and wrong.
If we come to your side, we won't win. The only way to win is if you come to our side. If we don't win because you refuse to come to our side it will be your fault.