Powdery Mildew

Wonder what is more harmful, Eagle 20 residue or mold. I have smoked mold before, definitely don't advise it.
Without having any clue, oz for oz I'd say mold because mycotoxins are worse than what was reprted from mice fed myclobutanil. The same amount of a lot of mycotoxins would've killed the rats. Plus the reason of it not being allowed is hydrogen cyanide which is commonly found in cigarette, mj and most other plant matter when it's ignited. Concentrated mold spores inhaled into the lungs on the other hand can be harmful. One person I know who uses it every outdoor crop is allergic to molds and fungus and can't take the chance, from their standpoint. He says it's much safer for him to spray than not to spray.
paranoid? dunno about that. we all should seek chem free food produced in a manner that is sustainable and safe for the farmer and the consumer. no petroleum distillate fits that bill .
they tell me they are sick of pesticides and sprays on their weed is all. me too, thats why I grow my own.
they seek me out because I do not use chems on mj.
Still safer than eating stuff, when you smoke weed, lots of the most dangerous byproducts stay behind as ash.
When you eat something, everything gets into you.

I've been sick for weeks after smoking weed with white mildew on it.
Chem, u yourself posted there is more hydrogen cyanide in MJ smoke than tehre is in tobacco smoke, naturally, not from any residues left on plants. and I'd like to do the chemistry math and find out how much more hydrogen cyanide would be in a joint with the ppb found on some of these samples. You may get 3-10x as much hydrogen cyanide naturally from smoking MJ than you would with 100ppb eagle 20. remember 2ml/gallon and only 19% of that 2mls is myclobutanil.
Of course dow is going to say not o use it on MJ, really, you think they'd say any different? More out of context propaganda.

yup, good memory. but facts remain. smoking is harmful. smoking more chems is more harmful. smoking eagle 20 ppms is more bad than not. and recall who smokes 25 one gram joints every day
Still safer than eating stuff, when you smoke weed, lots of the most dangerous byproducts stay behind as ash.
When you eat something, everything gets into you.

I've been sick for weeks after smoking weed with white mildew on it.

but when you eat eagle 20 we know it does little, in the manner used, like grapes being rained on etc, then swallowed. If we smoked grapes maybe reports and allowance would be different? many things can be eaten without illness but when inhaled could kill you? could go both ways
Still safer than eating stuff, when you smoke weed, lots of the most dangerous byproducts stay behind as ash.
When you eat something, everything gets into you.

I've been sick for weeks after smoking weed with white mildew on it.

yet the majority of toxic gases and compounds are vaporized and taken in by your blood stream in your lungs, bypassing your digestive system/liver etc.
Paranoid in the sense that you have to be nowadays because of the rampant spraying on everything we eat and getting into the drinking water. Because of overuse everyone is paranoid even of the safe use of chemicals. That and the fact that the gov't lies to us and allows this and deems it "safe".
paranoid? dunno about that. we all should seek chem free food produced in a manner that is sustainable and safe for the farmer and the consumer. no petroleum distillate fits that bill .
they tell me they are sick of pesticides and sprays on their weed is all. me too, thats why I grow my own.
they seek me out because I do not use chems on mj.
It is still safer as it reduces the opportunity for overdose/excess, as you don;t have to wait an hour for your intestines to process whatever contraband you are using and then letting your brain know you should have stopped half an hour ago.
but when you eat eagle 20 we know it does little, in the manner used, like grapes being rained on etc, then swallowed. If we smoked grapes maybe reports and allowance would be different? many things can be eaten without illness but when inhaled could kill you? could go both ways
It's translaminer, raining on it does nothing to get rid of anything. It's all inside
Paranoid in the sense that you have to be nowadays because of the rampant spraying on everything we eat and getting into the drinking water. Because of overuse everyone is paranoid even of the safe use of chemicals. That and the fact that the gov't lies to us and allows this and deems it "safe".

exactly, they say safe it prolly isnt
yup, good memory. but facts remain. smoking is harmful. smoking more chems is more harmful. smoking eagle 20 ppms is more bad than not. and recall who smokes 25 one gram joints every day
Who smokes 25 1 gram joints a day? I eat more than I smoke nad I vape almost exclusively. What temp does myclobutanil vaporize? So, atleast 1 of 3 and most likely 2 of 3 ways of ingesting is either well in the guidlines for amount of myclobutanil allowed on food and if your vape is low enough it isn't even taken in when vaping. Just for a little more perspective.
It's translaminer, raining on it does nothing to get rid of anything. It's all inside

does not help growers/patients using it in unapproved situations though does it? like late harvest, etc, since all applications are unapproved on cannabis where does that leave us?
Norby check this out.
you are the only one saying you can use eagle 20 safely on marijuana. you could be sued, you could even be in violation of the law by doing so, but no matter. you must consider the statistical happenstance of you being wrong.

what if you are wrong?

what if I am wrong?

see the difference? I'd rather err on the side of absolute safety and figure out how to do this without using unapproved chemicals
Norby check this out.
you are the only one saying you can use eagle 20 safely on marijuana. you could be sued, you could even be in violation of the law by doing so, but no matter. you must consider the statistical happenstance of you being wrong.

what if you are wrong?

what if I am wrong?

see the difference? I'd rather err on the side of absolute safety and figure out how to do this without using unapproved chemicals
First off, I'm the only one HERE saying it can be used safely and the reason is that the last time I said it the whole board came down on me for saying it. There is no one here who hasn't been run off or peer pressured into jumping on anyone who holds my views. If people don't jump down their throats for the meer mention than more would relate their experiences. Remember what I said about people being forced underground. It's not that people aren't using it safely it's just that they get silenced if they ever talk about it.
It's banned for use in the sense of testing. If you can't detect it on something whos to care that it was used. They test the final product to determine if it was used and if it passes they can sell it. Anyone in those states can roll the dice and if their tests come back negative it's legal to sell.
What would I be wrong on. People have been smoking detectable amounts for a decade and no one has ever died from MJ right? Even in statistical studies of general MJ smokers, a lot of whom have been smoking mexican MJ which has been shown to be 10 x allowable levels of pesticides, fungicides etc adn on one has been in the hospital from bleeding lungs or shrunk testicles and all the studies still show street mj being medicinal. Look at the reality of the history of MJ and see what the chance is that undetectable amounts of myclobutanil are going to be a health problem.
I can't be sued or jailed, people have turned in meds in med states and had the MJ tested and it had myclobutanil on it and they haven't been sued or arrested. I'm simply stating my experience in using and testing MJ and finding no trace amounts on any of my meds. Again shaming, sscaring, etc. isn't going to shut me up.
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no reason to defend it, you said you wont be using it anymore. it was a few years ago. For every reason you say its safe for marijuana 10 be found that say its not. works that way for most everything online. It helps us find the answers we want quickly.

I wish you were embarrassed instead of defensive though, I like you Norby, and you know you are ill. Of all people its the ill ones I expect to be heeding safety measures, not for production, not for the save, but for the health. this is precisely why many of us grow our own, to eliminate the possibility of any foreign chemicals in our supply line. many of us are fed up with this chemical romance farmers, government and marijuana growers have. We dont like chems in our foods. We spend more money on food and food production to avoid these toxins, in our life, on our hands, in our lungs, in our food and mj. We dont want it on our shelves in our grow stores under the counter either.

the very producers have clearly stated they will not try to gain marijuana acceptance and under no circumstances should eagle 20 be used on marijuana plants for consumption. Thats from the manufacturer. Now I expect that large corp to certainly go for their market share in the industry, but nope, not with this eagle 20 they contend.

You think its safe to use Eagle 20 of mj, but DOW Chemical does not. thats where this ends. I will not use it, my patients wont tolerate it. I have no dogs in this race Norby, nothing to defend or complain about. If I was a commercial consumer i'd have more to fight against.
I'd like to see your email response to them when you share your findings with DOW.
Its shit like this that makes it painfully obvious that anyone can call themselves a "caregiver" when in reality they're just a cash cropper with little regard for patient safety....especially the truly ill with chronic illnesses.

And its this very type of shit that will bring about more regulations/mandatory testing etc.

The defendents disagree. They say that Eagle 20 breaks down into a poison known as hydrogen cyanide when heated with a standard cigarette lighter. They also say that the pesticide gets absorbed into the plants and so residue testing would not be an effective test. The lawsuit claims that Eagle 20 is dangerous for humans and is not approved for use with tobacco products.

https://www.forbes.com/sites/debraborchardt/2015/10/14/ marijuana-grower-sued-for-using-pesticides/#1d3fd384fd30

"It is important to note, pesticide applications that do not follow the pesticide product label pose risks to public health and safety and are a violation of state and federal law. THE LABEL IS THE LAW," says a letter being sent to every permitted marijuana grower in Oregon." http://www.oregonlive.com/business/index.ssf/2015/08/ marijuana_growers_warned_not_t.html
