What is causing this

Alright, just I've seen too many videos of Cali people with giant plants covering huge areas. Gotta figure one or two such plants would suffice for a non-greedy cunt. Don't know what they yield, gotta be 5 lbs at least. Maybe 5 plants tops then, but like 100? Just fucking pure greed.
I see the same thing with cotton and peanut farmers near me. Those fuckers are raising hundreds of acres. Pure greed.
I see the same thing with cotton and peanut farmers near me. Those fuckers are raising hundreds of acres. Pure greed.
And the net result, price drops and nobody makes money anymore. The big overproducers fucked it up for everybody. None of them can process that much weed themselves so they pay suckers to do the actual hard part of the weed business while they rake in the profits. Just say no to cleaning greedy cunts' weed for them. I guess there's always Mexicans around who will do any shit job for $1 and hour though. Just turn the fuckers in. Tell the cops there's some cunt trying to get people to clean his weed for him. Maybe some cops want to make some extra cash on the side.
And the net result, price drops and nobody makes money anymore. The big overproducers fucked it up for everybody. None of them can process that much weed themselves so they pay suckers to do the actual hard part of the weed business while they rake in the profits. Just say no to cleaning greedy cunts' weed for them. I guess there's always Mexicans around who will do any shit job for $1 and hour though. Just turn the fuckers in. Tell the cops there's some cunt trying to get people to clean his weed for him. Maybe some cops want to make some extra cash on the side.

Hell, farmers can get a buck a pound for fragile, perishable vegetables and they still make a profit.

If you can't make money at even $50 a pound, you aren't really trying.
"And the net result, price drops and nobody makes money anymore" and the consumer would say, "who's the greedy bastard that is trying to keep prices so high?"
I suppose. Oh well, it was good while it lasted. Soon only Philip Morris Corp will be able to produce enough to make it profitable. Then all those Cali growers can get real jobs, at McD. Good on em. It'll be like with other crop farmers. Work their asses off to make maybe 60k a year from 1000 acres.
And the net result, price drops and nobody makes money anymore. The big overproducers fucked it up for everybody. None of them can process that much weed themselves so they pay suckers to do the actual hard part of the weed business while they rake in the profits. Just say no to cleaning greedy cunts' weed for them. I guess there's always Mexicans around who will do any shit job for $1 and hour though. Just turn the fuckers in. Tell the cops there's some cunt trying to get people to clean his weed for him. Maybe some cops want to make some extra cash on the side.
I was just trying to make the point it is business. Like any business, you get into it to make a living. Supply and demand have made it really good to be a buyer. Not so much a grower. Cali prices are around 1K a unit. Kick in a couple hundred for trimming, and you will soon find most of the color has been washed out this gold rush. Best to be selling picks and shovels to the miners now. I mean ferts, pots and soil to the growers. That is where the real money is at.

I have friends in the business. They make a living, but just barely. No one is getting rich anymore. The legal states are the worst. You have to get a permit for every little thing. Not to mention land prices have spiked because of the green rush. And just when you think you are going to come out ahead, one plant way in the back can hermie and you miss it, and you have a greenhouse full of worthless product. You have worked all day everyday for months, but will be making a fraction of what you expected. The bank is going to get it's payment no matter what. Permits still have to be bought. Land taxes paid. Lights and water. Soil and ferts bought. I have tried my hand at regular farming, and there are much easier ways to go broke. I do not want any part of growing weed for a living. Too much risk with a very uncertain reward at the end.

From a pure labor/cost comparison, it would be much better for most of us to let others grow and we just buy our weed from them. Kind of like we do with all other commodities. But like the backyard gardener who can't abide the thought of a store bought tomato, we feel the same way about weed. So just grow for yourself, and give any extra away to your friends and neighbors. Once you let expectations of earnings get in the way of the enjoyment of growing, it's just another job.

Sorry to the OP for this hijack.
Yes Synthetic Fertilizers from raw elements

Hey man I'm thinking about using Raw for next year. I've used some of their amendments this year with seemingly good success. Are you using the amendments as well or are you using the Grow and bloom blend? And how are you liking it?
Yeah. I actually asked our county roads guy. He said that neither the county or state has done that.
I was just trying to make the point it is business. Like any business, you get into it to make a living. Supply and demand have made it really good to be a buyer. Not so much a grower. Cali prices are around 1K a unit. Kick in a couple hundred for trimming, and you will soon find most of the color has been washed out this gold rush. Best to be selling picks and shovels to the miners now. I mean ferts, pots and soil to the growers. That is where the real money is at.

I have friends in the business. They make a living, but just barely. No one is getting rich anymore. The legal states are the worst. You have to get a permit for every little thing. Not to mention land prices have spiked because of the green rush. And just when you think you are going to come out ahead, one plant way in the back can hermie and you miss it, and you have a greenhouse full of worthless product. You have worked all day everyday for months, but will be making a fraction of what you expected. The bank is going to get it's payment no matter what. Permits still have to be bought. Land taxes paid. Lights and water. Soil and ferts bought. I have tried my hand at regular farming, and there are much easier ways to go broke. I do not want any part of growing weed for a living. Too much risk with a very uncertain reward at the end.

From a pure labor/cost comparison, it would be much better for most of us to let others grow and we just buy our weed from them. Kind of like we do with all other commodities. But like the backyard gardener who can't abide the thought of a store bought tomato, we feel the same way about weed. So just grow for yourself, and give any extra away to your friends and neighbors. Once you let expectations of earnings get in the way of the enjoyment of growing, it's just another job.

Sorry to the OP for this hijack.

Well.. yeah. I've been saying that for two years. As soon as the rec law passed here in Oregon and they made the mind blowing decision to allow out of state investment I knew it would go to shit!
They invited $$$$ and basically killed any chance of having a thriving micro-canopy specialty farm industry!
A lot of people came into this business believing it's a get rich quick deal. It ain't!! It's farming!
I didn't take your post as an attack. But I know a few pretty big rec growers who are very ethical.
Bugs are bugs.. sometimes the environment is perfect for them to blow up, some years they lay low. The past two summers have been perfect for them.. Broad and Russets are everywhere, they love Himalayan blackberry, fir and pine trees.. Things we have in spades here.
The entomologist I spoke with said our hot, dry summer has played a big part.

Lack of preventative care by people selling clones.

Lack of people buying clones quarantining new plants and spraying before entering them into a grow room or greenhouse..

There is also a belief that some states spray Broad and Russets to control noxious weeds. I've never verified this with anyone, my local county roads guys says they don't.. but you never know?!?