Why Everyone should ditch Health Canada and grow whatever you want

How worried should you be about moving a mmar garden

  • Very worried some Goof might RAT me out

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Moderately worried - where am I going to put the veg room?

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • A lille worried- what is the fine for changing addresses?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not worried at all- the storefront down the streetselling to anyone with a pulse is a bigger target

    Votes: 9 75.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
10) Keep your personal medical information out of government hands
9) No doctor hunting to find one that respects patients wishes
8) No dishing out hundreds of dollars to scam doctors and clinics
7) No other patient group is required to jump through these hoops
6) You may get to challenge section 7 violations
5) You don't need to renew 6 weeks after getting your papers
4) You won't get a letter telling you to mix your meds with kitty litter
3) No need to buy seeds from the poison producers
2) No disruption in growing cycles due to HC's incompetence
AND the number one reason to go ROGUE and imitate everything I do is:
1) It causes some trolls to lose their shit!
at this point changing addresses would make me feel a heck of a lot better considering ....would make me semi incognito again.
any new neighbours would never be let into the loop ever....never.....ever...
I would move it completely indoors and do outdoors at a completely different location....since I have land a couple hours from here...and its quiet there...
I understand your points Vianachris but at the same time what could also happen is the rcmp come in with their guns drawn and worse they upset your girlfriend which comes back to you later or worse, you get a gun put to your head or worse your dog gets shot by a not so well trained cop who has an itchy trigger finger. All those things have happened to people in Canada. Plus you're going to have to hand over some cash to pay a lawyer if you're not lucky enough to find a lawyer who will do your case on a contingency basis. So you're listing the pro's...and I'm listing the cons if any members here act and move their grows while under their MMAR.
I understand your points Vianachris but at the same time what could also happen is the rcmp come in with their guns drawn and worse they upset your girlfriend which comes back to you later or worse, you get a gun put to your head or worse your dog gets shot by a not so well trained cop who has an itchy trigger finger. All those things have happened to people in Canada. Plus you're going to have to hand over some cash to pay a lawyer if you're not lucky enough to find a lawyer who will do your case on a contingency basis. So you're listing the pro's...and I'm listing the cons if any members here act and move their grows while under their MMAR.
you watch to many cop shows..geesus
no rcmp is gonna arrest a sick person......not anytime soon.
guns drawn? oh please...
putto your head? holy...:roll:
what you are now doing gb123 is dismissing the cons that I have listed so others won't listen to me as I bring up potential dangerous situations of moving locations while you are in the MMAR. I personally know of people who have had weapons drawn on them and me being a dog owner as I am...that would really suck balls if some cop came into my grow and shot my dog because he barged in and the dog was defending my property. To say that hasn't happened...man c'mon. All because of a move when I am in the MMAR because I listened but didn't think about the other potential things that could happen. I'm in BC where that sort of cop behaviour is limited...but people in say SK or ALBERTA where NEO CONS control things....it is entirely possible that this could happen in my opinion.

But let let me add a con that I forgot about and that is the ramifications of a drug conviction for both travel as well as for professional qualifications. Being charged with a drug conviction can cause you problems at the border if you go down there...as well as get you a lot of questions at airports. That's just if you have been charged. If you've been convicted then you have real problems when applying for a visa for any commonwealth country and you can forget about a trip down to disney land.

Should you be a nurse or a doctor or an engineer, if you have a drug conviction you have to let your organization know that you have a drug conviction and that can affect your registration.

All because you did a move and thought your MMAR was still going to be valid. So think people before you move if you're in the MMAR. It could really come back to haunt you if you do make a move. As others have stated before me...if you move while you have an MMAR licence, your MMAR becomes void and you can be arrested and charged. It will cost you in many ways so be forewarned.
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ive had guns drawn on me by idiot cops as well
No one is gonna draw a gun to do a search warrant ...where there wont be one in the first place as
the sick person is growing for themselves and no one is gonna know in the first place....
secondly its going legal? lol
if you are sick in CANNADA IT IS YOUR RIGHT COURT approved

stop tying to convince people that are sick otherwise

they have the right(:
I understand your points Vianachris but at the same time what could also happen is the rcmp come in with their guns drawn and worse they upset your girlfriend which comes back to you later or worse, you get a gun put to your head or worse your dog gets shot by a not so well trained cop who has an itchy trigger finger. All those things have happened to people in Canada. Plus you're going to have to hand over some cash to pay a lawyer if you're not lucky enough to find a lawyer who will do your case on a contingency basis. So you're listing the pro's...and I'm listing the cons if any members here act and move their grows while under their MMAR.
I get that you're trying to help, but I've weighed the risks and I'm comfortable with my situation. The cops have no reason to come to my door. They aren't going to raid a personal garden unless there is 'diversion' to the black market. I grow only for myself. At minimum, 1 in 4 houses on this island are growing and most don't have any medical paperwork. There is a storefront recreational cannabis shop - on an Island of less than 5000 people - that opened recently with the blessing of the local rcmp detachment. I think worrying about cops and raids and guns and lawyers fees is paranoia.
mostly its about your personal comfort level...when my wife was still teaching..i had to walk the straight and narrow and needed to be 100 percent
legal and basically untouchable in order for her to keep her job and pension should all hell break loose...
plus have 3 teenage kids in the house was also a concern...though not one of them partakes...but they all will drink...because their mom does....
kinda a double standard...
Now that she's retired for a few years the pressure is off...if I had to move,,,,I doubt I would sign up for the ACMPR knowing what I now do.
just for permission to move my garden....especially since those who get to say its okay....are the same ones who sold us all down the river
at a local level...and also revealed to a lot of people that we were part of the MMAR program at the time....
We have not forgotten the breach of trust and confidentiality....
I understand your points Vianachris but at the same time what could also happen is the rcmp come in with their guns drawn and worse they upset your girlfriend which comes back to you later or worse, you get a gun put to your head or worse your dog gets shot by a not so well trained cop who has an itchy trigger finger. All those things have happened to people in Canada. Plus you're going to have to hand over some cash to pay a lawyer if you're not lucky enough to find a lawyer who will do your case on a contingency basis. So you're listing the pro's...and I'm listing the cons if any members here act and move their grows while under their MMAR.

Here here another with common sense and a rational mind.
I am impressed by your catch and your ability to get out on a boat. Those coastal islands are awesome. A friend of mine on ______ said they have a really good dispensary over on their island. That's good living. I doubt any police officer would go in guns drawn on a. coastal island. People are so laid back on there...but again, if it were back east probably a different story on how they'd deal with you.
You asked me to prove a case where someone was convicted for growing a few plants and got 6 months prison time, By using an MMAR, here you go. John Turmel sent this to we as a blow by blow of the case he is trying to quash. If Turmel with his extensive legal knowledge had not been involved for free, the legal bill in this case would by a conservative $75k or more. It's is long and if you just want to just verify he was convicted and jailed six months just scroll down to the part I highlighted in bold.

The whole case can be found in PDF attached.

It's is a nightmare of incompetent judges which you would face if you continue the meme, that it is A OK to move an MMAR license. Just a warning to stay safe and don't believe a word of VianaChris!!

GoldStarTeam] TURMEL: Stuerm Grow appeal Keystone Kourts Klerk Komedy of Errors

Here we go, JCT= Turmel
C: [5] On May 23, 2017, he was sentenced to 6 months

JCT: May 18 was the day he was sentenced, though it looks like
the judgment was signed on 23rd.
C: [6] On June 1 2017, the Appellant filed an appeal against
conviction and he was released pending appeal.


I am impressed by your catch and your ability to get out on a boat. Those coastal islands are awesome. A friend of mine on ______ said they have a really good dispensary over on their island. That's good living. I doubt any police officer would go in guns drawn on a. coastal island. People are so laid back on there...but again, if it were back east probably a different story on how they'd deal with you.

RCMP SWAT team raids in Kelowna , when they call HC 24hour hotline, and find out licenses are not properly registered to it. It happened to a friend in Kelowna, they brought if you can imagine this a full blown Armoured personnel carrier, with a total of about 18 cops onsite, for two small grows, without proper paperwork. They all got charged convicted and are in jail.
ive had guns drawn on me by idiot cops as well
No one is gonna draw a gun to do a search warrant ...where there wont be one in the first place as
the sick person is growing for themselves and no one is gonna know in the first place....
secondly its going legal? lol
if you are sick in CANNADA IT IS YOUR RIGHT COURT approved

stop tying to convince people that are sick otherwise

they have the right(:

Can you prove you have a right to grow without an ACMPR license? Show me what court case allowed that as I was involved directly and indirectly in the last 8 constitutional challges against the MMAR/ MMPR. I posted my evidence, so where is yours that you have this so-called court right, please? Citation or case number or a cut and paste would suffice. Thank you for your time.
mostly its about your personal comfort level...when my wife was still teaching..i had to walk the straight and narrow and needed to be 100 percent
legal and basically untouchable in order for her to keep her job and pension should all hell break loose...
plus have 3 teenage kids in the house was also a concern...though not one of them partakes...but they all will drink...because their mom does....
kinda a double standard...
Now that she's retired for a few years the pressure is off...if I had to move,,,,I doubt I would sign up for the ACMPR knowing what I now do.
just for permission to move my garden....especially since those who get to say its okay....are the same ones who sold us all down the river
at a local level...and also revealed to a lot of people that we were part of the MMAR program at the time....
We have not forgotten the breach of trust and confidentiality....

See my posts in this thread if you are so sure.