I live outside a state park
every year its all over the local papers about aal the evidence of pouching but it never makes it past the local
bald eagles, elk, dear, bear, bobcats, turkey
we even had a scandal involving park rangers taking money for protected animals
if you got to many turkey its because you've wiped out its predators like bobcats and coyote and raccoon so the answer is to re-populate the other animals to help the enviroment not kill more of them
all this justification for your "sport" is nonsense
it makes about as much sense as killing all the dear to prevent the spread of lyme disease which is transmitted by a tick
how does that make any fucking sense... kill the entire dear population because you got a bunch of ticks....
you silly bastard,, if you didn't kill all the animals that eat the ticks you wouldn't have so many
I eat a small amount of organic cage free meats, yes! and I care about the humane treatment of animals, yes! but that's another subject all together
farm animals being treated humanely has nothing to do with WILD animal population decreasing at an alarming rate
if something doesn't change your future generations might not even have the opportunity to view one of these animals