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He was a asshole, but was he racist?Yesterday I was coming out of a shopping center near a busy intersection. It has two "roads" divided by a concrete parkway - an exit with two lanes and an entrance with one lane. At the entrance is a sign that says "burger king drive-thru", which is correct as it is the way to get to the burger king drive thru. As I am pulling up to the intersection in the left turn lane, some guy is pulling in from the street and is headed straight for me the wrong way. He swerves into the correct lane while screaming "you fucking idiot" through his open window. Then he pulls a u-turn at the first opening of the parkway and comes after me. So I pull into the gas station across the street and wait. He is white and about 30. He pulls up and starts berating me. I sit patiently. Meanwhile the normal flow of traffic resumes and I point out that every single person entering the shopping center is doing so through the lane he was forced to swerve into. Meanwhile the lane I pulled out of - the one he called me a fucking idiot for being in was full of people using it to exit. I ask him to consider this and he yells "well they are all fucking wrong!". So I shrugged, told him I liked his Trump bumper sticker and went on with my day.
I consider this a worthy parable for our times.
Personally speaking I'm not racist, well I don't think I am.lolI think a lot of racist Trump supporters don't know they are racist.
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