Can you move a grandfathered MMAR license, no here's the proof

Oh boy, where do I start. I didn't say lawyers were smart, or police or judges. Now you are putting words in my mouth. Check my post again, before you talk nonsense. Then you say "I didn't say I was smarter" well there is some truth in that statement!! You know "right from wrong is all", like "promoting" that MMAR license moves are legal when I have proven to all on this forum, they are not. Is that your idea of knowing right from wrong? I am sorry that's DELUSIONAL thinking at best. ( A delusion is a belief that is held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary. As a pathology, it is distinct from a belief based on false or incomplete information, confabulation, dogma, illusion, or other effects of perception. As to what Conroy accomplished, I will agree he made some mistakes, but he still won the case, or you wouldn't even be growing now. And if I and my colleagues didn't create the Coalition and hire Conroy we wouldn't even be having this conversation, so where's the gratitude? You "know what the courts decided", but you don't use that knowledge properly do you ? The only details I see being fucked up is your blanatntly wrong interpretation of them. " The PEOPLES PLANT" , where do you find that in the constitution is it a new clause the government just added in ? The people don't have a plant, but we do have a great constitution that gives us a sec 7 right to no " barriers to access" to our chosen medicine. But you don't have a right to a plant guaranteed under the constitution. So I say this to make you stop and THINK, about what kind of irresponsible and dangerous narrative you are creating and to show others just how very wrong you are despite over whelming factual evidence to the contrary. If I was you I would cut your responses, because they just keep making me laugh and laugh and laugh. And they also make you look, well you know, not so smart!! Good luck !
More pedantic brow beating..........becoming a bit of a theme is it?
Yeah- just another idiot expert here to tell us all how wrong we are. If he thinks anyone gives a shit what he is promoting, it's him that is delusional.
@Gatorgold.....did you use marijuana before you became a patient?

Your affiliation with the coalition is disconcerting. How is Jason Wilcocks?

Yes it was disconcerting to me too as the guy is a real loser in my mind who, never revealed to even me the number two in the Coalition the " financials" and ran the operation not as a Coalition but a Dictatorship and that is why I resigned in disgust along with Alison Myrden, Terry Roycroft and many many others,
@Gatorgold.....did you use marijuana before you became a patient?

Your affiliation with the coalition is disconcerting. How is Jason Wilcocks?

Of course. As I mentioned in another thread I was an original co founder and executive director of the Coalition but resigned in disgust when it became all too clear that it was not a Coalition but a dictatorship. Never nice as number two in the Coalition did I ever see the financials. I wouldn't know I haven't associated with GONG SHOW host Wilcox the master dictator since I resigned, lol
I will be looking for reports of your immanent arrest, lol.....
Good. Hopefully it keeps you occupied enough you can stop trolling here. Maybe go hang with Nadine Bews and help with her kidnapping case against Wilcox. You both sound equally stupid.
You didn't answer the question put to you several times by several different posters - " did you smoke your first joint after you got your mmar pinks or did you break the rules of a democratic society" as you accuse others of?
More pedantic brow beating..........becoming a bit of a theme is it?

With respect.

Now when a person comes on this forum to honestly share valuable information that could save people a lot of grief, turmoil, financial stress and permanent loss of medicine and potentially large legal bills & jail times. And a guy like me gets this type of feedback by those that live in a self imposed bubble aka DELUSIONAL ( maybe revisit the definition I posted ) then it surprises me not one bit now, why a decent guy like Jeff, who said what I am saying and also possesses an ACMPR license along with his wife Colleen, left in disgust.

Yes it is a theme, of safety and responsibility to fellow growers. Pedantic brow beating, that is nothing short of grade 3 elementary name calling, how adult of you. I got an email from Turmel this morning, after explaining what is going on. His answer was simple MOVE ON. Great advice.
This is why I never asked for permission. My plant count is crazy high. Actually I don't ever count them in total. Who cares. If I feel like cutting 1000 clones I cut 1000 clones. If I want to move I move.
If I want to add a forth bloom room in my basement I do it. So many people based their entire lives around these stupid licenses. They literally never shut up. Everyone I know who got a MMAR license starting acting very different after getting it. They are all in BC now mortgage poor as hell while I stuck in out in On-terrible and made a killing.
With respect.

Now when a person comes on this forum to honestly share valuable information that could save people a lot of grief, turmoil, financial stress and permanent loss of medicine and potentially large legal bills & jail times. And a guy like me gets this type of feedback by those that live in a self imposed bubble aka DELUSIONAL ( maybe revisit the definition I posted ) then it surprises me not one bit now, why a decent guy like Jeff, who said what I am saying and also possesses an ACMPR license along with his wife Colleen, left in disgust.

Yes it is a theme, of safety and responsibility to fellow growers. Pedantic brow beating, that is nothing short of grade 3 elementary name calling, how adult of you. I got an email from Turmel this morning, after explaining what is going on. His answer was simple MOVE ON. Great advice.
So you consult with a lawyer about posting on this forum? Weird. We don't care about your bromance with Jeff and we didn't ask to be lectured about your 'valuable information'. You call out someone for name calling after repeatedly calling me names for simply stating my position. Who's the grade three intellectual? Please move on, leave in disgust, even - go start your own Jeff and Gator education site.
Good. Hopefully it keeps you occupied enough you can stop trolling here. Maybe go hang with Nadine Bews and help with her kidnapping case against Wilcox. You both sound equally stupid.
You didn't answer the question put to you several times by several different posters - " did you smoke your first joint after you got your mmar pinks or did you break the rules of a democratic society" as you accuse others of?

Yes I used cannabis before there was a legal program for medical use, to treat complex PTSD. I was arrested and charged three times. All of which I fought to great financial and emotional stress. I lost everything, and my former wife and I were jailed temporarily. I won all 3 cases, not because my legal position was right, but because my lawyer the late Kenneth G Young one of the truly great criminal defense lawyers of our time, was able to prove that the POLICE broke the law to gain evidence to convict me and thus I was acquitted each time for the same reasons. Yes I broke the rules, but I didn't promote illegal MMAR license moving, which can be very harmful to those that buy into that failed line of reasoning. Like I said it matters not what you do, but it does matter what you are promoting to what could be a massive detriment to the gullible.
This is why I never asked for permission. My plant count is crazy high. Actually I don't ever count them in total. Who cares. If I feel like cutting 1000 clones I cut 1000 clones. If I want to move I move.
If I want to add a forth bloom room in my basement I do it. So many people based their entire lives around these stupid licenses. They literally never shut up. Everyone I know who got a MMAR license starting acting very different after getting it. They are all in BC now mortgage poor as hell while I stuck in out in On-terrible and made a killing.

Now here is a honest individual, who never entered the program and is not promoting the move your MMAR anywhere and you are safe AGENDA. " They literally never shut up" well you get a HUGE AMEN to that from me brother. At least you are well aware of the risks you are taking and choose to do so. Much different than promoting an agenda of moving an MMAR license an it A ok.
So you consult with a lawyer about posting on this forum? Weird. We don't care about your bromance with Jeff and we didn't ask to be lectured about your 'valuable information'. You call out someone for name calling after repeatedly calling me names for simply stating my position. Who's the grade three intellectual? Please move on, leave in disgust, even - go start your own Jeff and Gator education site.

Where sir, did I say I consulted with a lawyer about posting in this forum. That is a blatant lie. Please show me sir, where I said I consulted with a lawyer. And again I never name called you. That is another lie. I simply said your name calling behavior is akin to that of a grade three level.

Sorry to disappoint you BUT, I won't be moving on, as I will not be BULLIED, to run away. That would just empower you, and your well entrenched false beliefs. But it makes me laugh so hard.... Wow, I am having a flashback of the school playground bullies, I used to run into. You fellows sure spend a lot of time erecting strawman arguments, which I easily knock down each and every time.

Again, I care not what YOU do, but what you say with regards to MMAR license moves as being safe and legal, as simple as that. I need not play your GAME anymore, as it is obvious to everyone here you are stuck in your DELUSION. Ps. That is not name calling but citing a fact. Pss. You can also find on Health Canadas website this information that you cannot legally move an MMAR license. See below,

I've moved. Can I change my ATP/licence?
No. The MMAR were repealed on March 31, 2014, and Health Canada is no longer processing any new ATPs/licences or amending existing documents.

The licence or authorization is only extended in accordance with the terms under which it was originally issued (address, number of plants, storage amounts, etc.). You cannot transfer your licence or authorization to a different address.

Do any of you need more proof than that ??? Or will you erect another strawman??? I await your proof on my above comments re consulting a lawyer to post!! Your running out of arguments sir, I guess that is why you want to chase me away, you can say YOU won, lol.....

Lastly maybe you should be the one to move on, runwaway, or leave in disgust. Maybe you could create your own website, here is a name suggestion, VANE:CHRIS, DELUSIONs of an MMAR holder, lol.....what do you think???

Sorry if I hurt your feelings.
Wow, he is real, look at that he even has a real ACMPR at 200 grams a day, perfectly legal to use at any address I legally amend it to. Wow he was even the ED for the Coalition too.

My opinion on this one is we need to break there unjust law of not being allowed to move in our own country while keeping our garden. The stupidity of allowing a patient to grow at one address but not the next is a barrier to access. Just because the person moved has f@$$& all to do with his or her illness. Because if everyone just went along with the governments plans we wouldn't even have the right to grow in the first place. Just my 2 cents
I agree I are so right