a mediocre shroom garden thread

@Tankado78 Field dried hpoo is best but if you get wet lay it out spray it with water for about a week and let it dry out
For your substrate hpoo vermiculite and gypsum
For pasteurisation you don't need a pressure cooker a big pot would do
And pasteurised substrate will last about a year in the freezer
Thankx 4 the response Dank!
I'm gonna have a look on YouTube n see if anyone is using or making their own pasteurized manure. I don't have a pressure cooker yet either n that is my next goal. I don't wanna have to continuously buy new pre-pasteurized jars or even pre-pasteurized spawn bags. I would like to be able to reuse the jars n do the sterilization scene myself. Not only will I be saving a buck or 2, the learning experience out weighs any amount in dollars or cents. Im so use to growing with cannabis that I tend to want to do more or something extra, but there's nothing to do but 2 wait! Smh. So, in the meantime I'll just continue to find things to read n watch. If I find anything interesting or new, I'll keep ya posted n or direct ya to it. Btw, I don't know if I posted them b4, but I see you have a blue mystic going on there? I have a few seedlings myself going on. Here's a pic of my Sour Bubbly by mephisto n Kali x China by Guatemala Aces(I think!)
The big girl in the back is NY Diesel. She should be coming up on 90 days n the other 2 lil ladies I'm not 2 sure of the age n will have to go back. I have grown blue mystic b4 n she's a very awesome plant! I wish you nothing but success with her!!!!! If you have anymore cannabis pics, new or old, I would love to see what ya working with. Keep me posted bro!

Nice dude, this is my second time growing Blue Mystic and I've grown the Auto version of it too, so I'm excited. It's nice to have both mushrooms and plants project going on at the same time keeps fruits coming and having different stages at the same time too. Good luck with the hpoo, I might have to get in on that action too. My girlfriend and I are looking into buying a Magic Chef pressure cooker all in one thing. So then I won't have to spend extra money on sterilized/pasteurized Substrate or spawn . I should be getting my spawn and substrate today but more than likely it'll be tomorrow. Can't wait to see your progress
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Nice dude, this is my second time growing Blue Mystic and I've grown the Auto version of it too, so I'm excited. It's nice to have both mushrooms and plants project going on at the same time keeps fruits coming and having different stages at the same time too. Good luck with the hpoo, I might have to get in on that action too. My girlfriend and I are looking into buying a Magic Chef pressure cooker all in one thing. So then I won't have to spend extra money on sterilized/pasteurized Substrate or spawn . I should be getting my spawn and substrate today but more than likely it'll be tomorrow. Can't wait to see your progress
Thankx @DankTankerous!
It definitely is awesome to have more than 1 project going especially 1 being a plant n the other basically a fungus among us! Lol.. I know, corny joke! I might have to take a look into the magic chef pressure cooker myself. I'm basically in the same situation as you n looking to make my budget a lil less n saving on buying pre-pasteurized jars n Grow bags will definitely save myself the change that I need. Will possibly be able to expand the whole shroom operation if I do so. As far as the plants are concerned, I have about 5 that are growing out n I'm sitting on about 20 seeds of various variety. Seasons are definitely changing where I'm located n the whole hurricane season isn't helping matters much either. Although the storm/hurricane will not make it to where I'm at, the back lash of it will! Meaning the drop in temps, mild n wild winds,etc.etc.etc. It's kinda a bummer n a set back, cause it's usually not the way it is until the end of the month or even later. So, besides the Blue Mystic, do you have anything else growing out? I will definitely keep ya updated on the plants n will take pics as often as I can. I will have to remember to keep the LEDs off while I'm doing so tho. Once again, Thankx for your convo n all the help. Will always be appreciate no matter how big or small the significance. Thankx again n will holla soon! :bigjoint::hug:.... Stay awesome @DankTankerous !
@Tankado78 Field dried hpoo is best but if you get wet lay it out spray it with water for about a week and let it dry out
For your substrate hpoo vermiculite and gypsum
For pasteurisation you don't need a pressure cooker a big pot would do
And pasteurised substrate will last about a year in the freezer
Hey Gnome!
Thankx for the response n the info. So, your saying if I do go with the hpoo as or 4 a substrate, I will still need to mix with parts of vermiculite n gypsum? That doesn't sound 2 bad. I was hoping I could just dry out n pasteurize n then use. Kool. Ok, will I have to sterilize the vermiculite n gypsum, or would I be able to get away with just pasteurization alone? Thank you 4 all your help n info thus far. Trust me, it doesn't n won't fall on deaf ears. I tend to follow advice to the "T" so 2 speak, until proven otherwise. Mark us up as a thread to follow, cause this is only the beginning!!! Lol. Thank you once again.
Hey Gnome!
Thankx for the response n the info. So, your saying if I do go with the hpoo as or 4 a substrate, I will still need to mix with parts of vermiculite n gypsum? That doesn't sound 2 bad. I was hoping I could just dry out n pasteurize n then use. Kool. Ok, will I have to sterilize the vermiculite n gypsum, or would I be able to get away with just pasteurization alone? Thank you 4 all your help n info thus far. Trust me, it doesn't n won't fall on deaf ears. I tend to follow advice to the "T" so 2 speak, until proven otherwise. Mark us up as a thread to follow, cause this is only the beginning!!! Lol. Thank you once again.
Yeah you mix 1:1 and add 1 tablespoon of gypsum and pasteurize
To pasteurize a substrate it must be kept at a temperature of 160-180F for 1-3 hours. Going any higher than 180F will kill the beneficial bacteria and greatly increase your chances of contamination.
Just dump your mixed substrate in a pillowcase and go at it
Yeah you mix 1:1 and add 1 tablespoon of gypsum and pasteurize
To pasteurize a substrate it must be kept at a temperature of 160-180F for 1-3 hours. Going any higher than 180F will kill the beneficial bacteria and greatly increase your chances of contamination.
Just dump your mixed substrate in a pillowcase and go at it
Nice! I love being here n talking to ppl on RIU, cause you literally can learn something new everyday. I never knew that you had to keep it at a constant 160-180F. I see a video on YouTube with a dude pasteurizing his Hpoo n he basically leached it in the sun for about a month, broke up the big chunks in a bowl n then put the Hpoo into a strainer n he poured about 2-3 large pots of hot water onto the Hpoo n proceed to cool it off n lay it down. @gNOME42, thank you 4 finding this thread. I most certainly would've messed up n just did the pour over the Hpoo technique. I would've been highly upset if I made it that far w/o any contams n then I turn around n contam the shit outta everything! (No pun intended) Whew! Ya truly save me from some heartache! Lol. So, I went out again this am n walked the wife to work n I stopped by the park once again with bag,gloves, n mask n collected another load of Hpoo. I figure if I collect once a week, I wouldn't or shouldn't have to buy any substrate for a while or if at all! Gonna buy some coir, vermiculite, gypsum, n maybe hydrated lime. More money I get to save the more spores I get to buy! Lol. Ok, not gonna write a book 2 day either. @gNOME42, keep stopping on by n checking with the progress.. Damn... this isn't even my thread! Smh... My apologies @iHearAll. Thankx 4 allowing me to run a muck on ya thread. Here's a pic of the fresh Hpoo all laid out to dry


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Hey all!
I'm back n not by popular demand. Lol. So, I just wanted to keep everyone updated on my next few steps. I have been ordering a bunch of stuff that I do believe is needed to successfully continue my attempts of cultivating shrooms. I've ordered a 23qt. PC that should arrive 2 day. I also ordered more spores n hopefully this will be my last time ordering spores for a while. I'm going to try my hand at LCs, so I'm using panaeolus cyanescens to grow out n use the mycelium to knock up jars. I have about 8 brf jars left, n about 12 jars that need to be cleaned n PC'd b4 I can continue. I also order 25 pounds of rye berries in the raw, so I'll be able to sterilize n inoc them as well. I also ordered a bulk substrate kit that has comes with 10 pounds of sub, 3 qts of vermiculite, n also a monotub. Only reason I ordered the kit is cause the price of the substrate alone was just about the same for the whole kit. Who doesn't like or want free stuff? The spores that I've ordered were Hawaii, Thailand, Jamaica, n Tropicalis. All panaeolus cyanescens. I also ordered gypsum, that way when I'm ready to use the Hpoo, I'd have all the ingredients to make it an official sub, with nutrients n all. I also have about 10 pounds of casing coming as well. If I left out anything, plz, let me know! The one thing I truly hate is being unprepared! I also have measuring cups, a meat thermometer that I have to order. I have a huge rice pot that I will be using to pasteurize the Hpoo in at 160-180F for a few hrs. Thank you all 4 allowing me to share n I hope I'll have a success story for you guys/gals in a month or so. Thankx again!
Hey all!
I'm back n not by popular demand. Lol. So, I just wanted to keep everyone updated on my next few steps. I have been ordering a bunch of stuff that I do believe is needed to successfully continue my attempts of cultivating shrooms. I've ordered a 23qt. PC that should arrive 2 day. I also ordered more spores n hopefully this will be my last time ordering spores for a while. I'm going to try my hand at LCs, so I'm using panaeolus cyanescens to grow out n use the mycelium to knock up jars. I have about 8 brf jars left, n about 12 jars that need to be cleaned n PC'd b4 I can continue. I also order 25 pounds of rye berries in the raw, so I'll be able to sterilize n inoc them as well. I also ordered a bulk substrate kit that has comes with 10 pounds of sub, 3 qts of vermiculite, n also a monotub. Only reason I ordered the kit is cause the price of the substrate alone was just about the same for the whole kit. Who doesn't like or want free stuff? The spores that I've ordered were Hawaii, Thailand, Jamaica, n Tropicalis. All panaeolus cyanescens. I also ordered gypsum, that way when I'm ready to use the Hpoo, I'd have all the ingredients to make it an official sub, with nutrients n all. I also have about 10 pounds of casing coming as well. If I left out anything, plz, let me know! The one thing I truly hate is being unprepared! I also have measuring cups, a meat thermometer that I have to order. I have a huge rice pot that I will be using to pasteurize the Hpoo in at 160-180F for a few hrs. Thank you all 4 allowing me to share n I hope I'll have a success story for you guys/gals in a month or so. Thankx again!

Looking forward to seeing it happen. I know nothing about Pan Cyan's but looking forward to your grow
Looking forward to seeing it happen. I know nothing about Pan Cyan's but looking forward to your grow
Thankx @DankTankerous....
I know nothing about it either, so we'll be in awe 2 gether! Lol....
Hey my Mycology peeps... I have a quick question 4 y'all n I hope ya could answer. I now have a 23 qt PC n believe it or not, I've never owned a PC b4, nor am I familiar with how it works. As I stated b4, I wanted to do LCs, that way I can stretch the amount of spores I have by making cultures n won't have to buy more n more sets of spores. My question is, when using the PC for sterilization, how much water do I add to the PC? Do I add the bare minimum which is 3 qts I believe? Also, since I'm using half pint size jars or any jars for that matter, does it matter that bottom of the jars are submerged in water? It's no more than like 1/4 ways up the jar n this is with the circular so called rack on the bottom with a few lids underneath to give it some height. I still notice that it's not high enough so that it's not touching the water at all. Will this be acceptable? Meaning with the jar 1/4 covered in water? Or do I need it 2 be not covering any part of the jars at all? If so, what can I use to raise the rack even higher? As always, thank you 4 giving my questions a look n much obliged to those who answer my NOOB ass questions! Lol
Thankx @DankTankerous....
I know nothing about it either, so we'll be in awe 2 gether! Lol....
Hey my Mycology peeps... I have a quick question 4 y'all n I hope ya could answer. I now have a 23 qt PC n believe it or not, I've never owned a PC b4, nor am I familiar with how it works. As I stated b4, I wanted to do LCs, that way I can stretch the amount of spores I have by making cultures n won't have to buy more n more sets of spores. My question is, when using the PC for sterilization, how much water do I add to the PC? Do I add the bare minimum which is 3 qts I believe? Also, since I'm using half pint size jars or any jars for that matter, does it matter that bottom of the jars are submerged in water? It's no more than like 1/4 ways up the jar n this is with the circular so called rack on the bottom with a few lids underneath to give it some height. I still notice that it's not high enough so that it's not touching the water at all. Will this be acceptable? Meaning with the jar 1/4 covered in water? Or do I need it 2 be not covering any part of the jars at all? If so, what can I use to raise the rack even higher? As always, thank you 4 giving my questions a look n much obliged to those who answer my NOOB ass questions! Lol

I think that is expected to have a little water touching the bottom as long as it doesn't splash into the jar. Put foil over the top
Hey RIU Fam n my newly found Mycology fun budz!
Hope everyone is coming along as they should or would like to be. I'm gonna jump right into what I got going on if you guys/gals don't mind. Ok, I have a few Grow or spawn bags that I started on the 29th of September. Since this is my very 1st go round or walk in the Myco park, I'm truly not sure if I should just leave'em alone or should I break them up n then allow them to finish colonizing? I'm gonna post some pics n hopefully 1 or more of y'all could let me know what my next steps would be? Btw, I'm all prepared for the next step, equiptment wise... I received all 15 pounds of substrate I was waiting on, as well as the gypsum. I now have enough items to do my own sterilization n everything else. I've made 6 LC jars as my 1st project in learning how to use the PC, so hopefully that'll work. I'll be using qt size jars for the rye berries once sterile n I'll be doing g2g transfer. Couple of more days b4 the sun leeching of the Hpoo n then I'll get started on pasteurizing n amending that. I also now have 1 incubator chamber n 3 monotubs, n soon to make a shotgun fruiting chamber. Ok, now that we're all caught up, here are the pics of the Grow/spawn bags in question. Again, trying to figure out if I should just leave as is or should I break up to have'em recolonize n cover the whole bag. As always, thank you guys/gals 4 all your help n thank you for allowing me to run my mouth, cause I know it's a bad habit I have! Thank you everyone, n plz, share all that you can on your grows whether successful of not... There's no such things as mistakes, just knowledge of what n how 2 do as well as what n what not 2 do! Always look at the positive in all ya do, even if it doesn't go your way!! Peace all..:peace::hug:image.jpgthis is the front of the Golden Teacher
image.jpg This is 1 side n the back of the GTimage.jpg not sure if ya can see good, but this is a pic of the top. 1 short side is the only part not completely covered, as well as the top.
image.jpg This is the front of the Ecuador.
image.jpg This is side, back, n top of the Ecuador.
At the moment, those are the only 2 bags that I'm concerned with at the time. I have 2 more bags, 1 of each, but their not as far along as the others, so I'm not worried about them yet. I also have jars that are almost completely white, but I know to wait til it's all the way, b4 asking about them. Lol
Thank you all again n your apinion is definitely appreciated n valued highly. Hope to hear from y'all soon!
Hey RIU Fam n my newly found Mycology fun budz!
Hope everyone is coming along as they should or would like to be. I'm gonna jump right into what I got going on if you guys/gals don't mind. Ok, I have a few Grow or spawn bags that I started on the 29th of September. Since this is my very 1st go round or walk in the Myco park, I'm truly not sure if I should just leave'em alone or should I break them up n then allow them to finish colonizing? I'm gonna post some pics n hopefully 1 or more of y'all could let me know what my next steps would be? Btw, I'm all prepared for the next step, equiptment wise... I received all 15 pounds of substrate I was waiting on, as well as the gypsum. I now have enough items to do my own sterilization n everything else. I've made 6 LC jars as my 1st project in learning how to use the PC, so hopefully that'll work. I'll be using qt size jars for the rye berries once sterile n I'll be doing g2g transfer. Couple of more days b4 the sun leeching of the Hpoo n then I'll get started on pasteurizing n amending that. I also now have 1 incubator chamber n 3 monotubs, n soon to make a shotgun fruiting chamber. Ok, now that we're all caught up, here are the pics of the Grow/spawn bags in question. Again, trying to figure out if I should just leave as is or should I break up to have'em recolonize n cover the whole bag. As always, thank you guys/gals 4 all your help n thank you for allowing me to run my mouth, cause I know it's a bad habit I have! Thank you everyone, n plz, share all that you can on your grows whether successful of not... There's no such things as mistakes, just knowledge of what n how 2 do as well as what n what not 2 do! Always look at the positive in all ya do, even if it doesn't go your way!! Peace all..:peace::hug:View attachment 4013081this is the front of the Golden Teacher
View attachment 4013082 This is 1 side n the back of the GTView attachment 4013083 not sure if ya can see good, but this is a pic of the top. 1 short side is the only part not completely covered, as well as the top.
View attachment 4013084 This is the front of the Ecuador.
View attachment 4013085 This is side, back, n top of the Ecuador.
At the moment, those are the only 2 bags that I'm concerned with at the time. I have 2 more bags, 1 of each, but their not as far along as the others, so I'm not worried about them yet. I also have jars that are almost completely white, but I know to wait til it's all the way, b4 asking about them. Lol
Thank you all again n your apinion is definitely appreciated n valued highly. Hope to hear from y'all soon!
Holy shit we have a time traveler in our midst