College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

Every single person you accused of being a fascist besides the obvious ones that are waving nazi flags around.
You just labeling people fascist or claiming they're pro fascist doesn't count as evidence, do you understand that? I guess not.

Welp, you people asked for it, seems like you're considered to be domestic terrorists now and I couldn't agree more. How does that feel? You're the enemy now.
So good luck with your terrorist activities and good luck with alienating people who could have been on your side if you weren't such lying manipulative pussies.
I'm done here, we can keep talking but you clearly don't feel like you have to prove your claims so this is a useless conversation at this point.
Don't get yourselves killed kids, those people have weapons, and you're the terrorists now.

Hysterical gum flapper shut the fuck up.
labeling fascism as on the right is a trick the left employed after Wwii. before Wwii fascism was understood to be on the left where every other ideology that champions the complete power of the centralized state is.

there are 3 major collectivist movements in the 20th century: communism, fascism and progressivism, all reside in the left.

I'm fact Benito Mussolini praised fdr's book "looking forward" in Italian magazines saying that "fdr is one of us". Roosevelt sent folks to Italy to study what Mussolini was doing with the fascist movement and fdr considered the fascists very much advanced progressives.

just because fascists fought communists in Wwii doesn't mean they were on opposite sides of the political spectrum.

ideologically the Nazis vs commies was like Sunni vs shiite, Quaker vs puritan; all these struggles reside in the same sides of their ideological spectrum, the left, Christianity and Islam respectively.

the "anti-fascists" of today are facist by their actions....their words hold little to zero value about what they are.

take your historical revisionism elsewhere, nazi bitch boy. no one wants to hear your theology of trailer-nazi-reconstructionist.

fascism is a far right ideology, like nazism, both of which you have plenty in common with.

Fascism/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritariannationalism,[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce,[3] that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before it spread to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5]

oh, and you stole that load of horseshit about the SPLC directly from KKK grand wizard david duke.

i know you insufferable racist nazi types can't come up with an original idea, and haven't for centuries, but at least try not to plagiarize like that, bitch tits.

thank you.
usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5]

lol the far right is anarchy. your contention is laughable that fascism with its all encompassing state is anywhere near anarchy.

Southern Poverty Law Center Transfers Millions in Cash to Offshore Entities
Left-wing nonprofit pays lucrative six-figure salaries to top management

not David duke but Joe schoffstall.
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Were you? Should we have entered WWII when Germany invaded Poland?

These are tough case-by-case decisions and of course hindsight is 20/20. If Iraq really did have WMDs and was planning to nuke us, then I would view our invasion more favorably perhaps. In hindsight, obviously I would rather Americans had not been lied to/mislead.

an invasion should have a declaration of war.
From what I've read, Antifa doesn't have a solidified platform, they just want to stand up against oppression and the elite/corporate greed.

yep, that's what they say as well. richard Spencer says he is not a white supremacist similarly.
lincoln, Wilson and fdr actively sought the votes of avowed racists....the anti immigration empty headed crowd.

would Antifa protest these presidents today?
yep, being the offesive bully. it's something the left loves to talk about and I personally agree with them. it's weird how that same logic doesn't apply domestically though eh?

labeling fascism as on the right is a trick the left employed after Wwii. before Wwii fascism was understood to be on the left where every other ideology that champions the complete power of the centralized state is.

there are 3 major collectivist movements in the 20th century: communism, fascism and progressivism, all reside in the left.

I'm fact Benito Mussolini praised fdr's book "looking forward" in Italian magazines saying that "fdr is one of us". Roosevelt sent folks to Italy to study what Mussolini was doing with the fascist movement and fdr considered the fascists very much advanced progressives.

just because fascists fought communists in Wwii doesn't mean they were on opposite sides of the political spectrum.

ideologically the Nazis vs commies was like Sunni vs shiite, Quaker vs puritan; all these struggles reside in the same sides of their ideological spectrum, the left, Christianity and Islam respectively.

the "anti-fascists" of today are facist by their actions....their words hold little to zero value about what they are.
You still think Nazis were Marxist even though they were diametrically opposed to Marxism...

Come on man, I know youre better than this, we disagree on most things but you're not fully retarded.
You still think Nazis were Marxist even though they were diametrically opposed to Marxism...

Come on man, I know youre better than this, we disagree on most things but you're not fully retarded.

No they were not literally marxists. They were not diametrically different though, they were largely the same with varying nuances. Its the all encompassing state that cant be denied and placing that anywhere near the right is just silly and you know it.

What else is there, nationalism? Gandhi, Che, Chavez and Stalin were nationalists.
No they were not literally marxists. They were not diametrically different though, they were largely the same with varying nuances. Its the all encompassing state that cant be denied and placing that anywhere near the right is just silly and you know it.

What else is there, nationalism? Gandhi, Che, Chavez and Stalin were nationalists.
State control is not uniquely left though, that's what you've been told repeatedly.

the washington free beacon is a klan publication you stooge. KKK grand wizard david duke cites them regularly (he also opposes civil rights, like you). and this is what their comments section looks like:

readers like you, reading about the NAACP having a peaceful sit-in, and then feeling compelled to comment that they should be sprayed down with fire hoses, shot, killed, or lose their welfare (which apparently they need even though they make more than disability-ridden brokedicks like you for some reason? i dunno).

no one wants to hear your shitty nazi-trailer-park-reconstructionism. fascism is opposed to liberalism, it is a far, far right ideology like nazism, you dumb piece of trash.

seriously, do you get paid to spread this retarded nazi nonsense, or are you really just this committed to your nazi cause?

it is either one or the other. no one casually tries to equate nazis and fascists with liberalism for years on end like you do, you lowlife trailer dwelling racist pile of feces.
yep, that's what they say as well. richard Spencer says he is not a white supremacist similarly.

You think that is a fair analogy? If the stated common thread of Antifa is anti-oppression and anti-corporate greed, what is the stated common thread of the alt-right, which encompasses both fascists/Nazi idolizers and the KKK?

What are the unstated common threads? I'd say they aren't quite as coherent.
State control is not uniquely left though, that's what you've been told repeatedly.

what in your opinion makes Stalin left, but Hitler right?

since the central debate is the right of free speech, be honest about how Hitler felt about it.
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