If you Voted for Bernie Sanders or wrote him in or

Since no one will say it...I will. Of course Biden could of won. And probably would have. Heres where a large portion of America os with Hillary Rodham Clinton....SHES A VERY HATED FIGURE IN AMERICA. She isnt a winning candidate by any stretch. She is seen by alot of people to be the very essence of what is wrong in this country and they are willing to vote for a narcissistic buffoon of a man like Trump because they hate her that much. A guy who was feared might get us into ww3 even before he won. She was a flawed candidate right from the get go. She didnt beat Obama and she couldnt beat Trump. And only the Democratic Party good ole boy network has themselves to blame for nominating her. Thats a fact. People are pissed at the present state of this country and shame on the dems for nominating a person the people feel is largely responsible for that state. You back a dog in a corner...hes gonna bite. No recourse. And the people bit by electing a crazy buffoon to the White House. The Washington politics as usual got a Trump card dealt to them. In retrospect tbis should serve as a wake up call. Putting all the media and Washington on notice. The people are pissed. This country is getting worse by the day. And the Trump voters...whether gullible or not...deep down feels like they just threw up a big middle finger to all of it. A large portion of Trump voters werent so much pro Trump...they were just anti Hillary. Alot of them know hes a clown. There not that stupid (but close). And shame on the democratic party elite for forcing her on us by nominating an establishment politician who is hated by alot of Americans. Goes to show how much of a bubble the Deans..Schumers...Wasserman - Schultz'...CNN News ...and Donna Brazils live compared to regular ordinary folks that are in America.
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Since no one will say it...I will. Of course Biden could of won. And probably would have. Heres where a large portion of America os with Hillary Rodham Clinton....SHES A VERY HATED FIGURE IN AMERICA. She isnt a winning candidate by any stretch. She is seen by alot of people to be the very essence of what is wrong in this country and they are willing to vote for a narcissistic buffoon of a man like Trump because they hate her that much. A guy who was feared might get us into ww3. She was a flawed candidate right from the get go. She didnt beat Obama and she couldnt beat Trump. And only the Democratic Party good ole boy network has themselves to blame for nominating her. Thats a fact. People are pissed at the present state of this country and shame on the dems for nominating a person the people feel is largely responsible for that state. You back a dog in a corner...hes gonna bite. No recourse. And the people bit by electing a crazy buffoon to the White House. The Washington politics as usual got a Trump card dealt to them. In retrospect tbis should serve as a wake up call. Putting all the media and Washington on notice. The people are pissed. This country is getting worse by the day. And the Trump voters...whether gullible or not...deep down feels like they just threw up a big middle finger to all of it.

Yes, and if your aunt had a penis she'd be your uncle.
I'm just not sure why you're ranting about this. We'll never know if Biden would have won. If you want to bash Clinton, just bash her and leave the unanswerable hypotheticals out of it. It'd be a lot more honest of you. You're triggered for some reason. Quit the incessant whining. Thanks.
Ok. Carry on folks. Its where I stand on this. Iam out.
remember when al gore said he won the popular vote but still lost to bush? I would have figured that the dems would have took that into consideration when they ran hillarys campaign. why is the democrats strategy garbage? why do they keep failing all of you? it's not the first time it has happened.
Ok. Carry on folks. Its where I stand on this. Iam out.
That his game; insult you enough to make you go away. Your points are valid and your opinion has as much value as anyone else's here.

Biden was a very likeable guy. I think he stood a better chance of getting elected than Hillary. But he didn't run and I don't think he will in 2020.

America IS pissed, because, in part thanks to the DNC railroading 'their' candidate through over the objections of their constituents and partly because the current president can be described as a totally self absorbed man child who does not give a fuck about anyone but himself, Americans are finally wide awake to the fact that their economic interests are not being represented in Washington. It's an ugly realization, to be sure.

Beating each other up over the outcome of the last election is a pointless exercise; it's over. At what point do we realize that the only way to beat the Washington Money Machine is to work together and start acting accordingly?
remember when al gore said he won the popular vote but still lost to bush? I would have figured that the dems would have took that into consideration when they ran hillarys campaign. why is the democrats strategy garbage? why do they keep failing all of you? it's not the first time it has happened.
My theory is that they've been paid by monied interests to act like Republican lite and that it doesn't matter if they lose because the insiders and the consultants get their paychecks anyway.
Since no one will say it...I will. Of course Biden could of won. And probably would have. Heres where a large portion of America os with Hillary Rodham Clinton....SHES A VERY HATED FIGURE IN AMERICA. She isnt a winning candidate by any stretch. She is seen by alot of people to be the very essence of what is wrong in this country and they are willing to vote for a narcissistic buffoon of a man like Trump because they hate her that much. A guy who was feared might get us into ww3 even before he won. She was a flawed candidate right from the get go. She didnt beat Obama and she couldnt beat Trump. And only the Democratic Party good ole boy network has themselves to blame for nominating her. Thats a fact. People are pissed at the present state of this country and shame on the dems for nominating a person the people feel is largely responsible for that state. You back a dog in a corner...hes gonna bite. No recourse. And the people bit by electing a crazy buffoon to the White House. The Washington politics as usual got a Trump card dealt to them. In retrospect tbis should serve as a wake up call. Putting all the media and Washington on notice. The people are pissed. This country is getting worse by the day. And the Trump voters...whether gullible or not...deep down feels like they just threw up a big middle finger to all of it. A large portion of Trump voters werent so much pro Trump...they were just anti Hillary. Alot of them know hes a clown. There not that stupid (but close). And shame on the democratic party elite for forcing her on us by nominating an establishment politician who is hated by alot of Americans. Goes to show how much of a bubble the Deans..Schumers...Wasserman - Schultz'...CNN News ...and Donna Brazils live compared to regular ordinary folks that are in America.

More votes than anyone ever except Obama, even on "low turnout".

What I replied with is fact, what I replied to is bullshit.
Since no one will say it...I will. Of course Biden could of won. And probably would have. Heres where a large portion of America os with Hillary Rodham Clinton....SHES A VERY HATED FIGURE IN AMERICA. She isnt a winning candidate by any stretch. She is seen by alot of people to be the very essence of what is wrong in this country and they are willing to vote for a narcissistic buffoon of a man like Trump because they hate her that much. A guy who was feared might get us into ww3 even before he won. She was a flawed candidate right from the get go. She didnt beat Obama and she couldnt beat Trump. And only the Democratic Party good ole boy network has themselves to blame for nominating her. Thats a fact. People are pissed at the present state of this country and shame on the dems for nominating a person the people feel is largely responsible for that state. You back a dog in a corner...hes gonna bite. No recourse. And the people bit by electing a crazy buffoon to the White House. The Washington politics as usual got a Trump card dealt to them. In retrospect tbis should serve as a wake up call. Putting all the media and Washington on notice. The people are pissed. This country is getting worse by the day. And the Trump voters...whether gullible or not...deep down feels like they just threw up a big middle finger to all of it. A large portion of Trump voters werent so much pro Trump...they were just anti Hillary. Alot of them know hes a clown. There not that stupid (but close). And shame on the democratic party elite for forcing her on us by nominating an establishment politician who is hated by alot of Americans. Goes to show how much of a bubble the Deans..Schumers...Wasserman - Schultz'...CNN News ...and Donna Brazils live compared to regular ordinary folks that are in America.
You buy into the idea that the primary was rigged. Here is what you are buying:

  • You buy into the idea that a whopping large majority of Democrats were fooled into voting for Clinton when one obvious debate question was leaked ahead of a debate.
  • You buy into the idea that millions switched to Clinton because Wasserman called a CNN representative to complain about coverage. (That same executive said all the other campaigns did the same thing and it was nothing.)
  • You buy into the idea that 80% of the black and brown vote were fooled because there was a string of e-mails between back office nobodies about a smear campaign to call Sanders an atheist that went nowhere.

That's all there was in the e-mails. This is fact and not belief. That's all that was contained in those sinister wikileaks e-mails that the Trump team colluded with Russia to hack out of the Democratic Party records and release.

Based upon that, your claim is that Clinton swept the south to such a degree that Bernie was not able to recover. He won states after that but not by the margins needed to win. Clinton continued to dominate the black and brown vote as well as win majorities of the women's vote throughout the primary season. Nobody can win the Democratic Party's nomination without strong support from members who are African American, Hispanic or female. Bernie didn't go anywhere with those groups and so, naturally, he lost.

You talk as if Trump was not even a candidate. He took on seven GOP candidates and smashed every one of them without spending hardly anything. The white male voters loved his "straight talker" style. And the racist, sexist, bigoted statements were music to their ears. He was good for ratings and recieved billions in free media coverage. I think you continue to underestimate Trump's ability to win. All he did was win last year.

That said, the "most HATED FIGURE IN AMERICA" got 30% more votes than Bernie and won the national vote by 4 million votes. She lost in rural America and lost the race because the Electoral College is biased toward states with smaller populations. Swing states were lost in only a few districts that flipped from Democrat to Republican. Even then by margins of only thousands in an election where millions voted. .

Clinton beat Bernie by a large margin. Trump won because a smaller group of voters were awarded a greater number of Electoral College votes. I'm guessing you also underestimate the power of the right wing propaganda machine. And so, based upon the facts that I can pull together, your argument doesn't make sense to me. It's what you believe. I can respect that. But I don't see how an objective argument can be made that the most hated woman in america can win the Democratic primary by gaining 30% more votes than her opponent and win the majority vote of the US against Trump.
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Wrong. It stems from the belief that all people, black, white, red, brown, green, blue, can be incapable of knowing what is in their best interest

Yet somehow it's considered racist when we say the same thing

Again, we're saying the exact same thing, yet we're labeled 'racist' for it

Black people don't reject Sanders, they support him higher than any of his other constituencies at more than 70% approval

To reiterate, black people, like all people, because all people are animals, have a herd like mentality. Animals generally have a herd like mentality, to deny the idea that black people do too on the basis that it's somehow "racist" to state as much is pure idiocy. Why don't you single out the fact that I said white people have a herd like mentality, too? Why do you and your ilk try to misconstrue what I said to make me seem racist?

We all know why. Because you can't argue the substance of the points being made. You have to assign labels to us in order to discredit us because our arguments are sound. Can't beat em, call em a racist. It might work with those you associate with, but it doesn't work with anyone else.
Everybody votes in their own self interest. Always

From what I read in your little diatribe, you think you know better than the Mississippi voter. Are you saying the Mississippi voter should be disenfranchised? I don't think you are. I posed that question because that's a natural outcome from this idea that people are unable to decide what is in their own self interest.

People are not cattle either. We are highly socialized and intelligent primates. We don't live in herds and we are extremely competitive with each other. Also, the average person is pretty damn smart. We know that our family and social support group is important to our ability to successfully compete, thrive and reproduce. Threats to that group will naturally draw concerns. For example, when the white Mississippi farmer hears that more environmental regulations are on the way, they not only become fearful for their own well being but also their community. I use this as an example of how your ideals aren't necessarily important to people elsewhere. We aren't a dumb herd that can be influenced by a dog's stare. We are people who are trying to live a good life and sustain the loved ones around us. And so, I can't just write off the poorly educated rural voter who chose Trump. He voted in his own self interest, which is an amalgam of values that are very different from yours.

The game to me is to understand how to convince enough of those voters to switch away from the Republican party. I hear you dismiss that farmer and support the idea that the country needs fewer choices. I'm hearing that you can tolerate only the choices you would make. That rural Mississippi farmer won't be very convinced by your ideals. Yours is an undemocratic, authoritarian and losing strategy in this country.