Proof the DNC was not hacked by Russia

He lied repeatedly about the meeting and what it was about. That sums it up for me. You're delusional.
No I wouldn't convict someone of a crime without evidence of the crime. like if i was at a party and el chapo's fourth cousins paralegal was there I wouldn't be convicted of being a narco trafficker even if my buddy let me know he was there before hand. As long as I wasn't involved in trafficking.
if someone said they had stolen goods they wanted to sell you, and you said "i love it", and it turned out they didn;t have the stolen goods, you would still be guilty of conspiring to buy stolen goods.

do you not get how this works?
conspiracy. n. when people work together by agreement to commit an illegal act. Aconspiracy may exist when the parties use legal means to accomplish an illegal result, or to use illegal means to achieve something that in itself is lawful.

there is still a burden of proof about a crime being committed though. If they didn't actually commit the crime the charges won't stick.
No I wouldn't convict someone of a crime without evidence of the crime. like if i was at a party and el chapo's fourth cousins paralegal was there I wouldn't be convicted of being a narco trafficker even if my buddy let me know he was there before hand. As long as I wasn't involved in trafficking.

You have a very shallow and naive understanding of evidence. How it's gathered. When it's revealed. The different types. Are there any topics you can go deeper on? So far, I see no evidence you're capable of thinking critically.
there is still a burden of proof about a crime being committed though. If they didn't actually commit the crime the charges won't stick.

it's literally in writing that they illegally conspired with a foreign government. it doesn't matter if they did or not (although they did since the emails started getting released just days later), they conspired illegally with a foreign government.

are you retarded?
seriously if you think the words "I love it" will get trump impeached you are hoping and probably blinded by ideology.

if you think black and white proof of conspiring with a foreign government is not a crime, then you have abandoned the rule of law because trump dick in your throat has choked out all the oxygen to your brain.
please stop intelligenting me to death bro.
conspiracy. n. when people work together by agreement to commit an illegal act. Aconspiracy may exist when the parties use legal means to accomplish an illegal result, or to use illegal means to achieve something that in itself is lawful.

there is still a burden of proof about a crime being committed though. If they didn't actually commit the crime the charges won't stick.

You really suck at this.
it's literally in writing that they illegally conspired with a foreign government. it doesn't matter if they did or not (although they did since the emails started getting released just days later), they conspired illegally with a foreign government.

are you retarded?
I truly believe that if you think that email alone will get trump impeached you are 100% out of your mind. Now if they have other evidence then the case will gain traction. that email alone will not get trump impeached.
"but officer, i didn;t actually buy any stolen goods. the thief contacted me to sell them and i said "i love it, please sell me stolen goods" but he didn;t really have any stolen goods. we're cool, right?"