If you Voted for Bernie Sanders or wrote him in or


Well-Known Member
Plus this; if Hillary actually had an agenda for the middle class as opposed to just her rich friends, she'd have won in a landslide.

Why was it close enough for the EC to make a difference in the first place?

It's not like the Cheeto Fuhrer wasn't eminently beatable. WHY WAS IT EVEN CLOSE?

Because she couldn't be bothered to throw the middle class a bone.

Cheeto did- of course he lied about that, as he's done with so many other things- but at least he said SOMETHING.
the working class and middle class chose hillary by a long shot and now bernie is stealing the ideas she ran on in the general election.



Well-Known Member
Again: Hillary won the election. Bernie supporters had absolutely ZERO to do with her losing. That was down to her alone and her appeal to the electoral college, which she herself ruined long ago...let alone what the scandal of rigging the DNC against Bernie did to her.

Bernie supporters have NOTHING to do with it at all.

You're a complete moron.
But but but... they gotta find SOMEBODY to blame! It's not like they're ready to take any responsibility for being total sellouts to the banksters and that might have had something to do with it?



Well-Known Member
the working class and middle class chose hillary by a long shot and now bernie is stealing the ideas she ran on in the general election.

Oh that's funny; back in October you said that the Clinton campaign was adopting the Sanders platform, so we should vote for her.

But your story changes to suit the situation and has for a long time.

By now you should know better than to attempt to co-opt Republican Party tactics to push Democratic Party agendas- I mean, they don't have another 1000 seats left to lose!

And yes, you are indeed that transparent and facile.

Face it; your Democratic Party masters are terrified of the Progressive Movement and so are you.


Well-Known Member
I acknowledged here that I've partaken before. Did you miss that post? It's the exception to the rule though.

My sincere apologies for not getting back to you as quickly as you would have liked. I'm hanging a few plants right now and arguing with you fuck faced, idiotic, pussies during my breaks.


You are not capable of making me lose my temper foggy. Part of my job description for many years was trash talking. Giving and receiving... I've heard it all. The difference was I had to back up the smack talk, where as here you don't. That's why I find it so ridiculous.
Not one of these fools would last 5 minutes on the ice with you and they know it.

For the record; I wouldn't either, probably because I never played hockey, lol


Well-Known Member
It's not like they're ready to take any responsibility for being total sellouts to the banksters
you are literally quoting trump's most hitler-esque lines now.

“Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers, her special interest friends and her donors”


Well-Known Member
you are literally quoting trump's most hitler-esque lines now.

“Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers, her special interest friends and her donors”
You're the one supporting the party taking donor cash from Wall Street.

You can't represent average Americans as long as you take money from big banks, hypocrite.

Nice attempt at redirection, though. No one is fooled. You're getting increasingly irrational, preachy and dogmatic.

Meanwhile, your party has deserted you long ago, hypocrite.