Donald Trump threatens 'fury' against N Korea ..(again)

I'm no expert on military planning or execution but if I was NK I'd roll all my nukes up to the DMZ set with dead man switch and wait for the orange primate to show his hand. Then China would be looking at a major radioactive fallout catastrophe if the nukes were to go off thus forcing them to intervene.
Stick to onanism it's more your thing
If you could read then you would know i was answering a question with that say, no i am not from quebec, i am albertan...

And if you were not a moron you would know that no, alberta's transfer payments to the canadian federal government did not pay for quebecs roads and stadium and shit like that.

I know we albertans like to think that our oil pays everybody's elses bills in this country but it just isnt true....

Back to school for you buddy and go learn what the transfer payments are and how they work...
our 2 billion in tranfere payment didnt?
it get redistributed to have not provinces.........
i just dislike french people, mostly because we have to have that shit on everything..... also what was it the premier of quebec or mayor told us to shut our mouths and not worry about tranfere payments?

we do pay for alot of their shit, i assume you voted for trudeau and the ndp we have
Just face it I fucked your mother, you might even be my son.
Delusional pedophile, don't you realize that you aren't among children at the jungle gym. You are known here as an impotent idiot who has no interest in sex with adults. You're incapable of fathering anything but unanimous ridicule. You totally resemble your dad! (He lied to you)
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Delusional pedophile, don't you realize that you aren't among children at the jungle gym. You are known here as an impotent idiot who has not interest in sex with adults. You're incapable of fathering anything but unanimous ridicule. You totally resemble your dad! (He lied to you)
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You got me all wrong son I love fucking mother's and grandmother's. You can say I'm a mother fucker I won't deny it.
our 2 billion in tranfere payment didnt?
it get redistributed to have not provinces.........
i just dislike french people, mostly because we have to have that shit on everything..... also what was it the premier of quebec or mayor told us to shut our mouths and not worry about tranfere payments?

we do pay for alot of their shit, i assume you voted for trudeau and the ndp we have
Let me guess....youve never been out of your own country maybe not even out of you own province?
And you're a socialist, so what? In fact, you are so far to the left you don't realize that he is actually in the center; and far left of conservatives on a fuck ton of issues.
Google 'Overton Window'.

What Americans think of as centrist is still pretty right wing.

Bernie Sanders is a centrist to the rest of the planet. Only here in 'Murrica is he considered a left winger.

I believe in socialized education, fire and emergency protection and police- with strong accountability. I believe in socialized roads and infrastructure. Most Americans also believe in the very same things- or we wouldn't have public fire and police protection, publicly funded roads, public schools or public utilities.

Publicly funded higher education isn't much of a stretch, and neither is publicly funded medicine. The reason why it's been made a big deal in the media is only because we have a very small group of wildly overpaid and incredibly selfish assholes who are bent on telling the rest of us what we should and shouldn't have- because THEY want to save money on their taxes. After all, YOUR taxes aren't going down, are they?

What this makes me is a centrist. A true socialist would want to nationalize industry. I think that's a bad idea. I do want to tax those industries because i believe corporations owe the country that gives them infrastructure, trained employees and affluent customers. That isn't socialist, either.

The notion that upper classes and corporations should not have to support the country that made it possible for them to profit is authoritarian, autocratic and ultimately aristocratic and as such is a clear and present threat to democracy and the freedom of average citizens.

I'm open to other perspectives, especially if they're as open to discussion about their ideas as i am about mine. If people's political ideas don't hold up under scrutiny then maybe they aren't worth keeping.

I feel my positions are eminently defensible and provide the most prosperity for the largest number of citizens.

I do not believe that the prosperity of millions is worth sacrificing for the outlandish aggrandizement of a few. Charles and David Koch smokers and their ilk might disagree, but they are literally one in a million. The other million need to make a decent living, too!