What is the Democratic party doing about the Electoral College system?

Then what are they doing? Are any of the Democrats who cited the EC as an excuse why Clinton lost even talking about it now? Seems strange..
A little lip service here and there, but they sure aren't putting it on the radar.

Fuck, they can't even be bothered to attend up for single payer healthcare when it IS on the agenda.

And they wonder why a Progressive Movement exploded into being so quickly?
Seriously, WTF would you suggest?

And we talk about it all the time here, as though that's going to change it.
I would suggest they talk about it, highlight it at the very least

You talking about it doesn't really get much done in Washington. Why don't the politicians you support talk about it and why don't you criticize them for not talking about it if you care about it?
Seriously, WTF would you suggest?

And we talk about it all the time here, as though that's going to change it.
The problem isn't the electoral college; it's that Clinton sucked, okay?

The question you should be asking is how the fuck the election was even that close, considering the right wing national populist lying Cheeto opposition?

The answer is that Mrs Clinton wasn't any more for We the People than the Chump is and the voters knew it. Worse, even the appearance of DNC manipulation of the nomination process was enough to turn a lot of constituents off to them- and as I've said before, I've run across a suspiciously large group of people who said they were Democrats, yet voted for Trump anyway.

The resident apologists for Democratic Business As Usual can scream all they want, but they won't change the reality that Mrs Clinton ran an awful campaign, assumed the sale and committed a number of highly visible faux pas that alienated her base and energised her opposition.

It's time for some new ideas on the Left in this country, starting with an actual Left. The People are already organizing one. The Dems best open a dialogue or they'll get Left behind.
Ah, Okay.

I was just responding to the thread question.
Fair enough. Having given it a lot of thought in the last several months, I'm no longer convinced that there's anything wrong with the electoral college system; if it was abolished then the only states that would matter in elections would be the heavily populated ones on the coasts and candidates wouldn't waste their time anywhere else. The problem with that is that those of us (I'm including myself here, even the 6.5 million residents of Colorado get a little help from the EC) who live outside of those urban corridors still have a valuable perspective on important issues that those on the coasts might miss.

Rural and small state voters feel disenfranchised, ignored and underserved enough as it is.
Fair enough. Having given it a lot of thought in the last several months, I'm no longer convinced that there's anything wrong with the electoral college system; if it was abolished then the only states that would matter in elections would be the heavily populated ones on the coasts and candidates wouldn't waste their time anywhere else. The problem with that is that those of us (I'm including myself here, even the 6.5 million residents of Colorado get a little help from the EC) who live outside of those urban corridors still have a valuable perspective on important issues that those on the coasts might miss.

Rural and small state voters feel disenfranchised, ignored and underserved enough as it is.

It's outdated, unnecessary and anyone who gets in without the most votes is always going to be thought of as illegitimate or tainted.

The only real problem is the recount of a close election using all the popular vote instead of just one state.