Hey RIU Fam n my newly found Mycology fun budz!
Hope everyone is coming along as they should or would like to be. I'm gonna jump right into what I got going on if you guys/gals don't mind. Ok, I have a few Grow or spawn bags that I started on the 29th of September. Since this is my very 1st go round or walk in the Myco park, I'm truly not sure if I should just leave'em alone or should I break them up n then allow them to finish colonizing? I'm gonna post some pics n hopefully 1 or more of y'all could let me know what my next steps would be? Btw, I'm all prepared for the next step, equiptment wise... I received all 15 pounds of substrate I was waiting on, as well as the gypsum. I now have enough items to do my own sterilization n everything else. I've made 6 LC jars as my 1st project in learning how to use the PC, so hopefully that'll work. I'll be using qt size jars for the rye berries once sterile n I'll be doing g2g transfer. Couple of more days b4 the sun leeching of the Hpoo n then I'll get started on pasteurizing n amending that. I also now have 1 incubator chamber n 3 monotubs, n soon to make a shotgun fruiting chamber. Ok, now that we're all caught up, here are the pics of the Grow/spawn bags in question. Again, trying to figure out if I should just leave as is or should I break up to have'em recolonize n cover the whole bag. As always, thank you guys/gals 4 all your help n thank you for allowing me to run my mouth, cause I know it's a bad habit I have! Thank you everyone, n plz, share all that you can on your grows whether successful of not... There's no such things as mistakes, just knowledge of what n how 2 do as well as what n what not 2 do! Always look at the positive in all ya do, even if it doesn't go your way!! Peace all..

View attachment 4013081this is the front of the Golden Teacher
View attachment 4013082 This is 1 side n the back of the GT
View attachment 4013083 not sure if ya can see good, but this is a pic of the top. 1 short side is the only part not completely covered, as well as the top.
View attachment 4013084 This is the front of the Ecuador.
View attachment 4013085 This is side, back, n top of the Ecuador.
At the moment, those are the only 2 bags that I'm concerned with at the time. I have 2 more bags, 1 of each, but their not as far along as the others, so I'm not worried about them yet. I also have jars that are almost completely white, but I know to wait til it's all the way, b4 asking about them. Lol
Thank you all again n your apinion is definitely appreciated n valued highly. Hope to hear from y'all soon!