a mediocre shroom garden thread

Hey Y'all

I'm at 5 weeks since inoculation and one of the spawn bags finished and the other a week away, 2 at tops. But I have a question about the design of a mini montotub. The sterilite shoe boxes' tops come to a sharp point making it very unstable making the top lid fall off very easily. The second problem is the dip on both ends of the box. I'm afraid if I don't secure the sides then air will escape bringing the rh down too low. Should I just duct tape the box down on those sides? Should I try and find another 6qt box?


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Hey Y'all

I'm at 5 weeks since inoculation and one of the spawn bags finished and the other a week away, 2 at tops. But I have a question about the design of a mini montotub. The sterilite shoe boxes' tops come to a sharp point making it very unstable making the top lid fall off very easily. The second problem is the dip on both ends of the box. I'm afraid if I don't secure the sides then air will escape bringing the rh down too low. Should I just duct tape the box down on those sides? Should I try and find another 6qt box?
If you aren't at a loss getting a new bin, go for it. Duct tape will work though
This is all I got left fruiting.

And a bit over a quarter left of dried caps.
This is what my meds look like. Little .2g capsules of mushroom powder. Good for mood elevation and dieting. I just take one every few hours while I don't have any important or life threatening situations to deal with.
I just swung by the town with my mushroom spawn but didn't snap any pics :( the wbs spawn was mostly pissing metabolites and looked eager to birth. I'm getting bored on vacation since I can't practice sterile mycology at the place im vacationing. I just figured I would bring the sgfc to finish the cakes I had running before I got let free.

I've been top dressing and mixing in old brf cakes for this girly here. Its an amnesia monstercrop with some manicuring. 7 gallon fabric pot. Chicken manure, and straw compost, perlite, bokashi, azomite and raw biochar
Cool led light im working on. Mix of 3000k & 4000k TCL strips (153lm/w @18-23w adjustable) with 30 count- 3w- 365, 380, and 390nm UVa LEDs that are on for 3 hours a day.

Anyway that's a journal im working on called "amnesia fem".

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What do you think you'll do different next time around?
Just add vermiculite, they held up against contamination even on the road. They colonized at an incredible rate too. I think 33% vermiculite would be good to start a trial. I wonder if biochar would be a good retainer since Im tossing cakes in the garden anyhow... May make a single half pint of wbs, coffee, biochar, azomite, and lime next week.

You think I could sterilize a worm poo and biochar cake, colonize, partly with LC and plant a cannabis seed on it? Dewd... I must try...
Just add vermiculite, they held up against contamination even on the road. They colonized at an incredible rate too. I think 33% vermiculite would be good to start a trial. I wonder if biochar would be a good retainer since Im tossing cakes in the garden anyhow... May make a single half pint of wbs, coffee, biochar, azomite, and lime next week.

You think I could sterilize a worm poo and biochar cake, colonize, partly with LC and plant a cannabis seed on it? Dewd... I must try...

Dude i'm just hoping I haven't skipped the steps of mushroom growing. I've read a lot that you need to start off on BRF cakes, but after checking this thread out and watching Willy Myco video's it convinced me other wise. Also this was more cost efficient rather than buying pressure cooker (which I am going to purchase in the future) Glove box, etc. etc. I have read people have had contamination on the 2nd flush, but I have a feeling i'll be fine. I am going to take proper precautions when mixing up spawn and substrate. I'm having a bad problem with fungus gnats right now but i'm taking steps to get rid of them. Anyways really hoping I get 3 or 4 flushes, but we'll see.

I want to keep on predicting when the last spawn bag will be colonized but i have no idea. Mycellium is a funny organism, you think it's going super fast and then all the sudden it's slow and then it goes back. Ah well. Patience is a virtue and I feel like that a theme for this grow.
Mycellium is a funny organism, you think it's going super fast and then all the sudden it's slow and then it goes back. Ah well. Patience is a virtue and I feel like that a theme for this grow.
Dude i'm just hoping I haven't skipped the steps of mushroom growing. I've read a lot that you need to start off on BRF cakes, but after checking this thread out and watching Willy Myco video's it convinced me other wise. Also this was more cost efficient rather than buying pressure cooker (which I am going to purchase in the future) Glove box, etc. etc. I have read people have had contamination on the 2nd flush, but I have a feeling i'll be fine. I am going to take proper precautions when mixing up spawn and substrate. I'm having a bad problem with fungus gnats right now but i'm taking steps to get rid of them. Anyways really hoping I get 3 or 4 flushes, but we'll see.

I want to keep on predicting when the last spawn bag will be colonized but i have no idea. Mycellium is a funny organism, you think it's going super fast and then all the sudden it's slow and then it goes back. Ah well. Patience is a virtue and I feel like that a theme for this grow.
nah you dont need to worry about using BRF first. it's just a completely different technique. Mushroom growing it very flexible like plants and cactus.