Heil Tweetler
Well-Known Member
Every single person you accused of being a fascist besides the obvious ones that are waving nazi flags around.
You just labeling people fascist or claiming they're pro fascist doesn't count as evidence, do you understand that? I guess not.
Welp, you people asked for it, seems like you're considered to be domestic terrorists now and I couldn't agree more. How does that feel? You're the enemy now.
So good luck with your terrorist activities and good luck with alienating people who could have been on your side if you weren't such lying manipulative pussies.
I'm done here, we can keep talking but you clearly don't feel like you have to prove your claims so this is a useless conversation at this point.
Don't get yourselves killed kids, those people have weapons, and you're the terrorists now.
Hysterical gum flapper shut the fuck up.