What did you accomplish today?

Sex with a bear.

@cannabineer ???
You might need to pet me first ... and supply IPA ad libitum.

I'm with you ... I wanna know about that lobster as well!

@Bob Zmuda make with the crustacean identification!
Ah yes. The crustaceanal query. It was called "rocking Baja lobster". It's a chain I think but it was actually really good.

The bruise/scratch was me somehow shutting the back hatch of an SUV onto MYSELF. still trying to figure that one out.
LMAO you brought this to another thread to try and have your butt buddies gang up on me? you're retarded. go back to the thread I never once said it has no fuel smell. I never said anything even remotely close to that. check your reading comprehension kid.
LMAO you brought this to another thread to try and have your butt buddies gang up on me? you're retarded. go back to the thread I never once said it has no fuel smell. I never said anything even remotely close to that. check your reading comprehension kid.

You never once said that,hhmmmm

image.jpg image.jpg

So there's you above talking about a strain and things you know nothing about obviously.


K back to work I go .....lunch break was fun.
LMAO you brought this to another thread to try and have your butt buddies gang up on me? you're retarded. go back to the thread I never once said it has no fuel smell. I never said anything even remotely close to that. check your reading comprehension kid.

I'm not trying to jump on you or anything but do you have any pics to share of your dream beaver?

Also I accomplished finally staining those steps I built last year.