New Grower Romberry and Blueberry Gorilla Bubble


Well-Known Member
I recently received some seeds from GLG. Romberry and Blueberry Gorilla Bubble. I popped 2 of each in paper towels. They both popped over night. I let them sit until the next night where I added them to rapid rooter plugs that had been cut down the side. The next night I put them in a container with about .25" of tap water in it under a daylight T8 fluorescent fixture. they are all above the plugs now and I think ready for the next step. I am leaning to a miracle gro soil grow for ease and stability on my first grow. I have a cabinet that is 65"h x 25"w x 22"d that will be set up this weekend in the barn. The goal is to have a successful grow that remains stealthy and to learn about these strains and get a baseline for future reference. 20170918_152152_noexif.jpg 20170918_152142_noexif.jpg 20170918_152649_noexif.jpg 20170919_174436_noexif.jpg 20170920_201655_noexif.jpg 20170918_152152_noexif.jpg 20170918_152142_noexif.jpg 20170918_152649_noexif.jpg 20170919_174436_noexif.jpg 20170920_201655_noexif.jpg


Well-Known Member
Miracle grow has long acting nutrients, I'd go with a good quality composted soil you can buy from any nursery or hardware warehouse, tomato mixes go well They are usually amended, aged and balanced.
There are some good soils off the shelf.


Well-Known Member
I have a small bag of miracle gro. would I be alright to possibly put them in solo cups with the miracle gro until I can pick up some other soil and put them in a bigger pot? or, will they be ok in just the rapid rooter with tap water until saturday? My thoughts right now are to veg them.for 2-3 weeks and then flip to 12/12 in order to keep plant size down and hopefully have a couple females out of the 4. I still haven't set any aspect of the grow in stone. I have some botanicare nutes on the way. haven't picked out a light or even a medium. in all honesty the seeds popped and took off faster than I had anticipated. lol


Well-Known Member
ok. I ditched the soil idea. picked up a bag of coco mixed with perlite and some 2 gallon fabric pots. Going to put the seedlings into those and hope all goes well. My hope is the 2 gallon pots are big enough to grow out but small enough to aid in keeping the plants small enough to manage. I also picked up an old setup for cfl bulbs that I put together years ago so that will be the lights through vegging.


Jypsy Dog

Well-Known Member
ok. I ditched the soil idea. picked up a bag of coco mixed with perlite and some 2 gallon fabric pots. Going to put the seedlings into those and hope all goes well. My hope is the 2 gallon pots are big enough to grow out but small enough to aid in keeping the plants small enough to manage. I also picked up an old setup for cfl bulbs that I put together years ago so that will be the lights through vegging.
5 gallon minimum.


Well-Known Member
5 gallon minimum.
even for a short veg time in a cabinet? hopefully multiple plants are female. ideally I will have 4 plants to grow out. I'm not looking for a monster yield, just a successful grow that yields quality product.


Well-Known Member
Do your homework.... Small confined roots= small plants and yields.
so, for what I am looking for, it appears that 2 gallon will work. I understand that if I want to veg for 2 months and flower for another 10 weeks and grow a beast of a plant, I need bigger containers. That is not what I am after. I am after a small, manageable grow that produces a quality product. I want to use this grow to see how stuff works, how plants react, how my parts and equipment do, etc.... I want to learn and hopefully reap the benefit of a couple oz at the end of the cycle. As I learn and I dial stuff in, I will most likely try to maximize the yield and explore better options. I appreciate the replies and I am going to stroll through the link you sent to grow weed easy. Thank you very much. :)


Well-Known Member
now, if I am going to put them into the 2 gallon pots to finish, do I need to put them in a cup first or go straight into the 2 gallon? It seems to me that the less transplants and handling, the better. Is my thinking flawed on that? Do I keep the rapid rooter plug on them or try to pick it off before putting the plant into the coco?

Jypsy Dog

Well-Known Member
If your set on the 2's, go in them now. With 2gal Coco grow your going to get good at pH. Your also going to be water/feeding ALOT. You might look at a drip system or Ebb and Flow. In Hydro your going to find that "Small" is BIG WORK. And if a couple OZ"s is good, Than go for it. Jump on that Grow Weed Easy link. GREAT collection of info. 4 plus months of work ahead.


Well-Known Member
good deal. thank you. tomorrow night they are going to go into the 2 gallon smartpots. I am well aware of the work involved with a small hydro setup. After settling on the coco tonight I have been thinking about going with a timed drip system once they get into the cabinet. Can you recirculate the water/nutes using coco? like drip the nutes through the coco and the fabric pots and collect it and put it back into a reservoir?

Jypsy Dog

Well-Known Member
good deal. thank you. tomorrow night they are going to go into the 2 gallon smartpots. I am well aware of the work involved with a small hydro setup. After settling on the coco tonight I have been thinking about going with a timed drip system once they get into the cabinet. Can you recirculate the water/nutes using coco? like drip the nutes through the coco and the fabric pots and collect it and put it back into a reservoir?
If your doing drip, I would consider drain to waste. Recollecting your solution from slow drip may throw the pH out of wack. With DTW you only need to pH your solution tank once, but check daily. Drift should be minimal. If you go Ebb and Flow, different story. Take a look at the different Hydro's set up's in this link. HYDRO ROCKS!!!


Well-Known Member
well, my tap water (well water with water softener with red out salt) measures about 330 ppm. so, for now, I will probably be watering the seedlings with the water from our 5 gallon dispenser which measures about 7 ppm. I am currently weighing some options for getting the water. I know an RO system will pay for itself rather quickly vs packaged water but selling it to the wife is the hard part. :) Ultimately it will have to be an RO system but for now it will probably come from the water cooler.


Well-Known Member
oh, and the seedlings were doing fantastic with the tap water, so last night I used the bottled water and added very little liquid karma, CalMag, and pure blend pro grow to bring that up to 330PPM or so. at least this way, I know what the Parts are.


Well-Known Member
To grow compact plants that produce well and don't get leggy, good lighting is more important than your pot size or nutes. Don't skimp there or you will be disappointed with your yield. LED would work well in your cabinet size.


Well-Known Member
To grow compact plants that produce well and don't get leggy, good lighting is more important than your pot size or nutes. Don't skimp there or you will be disappointed with your yield. LED would work well in your cabinet size.
I am thinking the same thing. I have been looking at the Viparspectra 300w. it seems to be right in the ballpark for my cabinet.


Well-Known Member
I'm growing shorties in a 2x4x7 tent for seed right now in 3 gallon fabric pots under COB LEDs. In Roots Organics potting mix which is mostly coco and perlite. All organic nutes.
