Trump treats Boy Scout Jamboree like it's a Hitler youth rally

It's nuts isn't it? Just when you think he can't go any lower. Scary times.
And this slimy weasel, Scaramucci. It gets worse every day. What next? Will he
fire Sessions? It's just so surreal and unnerving. What's even worse is he has an
approval rating anywhere near 40%. That's the truly scary part.

I'm an eagle scout, i never heard anything about politics while in the scouts that i can remember. This guy turns every poorly worded stumbling speech into a way to ingratiate himself and reinforce his talking points. My hope is he will piss off enough people to outvote the national enquirer reader base that elected the toddler in chief
It's nuts isn't it? Just when you think he can't go any lower. Scary times.
And this slimy weasel, Scaramucci. It gets worse every day. What next? Will he
fire Sessions? It's just so surreal and unnerving. What's even worse is he has an
approval rating anywhere near 40%. That's the truly scary part.

The Pat Robertson %.
How were boy scouts treated like hitler youth?
I'm not sure it's like Hitlers youth but they were certainly manipulated and exploited to sate his idiot narcisscism and wallow in his appallingly ignorant worldview.
"Some within the Scouts community are urging the organization to disavow comments made Monday by President Donald Trump before thousands of Boy Scouts at their National Scout Jamboree in West Virginia."

The president told the kids about “fake polls” and “fake news” and the “tremendous crowds” he drew at his campaign rallies during the 2016 election. Almost immediately, his remarks mobilized America’s Scouts community against the organization online."
What was his agenda if he is hitleresque? He didnt say anything about grabbing pussies or liking Russia. illegal immigrants or terrorists so whats your issue?
Polls are part of the biased liberal media. polls said hed lose the day before he melted the snowflakes. What would make the polls become honest now? Why are there polls and how much money do people profit from taking a poll which is irrelevant? Do you agree with the concept of polls? I dont.
Polls are part of the biased liberal media. polls said hed lose the day before he melted the snowflakes. What would make the polls become honest now? Why are there polls and how much money do people profit from taking a poll which is irrelevant? Do you agree with the concept of polls? I dont.
Those who are adrift from a solid grounding in truth are easily manipulated by dangerous liars.