Donald Trump threatens 'fury' against N Korea ..(again)

Their motives are pretty clear, actually.

You need to pull your head out of the 1970s and realize that China gets nothing out of propping up a backward hermit country run by a nut job except headaches, refugees and security problems.

The Chinese are a deeply pragmatic people, which may be a big reason why American conservatives don't understand them.
"baizuo" lol the Chinese seem to understand the white left.
The Trump cleanup patrol just had its biggest job yet

By Dana Milbank Opinion writer August 9 at 5:24 PM

It was the latest and largest cleanup effort undertaken by President Trump’s aides since this administration took power. Their unorthodox message to an anxious nation and a panicky world: Don’t take seriously what the president of the United States says.
"baizuo" lol the Chinese seem to understand the white left.
China is nearly surrounded by American bases and launch facililities, around 400 of them from memory.

If the US goes into N Korea it means they HAVE to react to it. They cannot be surrounded by American bases. China has been historically one of the least aggressive countries on Earth. America has been the most aggressive. America is not trusted, they will turn on anyone for oil and resources.
If America goes into N Korea it is doing so to provoke China.
China is nearly surrounded by American bases and launch facililities, around 400 of them from memory.

If the US goes into N Korea it means they HAVE to react to it. They cannot be surrounded by American bases. China has been historically one of the least aggressive countries on Earth. America has been the most aggressive. America is not trusted, they will turn on anyone for oil and resources.
If America goes into N Korea it is doing so to provoke China.
America is the most aggressive imperialist nation in history.
good point...
Modern history perhaps?
Name an ancient or medieval nation state that projected power around the world at will. 18th century British Empire came closest, yet pales by comparison.

America has made a foreign policy out of demanding other nations trade with us on favorable terms, profiting our megacorps outlandishly- "or else";

Our military budget eclipses the next dozen largest combined and we hold the ultimate hammer in reserve; by far the world's largest nuclear arsenal, singly capable of destroying the entire planet many times over.

We have a problem, and it is US.
Of course not! You think the two options were:
  • Open big mouth and make things worse
  • Do nothing
Your reasoning ability is just slightly more advanced than the squirrel I just watched taunt a cat, apparently for the fun of it.

if ping pong would of made those threats with hillary or even obama they would of done the same, now are useless priminister justin would cower, well trade him for trump any day of the week.......
trumps acctually being a leader, not a tit.
if ping pong would of made those threats with hillary or even obama they would of done the same, now are useless priminister justin would cower, well trade him for trump any day of the week.......
trumps acctually being a leader, not a tit.
Ole bone spurs "leadership" impresses few.
Trump, thus far, is highly unusual because he has never had a Gallup job approval number above 50%. He began his administration with approval in the high 40s and has since slipped into the mid-30s. If he continues to be a slider, he will be the first president in the history of national polling to never earn the support of a majority of Americans — a remarkable distinction.
Macedonia, Egypt, Assyria, China, Italy, Spain, Mesopotamia, Germany, Japan and England prove you completely wrong. They all not only were far more aggressive than the United States, but obtained far larger empires.
We are currently running covert or overt operations in some 137 of the 196 nations on Earth, as of June. I'm many of these nations the government in power is the one we want, making them a client state.

The notion that Macedonia was a larger empire than the United States is just plain silly.
if ping pong would of made those threats with hillary or even obama they would of done the same, now are useless priminister justin would cower, well trade him for trump any day of the week.......
trumps acctually being a leader, not a tit.
What does this even mean?
no its my cousin, and i rather see the economy boom than a few animals and some climate saved....
Ahhh, classic 'fuck the future as long as I get mine NOW' thinking.

I'm sure your inbred children will grow up to thank you for your selfishness.