Trump unites NFL - against him.

"Taking a knee is disrespectful to the flag and the people that died defending it"

"Didn't those people die specifically so people back home are free to express themselves and protest injustice?"


Is that Hillary slogan for real? The same Hillary Clinton that has her daughter out speaking for alcohol lobbyists, repeating anti medicalization of marijuana rhetoric - 'all the studies, aren't in' bullshit? They literally cite and repeat junk science studies that are funded by the beer and wine industry about how car accidents are up in colorado because of legalization. Hillary opposes all forms of decriminalization and federal legalization for lobbyists and donors. smh
Is that Hillary slogan for real? The same Hillary Clinton that has her daughter out speaking for alcohol lobbyists, repeating anti medicalization of marijuana rhetoric - 'all the studies, aren't in' bullshit? They literally cite and repeat junk science studies that are funded by the beer and wine industry about how car accidents are up in colorado because of legalization. Hillary opposes all forms of decriminalization and federal legalization for lobbyists and donors. smh

The president's name is Donald "the klansman" Trump.

35% approval rating. Worst in history for a president this early in his term of office.
Meanwhile, Puerto Rico is really fucked.

"It's very tough because it's an island. In Texas, we can ship the trucks right out there, you know, we've got A-pluses on Texas and Florida and we will also on Puerto Rico, but the difference is this is an island sitting in the middle of an ocean, and it's a big ocean, it's a very big ocean, and I think we're doing a really good job." -Donald Trump

A very big ocean indeed - and Puerto Rico is spang in the middle of it. I wonder where our air force and navy is?
Meanwhile, Puerto Rico is really fucked.

"It's very tough because it's an island. In Texas, we can ship the trucks right out there, you know, we've got A-pluses on Texas and Florida and we will also on Puerto Rico, but the difference is this is an island sitting in the middle of an ocean, and it's a big ocean, it's a very big ocean, and I think we're doing a really good job." -Donald Trump

A very big ocean indeed - and Puerto Rico is spang in the middle of it. I wonder where our air force and navy is?
Taking care of white people.

The president's name is Donald "the klansman" Trump.

35% approval rating. Worst in history for a president this early in his term of office.

Whats that have to do with Hillary Clinton or her policy positions? What you just did is whataboutism to perfection. As if you can only choose bad or worse. She lost to the worst president in American history for a reason, she needs to be out of any discussion concerning 2020 because she is an awful candidate with terrible instincts. The neoliberal policies she has supported and advocated over decades have done nothing but hurt minority communities. If you don't know this you need to read more. Look up the crime bill of 1994 and its affects on people of color. Look up her super predator comments.
Whats the have to do with Hillary Clinton or her policy positions? What you just did is whataboutism to perfection. As if you can only choose bad or worse. She lost to the worst president in American history for a reason, she needs to be out of any discussion concerning 2020 because she is an awful candidate with terrible instincts. The neoliberal policies she has supported and advocated over decades have done nothing but hurt minority communities. If you don't know this you need to read more. Look up the crime bill of 1994 and its affects on people of color. Look up her super predator comments.
What does Hillary Clinton have to do with anything anymore?

Trump is the dickhead in chief. How is that draining the swamp going? LOL
What does Hillary Clinton have to do with anything anymore?

Trump is the dickhead in chief. How is that draining the swamp going? LOL

from your narrow little lens if you don't support hillary for 2020 or criticize her you must be a trump supporter? You posted a hillary 2020 slogan and you ask what does she have to do with anything? why are you posting pro hillary garbage? damn you are ignorant.

2/3 of all African Americans who voted in the Democratic Primary election voted for Hillary Clinton. That's resounding support. You have nothing more to say about this white girl.

Its called name recognition, you fool.

Hillary approval rating is currently even lower than trumps, look it up. Meanwhile Bernie is the most popular politician in the country.
Its called name recognition, you fool.

Hillary approval rating is currently even lower than trumps, look it up. Meanwhile Bernie is the most popular politician in the country.

Hillary had terrible popularity ratings and thrashed Bernie who, yes indeed was quite well liked in 2016 too. Sanders supporters use statistics like a drunk uses a lamp post. For support rather than illumination.

You say that name recognition is the reason Hillary completely drubbed Sanders. By the time of the primaries, we had had what? 6 debates. The last debate was in January and Bernie ripped Clinton a new asshole over health care at the time. The polls had Sanders as fairly well recognized by the time the primaries started but you say not. I guess only polls that agree with you are valid. (snicker)

So tell me, Einstein, white men were the only demographic of which a majority voted for Sanders in the primary. Not women, not Black Americans, not Hispanic Americans. By your thesis, white men weren't affected by Clinton's your supposed advantage in name recognition but women, Black Americans and Hispanic Americans, by your thesis were. Name recognition should affect each group in similar ways wouldn't it? Can you explain this?
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from your narrow little lens if you don't support hillary for 2020 or criticize her you must be a trump supporter? You posted a hillary 2020 slogan and you ask what does she have to do with anything? why are you posting pro hillary garbage? damn you are ignorant.
I mean it. What importance does Hillary have anymore? She's not running for anything. Bernie is. I voted for Bernie in 2016 and never regretted it. I might vote for Bernie in 2020. It depends on who he's running against. I'd much prefer somebody from a younger crowd. The way baby boomers are clinging to power into their advanced age is embarrassing. It's time for them to move on. They fucked up. It's too late for them to redeem themselves.

It's not Bernie whom I despise. It's his privileged white supporters with their sense of entitlement that I find disgusting.
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Wasn't even candidate...

Junk senator, never got anything useful passed.
Only three bills introduced by Bernie actually passed.

Two bills to name post offices. LOL

One bill to increase veterans compensation according to an index.

So, really, one useful bill to his credit.

but, hey, he cosponsored 200 others that passed. Sanders knows how to draft behind somebody really well.
Only three bills introduced by Bernie actually passed.

Two bills to name post offices. LOL

One bill to increase veterans compensation according to an index.

So, really, one useful bill to his credit.

but, hey, he cosponsored 200 others that passed. Sanders knows how to draft behind somebody really well.
I'll have you know that the Jane O'Meara Sanders Post Office is one of the nicest ones in the country.
Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump sounded very satisfied with his recent remarks on patriotism and the NFL in a dinner with conservative group leaders at the White House Monday night, according to a person who attended the event.

"It's really caught on. It's really caught on," Trump said of his NFL comments to attendees at the dinner, according to someone who attended. "I said what millions of Americans were thinking."
"You could really tell he was satisfied," this person in the room said about the President's comments.

Meanwhile, Puerto Rico is really fucked.

"It's very tough because it's an island. In Texas, we can ship the trucks right out there, you know, we've got A-pluses on Texas and Florida and we will also on Puerto Rico, but the difference is this is an island sitting in the middle of an ocean, and it's a big ocean, it's a very big ocean, and I think we're doing a really good job." -Donald Trump

A very big ocean indeed - and Puerto Rico is spang in the middle of it. I wonder where our air force and navy is?
In Texas. Where else?
how trump voters proudly displayed their flag when obama was president:

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