Aussie Growers Thread

i gotta dissa gree about pain there bother although im not a hard man after my nans funaral a couple years back me and a mate at about 1 o clock started drinken buy about 930 wee gon thrue and im pretty sure we pace our selves at first but ye we drank a bottle of jimmy and 3 bottles of bundy i remember walking down to tje bottlo to get more lol i remember headbutting that glass thay got like at the entrence of te sliding doors like those thick window shops have i head buted it and fuck me it hurt i was on med tho and thay did say dont mix with alcahole lol was an emocianol night tho was only the second funeral iv been to
I go full coon spec when I drink vodka. A personal choice to not drink it has kept me from drunken dramas for about 3 years. I used to drink it and then just start pulling cunts on even if it was my mates or whoever .full blood Jack man now. But I can drink a bottle of rum and not get the slightest bit angry
When u can drink 20 beers and say your happy come see me..i do that every week end and the wife still gets surprised I can fuck her good walk straight and suffer no hang over lol
ye iv got a mat whose around fiftie hes wone of those dudes u can drink cases and still walk straight hes not an alcoholic but i can keep up with him id fucken love to have a drink with u man lol im not a hard person an all u sused to think i was cuse iv got family member who are pretty hard took me a while but more like a chill hippy pothead than any thing id be dead if not for weed ay but i always choose weed as my go to cuse ur in controll n stuff
so with my compost soil mix thing thats got mites and knats with time will thay all leave eventually like when it needed more moistter if i used teas im hoping that will get rid of the mites atlest
so with my compost soil mix thing thats got mites and knats with time will thay all leave eventually like when it needed more moistter if i used teas im hoping that will get rid of the mites atlest
Time will help. I doubt the tea will help I actually think it will feed them a bit. I would just spread it out on something in the sun for 2 hours then rehydrate the compost after with a compost tea to replace whatever good stuff the sun killed
Time will help. I doubt the tea will help I actually think it will feed them a bit. I would just spread it out on something in the sun for 2 hours then rehydrate the compost after with a compost tea to replace whatever good stuff the sun killed
im thinkink of leaving the lid off instead of dumping it iv got a small back yard and i dont want em to mess the the raised bed iv got
I use a huge black bin with no bottom and Chuck whatever in it apart from red meat and fats or oils.i try to keep the carbon content high by using spent toilet rolls, news paper, dry lawn clippings, leaves ect I also chuck weeds in it as I don't fuss over them sprouting. I turn it every couple of weeks and when it starts getting full I lift up the bin and sieve it through coarse mesh. Whatever didn't go through the mesh ends up back in the bin. What ever does go through the mesh ends up in a tarp or big box or whatever and I let that sit for a atleast 2 weeks and season it with a compost tea.
im thinkink of leaving the lid off instead of dumping it iv got a small back yard and i dont want em to mess the the raised bed iv got
Yeah man just turn it and let it sit without a lid and turn it every week. And stop feeding it so it really breaks down and the bug numbers will drop
I use a huge black bin with no bottom and Chuck whatever in it apart from red meat and fats or oils.i try to keep the carbon content high by using spent toilet rolls, news paper, dry lawn clippings, leaves ect I also chuck weeds in it as I don't fuss over them sprouting. I turn it every couple of weeks and when it starts getting full I lift up the bin and sieve it through coarse mesh. Whatever didn't go through the mesh ends up back in the bin. What ever does go through the mesh ends up in a tarp or big box or whatever and I let that sit for a atleast 2 weeks and season it with a compost tea.
iv got a 180 liter tumbler iv been turning it just about every day just cheked it then the might population seems 2 have died down it was really hard to see em before it was every where i looomed but now the only place i saw em was out side the tumbler wher i turned it
iv got a 180 liter tumbler iv been turning it just about every day just cheked it then the might population seems 2 have died down it was really hard to see em before it was every where i looomed but now the only place i saw em was out side the tumbler wher i turned it
I'm not a huge fan of tumblers because they get so wet and the leachate builds up making the compost a bit toxic if you don't keep an eye on it. But I have seem some good compost come from them
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i gotta dissa gree about pain there bother although im not a hard man after my nans funaral a couple years back me and a mate at about 1 o clock started drinken buy about 930 wee gon thrue and im pretty sure we pace our selves at first but ye we drank a bottle of jimmy and 3 bottles of bundy i remember walking down to tje bottlo to get more lol i remember headbutting that glass thay got like at the entrence of te sliding doors like those thick window shops have i head buted it and fuck me it hurt i was on med tho and thay did say dont mix with alcahole lol was an emocianol night tho was only the second funeral iv been to
Oh yes giggs don't get me wrong we all have a limit to our pain threshold
I think I was more saying young mad fit as fuck whole world owes me type attitude kinda noone can touch me lol
But if I got sacked a gd one I would feel it these days...i feel like I'm still recovering 2 days after heavy shovelling of only 4 hrs