A few years back I was on this Jurassic Park vacation. These cute little vervet dinosaures were all over stealing drinks from tourists. It was a laugh a minute. They were like little NeoNinjas. There was a smallish mountain between the beach and the resort. I followed one up this grassy trail...or was it a grassy knoll...Can't remember because I was shit faced and these little fuckers were knibbling at my lederhosen. Haha. Cute little fuckers...oops, I think I stepped on one. Who cares because there's a million of em, nobody will care anyhow. I need another drink. Wait a minute, they're climbing up my trousers. Maybe they're pissed I stepped on one of them...or was it two? Where am I exactly anyhow? Uh, oh! Now there's like, idk, 1,000 of those little bastards following me. Perhaps they want to play a game. Oops...that's three now. His fault anyway.
Ow, dam it that hurt. Little fucker bit my neck. Did I say 1,000? More like 5,000. This might not end well. Oops, that makes five. Six now. Why is my hand bleeding? I don't remember hurting it. Oh fuck....just fell on a rock. Oh no. I don't think they wanna play after all...I think they wanna...........