Do we need more information on seed packs?

I haven't been there in some time, but they use to search your shit as you were leaving the islands as well. Wouldn't want to introduce banana spiders to the mainland or steal any lava rock and incite the wrath of Pele. :grin:
I was there a few yrs ago and it was the same process leaving.

And no way in hell would I have taken any lava rocks off the island. We'd heard that "no no" repeatedly and at that point in time we were there as sort of a celebratory vacation. My son had just gone into remission and we'd endured about all the "dark clouds" we could stand. I'm not really superstitious but ya know....better to play it safe than anger the Hawaiian Gods. ;)
I don't take bananas on boats either :cool: :oops:
I was there a few yrs ago and it was the same process leaving.

And no way in hell would I have taken any lava rocks off the island. We'd heard that "no no" repeatedly and at that point in time we were there as sort of a celebratory vacation. My son had just gone into remission and we'd endured about all the "dark clouds" we could stand. I'm not really superstitious but ya know....better to play it safe than anger the Hawaiian Gods. ;)
I don't take bananas on boats either :cool: :oops:
I really dig it there. There is a lot of good energy there.
My ex moved there with the kids years ago. I have a daughter that still lives there and my son whose in the Air Force still calls it home base.
Most seed pack descriptions state the name of the genetics and maybe some information like flower time (56-63 days) and yield (medium) but do not count on much more than that. In my mind a breeder should know the frequency in which the strain marketed to the consumer will show up, the smell ranges and tastes of cured flowers. Some people may not like Insane Seed Posse but they are one of the best when it comes to descriptions. For example:

Do you see how detailed they are? This tells me they know their plants and this gives me confidence in them. I have a sneaking suspicion most breeders aren't running their lines in such a way that they can give this much detail. Maybe I am wrong. Would you guys like to see this kind of info on your seed packs?

P.S. I realize this is almost impossible to do with F2's or S1's. This is strictly for those strains that are represented as a pure strain say Tangie or Sour Diesel etc.

Thanks for reading :)
They don't seem to know their plants too well, saying they only have 2 phenos in a strain sounds like bullshit. Skunk #1 has a lot more than 2 phenos.

Sure it will help to sell to some people but I personally like to do the breeding myself. I've spent thousands of dollars on seeds just to realize that I can breed too. :bigjoint:
Okay I think I've figured it out.

I've been thinking a lot about this thread and the amount of information on my own packs.

Inadequacies was all I saw. The information I provide, I see now, is just not enough. But there is also just NOT enough room on the back of a pack to list all that information.

I was thinking of workarounds when it hit me:


I'm going to start letting technology do some of the heavy lifting.

These QR codes really change the game... I could not get over how much it was going to cost to print out nearly 20,000 informational booklets for each of my 50+ products and attach them to the back of the packs (like a nyquil bottle).

Instead I'll be sending these custom QR codes over to my artist and have them create a sticker that goes on the back of the pack that gives the name of the strain, some basic info, and this QR code that will be tied to all the proper detailed information.

What do you guys think?
Okay I think I've figured it out.

I've been thinking a lot about this thread and the amount of information on my own packs.

Inadequacies was all I saw. The information I provide, I see now, is just not enough. But there is also just NOT enough room on the back of a pack to list all that information.

I was thinking of workarounds when it hit me:


I'm going to start letting technology do some of the heavy lifting.

These QR codes really change the game... I could not get over how much it was going to cost to print out nearly 20,000 informational booklets for each of my 50+ products and attach them to the back of the packs (like a nyquil bottle).

Instead I'll be sending these custom QR codes over to my artist and have them create a sticker that goes on the back of the pack that gives the name of the strain, some basic info, and this QR code that will be tied to all the proper detailed information.

What do you guys think?
Thats all that is really needed. Qr that is.. People purchase their seeds online , so they can also, get information online if they desire with that...
Different phenos have different finishing dates. That's why most give a rough estimate. But finishing time depends on you and what you like. But I'm sure you know on GPS all strains have finishing times

nope, not what I meant to say, sorry.

I'll try again;

I'd like to see the date your seeds were harvested from your seeded plant in your garden so I know exactly how old/what batch# they were from.
I'm not asking you to do it but having the seed harvest date on my packs would be great.
If my packs have a date its easier for me to decide if they need to soak overnight or if I can go straight to soil. Some of those older seeds can be a bitch germ. I ordered some OGR from the Tude a few yrs ago and nothing. Not one single bean sprouted :-(
So a "BORN ON" date is wanted, eh?
Interesting, I'd never thought about that being an issue.

To be honest, I've always hated getting super fresh seed. I'd end up having to replace the desiccant balls more often. I guess old seed is just as bad though.

I think proper storage is probably more of a factor than seed age, but you guys know what you want.
nope, not what I meant to say, sorry.

I'll try again;

I'd like to see the date your seeds were harvested from your seeded plant in your garden so I know exactly how old/what batch# they were from.
I know there are other companies with the "Born On" dates wrote on the packs.

I obviously don't grow outdoors in Alaska, but someday I'll move back to the lower 48 and would enjoy planting outdoors.

One thing I'd appreciate printed on the pack, would be an estimated outdoor finish time at different lattitudes, like the finishing date map on the back of a pack of Burpees seeds.
I've researched this topic, but my outdoor growing wannabe newb ass, can't figure this out without a little hand holding or experiencing it first hand.
If my packs have a date its easier for me to decide if they need to soak overnight or if I can go straight to soil. Some of those older seeds can be a bitch germ. I ordered some OGR from the Tude a few yrs ago and nothing. Not one single bean sprouted :-(

It happens, I hate it, always feel ripped, have to wonder how the shit was stored, how old it is....
I've seen mold develop over night, then I scoped new ones and saw spores on quite a few packs. tells me
its in a phukkin camper fridge, fine for us, maybe not so much for sellers/resellers. There are chillers that control humidity also.
my guru has one and his seeds last longer than mine. I keep mine in their packs/snapped/zipped, etc, in an insulated lunchbag with a few dessicant bags.. At 5 yrs I see obvious decline in germ rates. blame me, sure I do, but....I also get packs with tiny spores(1600xdigiscope) on the seeds too, so....
thank you for bringing this up, the bolded part, I didnt want to pick on seed ages....but....dangit, who would choose old stock if new is available. I would....if seriously bet
So a "BORN ON" date is wanted, eh?
Interesting, I'd never thought about that being an issue.

To be honest, I've always hated getting super fresh seed. I'd end up having to replace the desiccant balls more often. I guess old seed is just as bad though.

I think proper storage is probably more of a factor than seed age, but you guys know what you want.

we already know you harvest these gems at the right time, select carefully with a 98% success, provide good looking seeds, and dry your stashes correctly. if its all the same to you...gimme a born on date please thank you sir.....
I use 2% bleach and wash my seeds now by default, makes more sense than handling them before I deal with the results. I have not found any spores on anything I've ordered from greenpointseeds though for clarity. I feel better about planting this way, and see a very real germ rate success increase over the years. Its kind of on auto now with rinsing/soaking/rinsing...and get this.....a couple months ago I grabbed the stupid cloro x bleach soap/spray and spritzed the mason jar, filled with water, swished seeds, rinsed couple times in another mason jar and soaked. perfect, no fuss no spores, no damping off, no wilting, no issues at all...success!

I store clones for a few years using a 2/5% bleach water rinse in a sonic toothbrush cleaner to sterilize, works mostly
I definitely agree with the born on date. I purchased two packs of the same strain from 2 different sources a year and a half apart and the originals had perfect germ while the "newer" pack had several duds. For the record they were not Greenpoint seeds so I am definitely not complaining. In fact I think @Gu~ deserves a lot of respect for being so approachable and for trying to listen to the wants and needs of his customers.
They don't seem to know their plants too well, saying they only have 2 phenos in a strain sounds like bullshit. Skunk #1 has a lot more than 2 phenos.

Sure it will help to sell to some people but I personally like to do the breeding myself. I've spent thousands of dollars on seeds just to realize that I can breed too. :bigjoint:
This^^^. Your a smart grower. I too make my own crosses for the most part. I might pick up a pack every once in awhile. If Iam at an event and a booth has a deal. But big seed buys are a thing of the past for me. Ive made crosses that blow out either parents before. Its very easy. I dont lock shit in like real breeding. Just some playing around crosses in my test room if it stays empty for any length of time. If more growers just tried making thier own seeds they would see how the 100 plus dollars a pack is really not worth it. At least it want for me.