College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

you are a spam not at this point as that's the 5th time at least that you have posted that exact statement. we have discussed this and yet you ignore the contributions to mainstream economics by misis and the austrians. oh well spam bot.

the Austrians are right every time, wait for it again.

don't read any of it though, or you may convert from Marxism to classical liberal, the way Hayek, Sowell and Horowitz did.

it must be blissful to have only held one political/economic perspective as you have.
How else can one state the obvious? You drone on about your Libertarian philosophy. It's fake. How else can one repeat a fact?

What successful and large society has ever succeeded as a Libertarian society?
How else can one state the obvious? You drone on about your Libertarian philosophy. It's fake. How else can one repeat a fact?

What successful and large society has ever succeeded as a Libertarian society?

the only country to wage war on slavery.

now give us more reviews on books you've never read please, like you did earlier; what a hoot.




control of industry and commerce is way left. I am going to conservatively state that's worth 50% or a dictatorial powers "ideology". Note that all three are in the category of "control" so yeah they're all left.

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Sunni-Shiites, Quaker-Puritans, Nazis vs. Soviets; need more?

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Dumpster meth this month? Why do I get the feeling you've scribbled "die buck, die" all over the walls of your girl friend's trailer?
sure, here they are again:

the peaceful organizers of the rallys certainly "conceded defeat" as the anti Marx trans woman cancelled and some showed up anyway and these articles I linked you were the result.

fascism at it's finest that was.

if you are saying the right largely doesn't represent classical liberal values anymore I can agree, they're Democrat lites anymore.

Bloomberg and WP links are broken. LA Times link says what I just said. 13 arrested, those that went on the offense were denounced.

That isn't "fascism at its finest." You are stretching the truth.

Republicans and Democrats differ immensely in policy, of course I think Republican policy is worse. Democrats are much closer to classical liberalism overall, though they are corrupted sometimes. Republicans are libertarian only to enrich themselves at the expense of the public, they are authoritarian when it comes to enforcing their false beliefs on everyone else.
sure, here they are again:

the peaceful organizers of the rallys certainly "conceded defeat" as the anti Marx trans woman cancelled and some showed up anyway and these articles I linked you were the result.

fascism at it's finest that was.

if you are saying the right largely doesn't represent classical liberal values anymore I can agree, they're Democrat lites anymore.
You're putting belief over facts is distorting your thinking again.

13 people were arrested in Berkeley for various criminal behavior. I don't condone that. The mayor quite rightly called out people who committed violence as unacceptable: "the violence that small group of protesters engaged in against residents and the police, including throwing smoke bombs, is unacceptable. Fighting hate with hate does not work and only makes each side more entrenched in their ideological camps". I read somewhere else that four people required treatment at a hospital.

The mayor or Berkeley said 7000 people showed up for an unorganized un-permitted demonstration. It was chaotic with people demonstrating for and against Trump and fascist Nazi supporters. Of course confrontations between different people was inevitable.

You seem to forget that white supremacists are killing people in hate crimes across this country. Tensions are running high.

And you in your fact free world seem to think it's all about Antifa. Nope. It's about Trump's fascist neo-Nazis killing people. People are angry about that.

Dylan Roof had false beliefs too. He blamed all his troubles and those of "his people" on African Americans. So he shot innocents in a Church who had given him acceptance. Dylan Roof had a 9th grade education. He believed he was held down by race war when his real problems were his own. He didn't fucking study. This is why fake world views like yours are harmful. Decisions based upon falsehoods are bound to go wrong.
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Your pinning belief over facts is distorting your thinking again.

13 people were arrested in Berkeley for various criminal behavior. I don't condone that. The mayor quite rightly called out people who committed violence as unacceptable: "the violence that small group of protesters engaged in against residents and the police, including throwing smoke bombs, is unacceptable. Fighting hate with hate does not work and only makes each side more entrenched in their ideological camps". I read somewhere else that four people required treatment at a hospital.

The mayor or Berkeley said 7000 people showed up for an unorganized un-permitted demonstration. It was chaotic with people demonstrating for and against Trump and fascist Nazi supporters. Of course confrontations between different people was inevitable.

You seem to forget that white supremacists are killing people in hate crimes across this country. Tensions are running high.

And you in your fact free world seem to think it's all about Antifa. Nope. It's about Trump's fascist neo-Nazis killing people. People are angry about that.

Dylan Roof had false beliefs too. He blamed all his troubles and those of "his people" on African Americans. So he shot innocents in a Church who had given him acceptance. Dylan Roof had a 9th grade education. He believed he was held down by race war when his real problems were his own. He didn't fucking study. This is why fake world views like yours are harmful. Decisions based upon falsehoods are bound to go wrong.

Worse things have happened at raider's games, but I won't get meth nut started on that.
Name or it didn't happen. Surely you don't say it's the US? Libertarian? LOL

You really are a Wrenfield, aren't you?

who else waged war on slavery? Lincoln printed money to accomplish this but at least those notes are printed directly by the government. they are limited to 300 million, may not be held for a reserve and may not serve interest on the public debt.

those notes fought slavery once and still could today.
Your pinning belief over facts is distorting your thinking again.

13 people were arrested in Berkeley for various criminal behavior. I don't condone that. The mayor quite rightly called out people who committed violence as unacceptable: "the violence that small group of protesters engaged in against residents and the police, including throwing smoke bombs, is unacceptable. Fighting hate with hate does not work and only makes each side more entrenched in their ideological camps". I read somewhere else that four people required treatment at a hospital.

The mayor or Berkeley said 7000 people showed up for an unorganized un-permitted demonstration. It was chaotic with people demonstrating for and against Trump and fascist Nazi supporters. Of course confrontations between different people was inevitable.

You seem to forget that white supremacists are killing people in hate crimes across this country. Tensions are running high.

And you in your fact free world seem to think it's all about Antifa. Nope. It's about Trump's fascist neo-Nazis killing people. People are angry about that.

Dylan Roof had false beliefs too. He blamed all his troubles and those of "his people" on African Americans. So he shot innocents in a Church who had given him acceptance. Dylan Roof had a 9th grade education. He believed he was held down by race war when his real problems were his own. He didn't fucking study. This is why fake world views like yours are harmful. Decisions based upon falsehoods are bound to go wrong.

moving the goalposts because liberal publications are calling you a Nazi?


Dylan roof sucks ass and should be executed. so should the pulse shooter and the Portland stabber. you would pay to rehab them though wouldn't you?

that about covers the political spectrum for your eyedenteetee pawlohteeks shill bot.

any excuse will do for you to justify an attack on any front at any angle on the unique rights of americans.

this is the part where you repeat your "plasma beings" nonsense that Americans have the right to combat speech with violence, yet again.

full on shill. the progressives seem to mostly just see another Republican democrats have just fell off completely into a hysteria bubble.
who else waged war on slavery? Lincoln printed money to accomplish this but at least those notes are printed directly by the government. they are limited to 300 million, may not be held for a reserve and may not serve interest on the public debt.

those notes fought slavery once and still could today.

The US didn't wage war on slavery in the civil war. You fucking idiot. The Confederates went to war in part to defend slavery, though.

The US is a libertarian state? Oh that's rich.

So then this means your form of libertarian is just the status quo. What a little mind you have.
Lol @ these terrorists trying their best to justify attacking people they don't like.

"But they were nazis maaan" what about the protests where no nazis were present?
"No but they are clearly nazis who are hiding the fact they're nazis maaaan" So prove that they're nazis.
"Nah man, I can't, and it's just like, they're spreading hate by saying logical things maaaan." Actually they might make sense, ever thought of debating them instead of trying to bash their skull in?
"Nah man, that's just like, useless maaaan, as no-one but us freaks thinks the points we make to justify bashing people's heads in are all that valid, so no-one will be on our side." Then stop bashing people's heads in maybe? "Nah, they're nazis maaaaan" But you can't prove it?
"I just did maaaaan" No you didn't.
"But all my antifa homies say they are, so it must be true." Seems like it might be a mental illness. I would ask your doctor for advice.

They damn well know what they're doing. It's all a witch hunt to be able to fuck people over because they're on the right. Butthurt precious snowflakes.
I can't believe these people are on their way to making me dislike and distrust the left more than the right, strange times we live in.
Lol @ these terrorists trying their best to justify attacking people they don't like.

"But they were nazis maaan" what about the protests where no nazis were present?
"No but they are clearly nazis who are hiding the fact they're nazis maaaan" So prove that they're nazis.
"Nah man, I can't, and it's just like, they're spreading hate by saying logical things maaaan." Actually they might make sense, ever thought of debating them instead of trying to bash their skull in?
"Nah man, that's just like, useless maaaan, as no-one but us freaks thinks the points we make to justify bashing people's heads in are all that valid, so no-one will be on our side." Then stop bashing people's heads in maybe? "Nah, they're nazis maaaaan" But you can't prove it?
"I just did maaaaan" No you didn't.
"But all my antifa homies say they are, so it must be true." Seems like it might be a mental illness. I would ask your doctor for advice.

They damn well know what they're doing. It's all a witch hunt to be able to fuck people over because they're on the right. Butthurt precious snowflakes.
I can't believe these people are on their way to making me dislike and distrust the left more than the right, strange times we live in.
You have a lot of generalities and nothing specific for me to think about. Could you please post a few quotes of the "logical things" they have said?
the farther right you go, the less government there is, so you are just intellectually dishonest.


trump must be planning to deport 800,000 innocent children using volunteers then.

and his authoritarianism is totally liberal. hitler was totally a liberal too.

seriously though, shut the fuck up because you are retarded and you are making yourself look bad.
Lol @ these terrorists trying their best to justify attacking people they don't like.

"But they were nazis maaan" what about the protests where no nazis were present?
"No but they are clearly nazis who are hiding the fact they're nazis maaaan" So prove that they're nazis.
"Nah man, I can't, and it's just like, they're spreading hate by saying logical things maaaan." Actually they might make sense, ever thought of debating them instead of trying to bash their skull in?
"Nah man, that's just like, useless maaaan, as no-one but us freaks thinks the points we make to justify bashing people's heads in are all that valid, so no-one will be on our side." Then stop bashing people's heads in maybe? "Nah, they're nazis maaaaan" But you can't prove it?
"I just did maaaaan" No you didn't.
"But all my antifa homies say they are, so it must be true." Seems like it might be a mental illness. I would ask your doctor for advice.

They damn well know what they're doing. It's all a witch hunt to be able to fuck people over because they're on the right. Butthurt precious snowflakes.
I can't believe these people are on their way to making me dislike and distrust the left more than the right, strange times we live in.

The point every one of us has tried to ram through your thick skull is that those who have instigated violence have been denounced by the left.
The point every one of us has tried to ram through your thick skull is that those who have instigated violence have been denounced by the left.
Dude why are you still talking to me. Why would I waste any more of my time talking to your lying manipulative ass.
It's getting a bit old, you make a claim again, so I'll ask for evidence again, then you go on and ignore my request for evidence multiple times as you did before, then suddenly you claim you did provide evidence and you start with personally attacking me again. Really mature dude.

You're not denouncing violence. By all means necessary, remember? You're not telling me you're (supporting) antifa but have no idea about their modus operandi are you?
The only question that remains is if the people you're trying to shut down by any means necessary are real fascists as you people keep claiming.
And judging from the lack of evidence I think it's pretty clear.
But no, you got alternative facts maaan. They're all fascists!