This is her on the 11th of August 2017. Gave her another small drink. This time with a few drops of GoGo Juice in the mix. I don't pH anything anymore. The soil seems healthy enough to level that on its own.20170811_132154.jpg 20170811_132134.jpgI'm starting to comprehend why I needed those larger holes now. It's difficult to maneuver things around with such fine gaps. And hopefully the plant doesn't end up too crowded- potential danger of PM.
Here's another shot after I threaded some of the bud sites further through the mesh. I'm really liking these new lights. Thanks for all your input Rollers. I'm not going back to prebuilt lights any time soon. Thrown in some bud pr0nage too.

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This looks incredible, are you going to defoliate at all? If so what's your plan?
This looks incredible, are you going to defoliate at all? If so what's your plan?

I really dont know what to take off Dank. Last time I cracked out the scissors on her. I cut off a whole goddamn bud. Don't want to go cutting around too much. I know I risk mold if there's not enough airflow. But, I'm not sure what to take.

Edit- I forgot to add, cheers. I'm impressed with how is going so far.
Yo. That's a lot of head. Lol

She's filling up that space real nice man. Good call on the defoliating by the way. Honestly with that thick of a canopy, you could get away with doing it again around week 4 I would think.
I actually estimated from last run that she would take about 2.5 months. I think maybe up to 3 months with the amount of heads I'm looking at getting.