Bushcrafting, the weed addition: Bugout patch

Hey guys. Thanks for the well wishes.

I'm just in the edge of the cone of uncertainty. Each day the track has moved a little west, and closer to me. Hope it turns north pretty soon. But it will be Monday before we get any heavy stuff.

I'll post a hiking update when I get caught up.
Hey guys. Thanks for the well wishes.

I'm just in the edge of the cone of uncertainty. Each day the track has moved a little west, and closer to me. Hope it turns north pretty soon. But it will be Monday before we get any heavy stuff.

I'll post a hiking update when I get caught up.
i was just about to @ you larry.hadnt seen you around for awhile then crept your posts last night,saw you were out hiking.stay safe brother
i was just about to @ you larry.hadnt seen you around for awhile then crept your posts last night,saw you were out hiking.stay safe brother
I don't do weed related social media at home. Too many folks use my computers. I only RUI and IG at work, and I had the week off.

I went hiking Thursday and Friday, and was told I could only primitive camp the first night. No big deal since I had to work today anyway. But the lady also mentioned the regular campground was filling up with hurricane evacuees. They were letting them camp at a reduced rate. I passed a couple or three RV's and travel trailers when I headed to the trail head, but didn't talk to any of them. My usual camping spot is just a 20 minute blue blaze for good phone reception, running water and electricity at the picnic area, so I have got in the habit of timing my hikes so I pass by there right at dark when the park closes. I can call home, wash up and charge anything that is running low. So I did that Thursday night, and I had the place all to myself. Friday morning when I hiked through there there were already four tents pitched between the pavilions. I talked to a few of them. They could stay there free, but they had to have a tent. Most had hit Walmart and picked up 50 buck Ozark Trail tents. {I warned them to buy a tarp for the rain that will be coming. OT tents are not rainproof} I did about 6-7 miles, then went back by the picnic area and there were 8-10 families there then. Pretty cool they can stay there for free, but as soon as there is a tropical storm warning for the area, the park will close and they will have to go somewhere else.
I did feel the effects of hurricane traffic. Had to do a short 5-6 mile jaunt on Highway 20 eastbound when I was headed home yesterday. Took almost an hour. I heard Interstate 10 is almost as bad. My buddy said he averaged about 30 miles an hour at 0500 this morning. I feel for all the folks stuck out there.
Hey guys. Just hopping on long enough to let everyone know I'm alright. We had a few downed trees, two of which were close calls to Mamma's old house and a barn, but no direct hits. Well. except for the Chinaberry tree that landed on one of the apple persimmon trees. But I think I can cut it off with minimal damage. Not that the damn squirrels haven;t done enough. Last week the three trees were full of apple persimmons. The morning after the storm when I walked over to check on things, there were two left.

It is another week with nothing going on at work, so I'm headed out for 3 days and 2 nights on the trail. See you guys when I get back.
This morning the wife was telling me about a local lady who died in child birth. Turns out it was the wife of one of the sheet rock guys who worked on our house. He is the younger of three brothers, and was always the friendliest. I will not lie, it got to me pretty bad. He's in his early 30's with 4-5 kids to raise by himself. The paper said they didn't have money for the funeral, so I kicked in a hundred bucks. I wish there was more I could do.
This morning the wife was telling me about a local lady who died in child birth. Turns out it was the wife of one of the sheet rock guys who worked on our house. He is the younger of three brothers, and was always the friendliest. I will not lie, it got to me pretty bad. He's in his early 30's with 4-5 kids to raise by himself. The paper said they didn't have money for the funeral, so I kicked in a hundred bucks. I wish there was more I could do.
This is terrible, I'm so sorry to hear it.
This morning the wife was telling me about a local lady who died in child birth. Turns out it was the wife of one of the sheet rock guys who worked on our house. He is the younger of three brothers, and was always the friendliest. I will not lie, it got to me pretty bad. He's in his early 30's with 4-5 kids to raise by himself. The paper said they didn't have money for the funeral, so I kicked in a hundred bucks. I wish there was more I could do.
If someone sets up a go fund me page let me know ill throw in 100 larry
This week's hike was not as awesome as usual. I had a blister for the first time in over a year. Same socks and trail runners I always use. I figured it was a toe nail rubbing, so I did a little trim job, and did low miles the next day.

Speaking of which, I am doing a cutlery shake down. At the current time I carry a knife around my neck, a small Swiss army knife, a small nail clipper and folding scissors in my brain bag. I did use the scissors for the first time this trip. {I cut some off of my sleep pad to use as a butt pad as well as a pad to go between me and my pack. So I was able to chunk my old butt pad, as well as a like sized piece I had to cut off the cut off section of sleep pad to make it fit the pack}

Yesterday Sister called to ask the wife and I to go over to Mamma's old house to get some stuff she had set aside. While there I spotted a small toe nail scissor. I grabbed it and now I feel like I can afford to ditch the nail clipper and scissors. The folding scissors are pretty heavy, and they don';t get used enough to warrant carrying them. Not sure of net weight saved, but an ounce or two I would guess.
Also did a cordage shakedown. Was using para cord to tie off my tarp and hang my food bag, but replaced it with light cotton cord for now. Will change out to mason's line when I remember to get my roll of line from the camp.

I did have something get into my food bag this trip. Cut up the bottom of the bag. Didn't get into it enough to spoil any of the food, but will have to replace the dry sack. Not sure what it was. Coon maybe, but there was a big sounding owl in a tree right over my tent when I was cooking supper.
I guess it was the cooler weather, but saw a lot more folks on the trail this week. I am so used to getting smoked out and having the trail to myself, it's hard having to talk to folks. And to listen to them. I was having lunch one day at one of the water sources when two young ladies sat down near me. One of them talked for 30 minutes nonstop about her man problems while her friend said maybe three words. I let them get a long way down the trail before I set out.
I guess it was the cooler weather, but saw a lot more folks on the trail this week. I am so used to getting smoked out and having the trail to myself, it's hard having to talk to folks. And to listen to them. I was having lunch one day at one of the water sources when two young ladies sat down near me. One of them talked for 30 minutes nonstop about her man problems while her friend said maybe three words. I let them get a long way down the trail before I set out.
There's no getting away anymore, brother.
I've had it to myself all summer. But then the flirty ranger calls me Dumb Ass for my habit of hiking all day in hot weather and camping in thunderstorms. I saw either 7 or 9 folks on the main trail, and a couple more on the blue blazed trails over the three days I was hiking. By far the most.
Don't look now, but I hear yet another hurricane is headed your way.
I saw that shit. Looks like it will be an east coast affair, but still too many for my comfort.
No shit. In 2005, the hurricanes kept coming, one even doing a pirouette in the Western Atlantic before coming ashore.

Peeps were acting shell shocked after awhile, for real.