
Is it a good idea to clone after the first sign of flowering? I have a bagseed that just showed sex today. The reason i have not cloned yet is because i didnt know the sex and it was a bagseed so i didnt want to waste money on materials if it turned out to be male. It has 8 to 10 spots with pistils. Will cloning cause her to herm due to stress? Any help is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Perfect time to take clones.

It doesn't have to be fancy. I cut clones and put them straight into soil in a solo cup.

For stubborn strains I put in a cup of water for a few days.

You can root them in plain water. About 50% will make it. Cut more than you need.
Perfect time to take clones.

It doesn't have to be fancy. I cut clones and put them straight into soil in a solo cup.

For stubborn strains I put in a cup of water for a few days.

You can root them in plain water. About 50% will make it. Cut more than you need.
Thanks for the info whitebb. Im hoping to start a mother off this girl. Seeing as the plant has been on 12/12 for a couple weeks will i need to reveg or what to grow them out into full plants. Or basically what im asking is after i see a root what is my next step to making a full size healthy plant.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info whitebb. Im hoping to start a mother off this girl. Seeing as the plant has been on 12/12 for a couple weeks will i need to reveg or what to grow them out into full plants. Or basically what im asking is after i see a root what is my next step to making a full size healthy plant.
You will need to put it back in veg. Put it back under 20/4 to get it to veg again.

Doing it at first of flower will help them reveg faster.


Well-Known Member
You also don't need a lot of light. A cfl or two will work. They will look rough before they look better. The lowest leaves will yellow off first. Look at new growth.
Due to various reasons I have cut clones from flowering plants. I put them into little cups with grow medium and just leave them in there till harvesting then I switched it back to veg with 24hr dark and then back to 18/6. The first leaves look munted but the rest grow fine. Also I found I had a lot more branches after doing this
Here's a photo of the base. It had 2 main branches which I bent over. It had 2 small buds on each branch. Next time I will take photos just after revegging
I ended up splitting it at the join by mistake while training it. Seems to have recovered well.


Mass Medicinals

Well-Known Member
You also don't need a lot of light. A cfl or two will work. They will look rough before they look better. The lowest leaves will yellow off first. Look at new growth.
How close do you want the single CFL to be positioned? We have 10 clones in water. The 14W CFL is 24 inches above the cuttings. Should this be lower higher?


Well-Known Member
How close do you want the single CFL to be positioned? We have 10 clones in water. The 14W CFL is 24 inches above the cuttings. Should this be lower higher?
About a foot to 18 inches. You don't need a lot of light. When they start using the lower stores and lower leaves start to yellow is a good time to start increasing light.


Well-Known Member
If the strain is hard to clone, search "5 gallon bucket cloner". I built one for about $50.00. Best thing I ever did for myself. No humidity dome needed, cut them and put them in the cloner, turn it on and watch them grow.


Well-Known Member
You don't have to wait that long next time, Take a cutting as the plant is growing, throw the cutting under 12/12 and check the sex.


Well-Known Member
I always take clones from vegging moms only. Think about it, when the plant has advanced to flower mode most of the incoming energy is used to grow buds. You want to take your cuttings while the rooting hormones are still prompting the plant to grow roots, ie. during veg period. Note. Wait until the do.nor mom is at least 6 weeks old and you will have better success rooting clones.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
Like @Coloradoclear , I built a dozen (or so) 72 site cloners out of a large plastic tote. About $75 each. You’ll also need an air pump (and air stone) along with a (fish tank) heater (heater is necessary here in in Southern CA during the winter).

The “spray cloners” root faster, but I use cubes/hoods, otherwise they get “too big, too fast”. Unmanageable within a matter of weeks.