Trump unites NFL - against him.

Ok, just watched this. What the guy had to say was 100% true. I just don't know that I would categorize those "priveldges" along side skin color.

Think of it this way. Good looking people definitely have a leg up in life. No doubt. But if you took a good looking white woman, and a good looking black woman, who do you think is more likely to catch a break from a cop that pulls them over? I think skin color is the biggest priveldge of them all, but that's not to say that being tall, or smart, or good looking doesn't have its perks.
What that video fails to distinguish is the difference between prejudice and racism.
Can you please explain the difference between prejudice and racism and how it is measured in the context
of privilege?
Race scholars Howard Winant and Michael Omi define racism as a way of representing or describing race that “creates or reproduces structures of domination based on essentialist categories of race.” In other words, racism results in an unequal distribution of power on the basis of race. Because of this, using the n-word does not simply signal prejudice. Rather, it reflects and reproduces an unjust hierarchy of racial categories that negatively impacts the life chances of people of color.

The Oxford English dictionary defines prejudice as a “preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience,” and this resonates with how sociologists understand the term. Quite simply, it is a pre-judgement that one makes of another that is not rooted in their own experience. Some prejudices are positive while others are negative.

Some are racial in nature, and have racist outcomes, but not all forms of prejudice do, and this is why it's important to understand the difference between prejudice and racism.

As dag said, he never heard of a short person being held against his will and forced to work for nothing simply because he was short. Nor do we hear of people who are excluded from college, disqualified from loans, paid lower wages, forced to the back of the bus or beaten by a cop who hated them simply because they were short.

The video also conflated prejudice which is an artificial preconceived notion that is absent of facts with natural talents that are real and part of what a person is born with or they develop. Being smart is a desired trait in many professions and people earn more because they can do more or do better work because of a talent. Sex appeal is the same. Who can say why but we all notice and respond positively to people we are attracted to.

Privilege is unearned advantage bestowed upon a person without any particular reason. Wealth, being born to a class or race, being born a US citizen are privileges or entitlements that can basically be described as winning the genetic lottery.

Nobody says life should be fair or that everybody IS equal in all ways. What protests like the NFL players made is not to say life has to be fair, just that everybody should be treated with respect, especially by the people we give license to carry and use deadly force in the name of public service.
As if domination and privilege isn't based on class & wealth?
Trump is racist and a privileged rich, white man. This I agree with.
But I have also experienced being targeted by the police for my class and appearance.
In my younger days I had long hair and drove a shitty car and was pulled over and harassed
simple because of this. I didn't even have any weed at the time and the cop lied and said
he smelled marijuana to search my car. It is profiling based on class and appearance.
Now, odds are in their favor that I may have something on me because of my appearance.
I had no white privilege then or now.
Find a quote from me "expressing support for men's rights groups" and I'll humor the rest of your make believe nonsense...

At this point I'm all but convinced that this is a sock account of buckles. The exact same one trick pony act. If this is not a buck sock, then you're a giant buck groupie. In that case, lol!

And now, the Buck Victim Card has been played, completing the circle on the trumptard similarities. It is freaking weird, honestly.

Foggy, that's a good break down and pretty much what I was trying to get at when I said "I don't know that I would categorize those "privileges" along side skin color".

I don't understand why honest conversations can't be had here without the fucking hysteria. Most people on the left denounce racism (to varying degrees), or at least do not overtly partake in it. In this particular instance, we have people blatantly ignoring the role of social status and money when it comes to our criminal justice system. You have to be living under a rock not to know that money often times can buy you your freedom, regardless of your skin color.

Not pointing my finger at you, but there is an almost cult like adherence with some people here when it comes to this topic. Like fucking strict, fundamental religious nutters. There is no room in the conversation for nuance or grey areas. It's either believe 100% of my opinion on the subject, or you're a racist nazi shitbag. If that's where this side of the political coin is heading, then it's going to be a long, lonely walk in the woods. How about we let black people define what's acceptable and what's not, and we do our part to be good people and stop trying to pretend that we're some moral authority on the subject?
As if domination and privilege isn't based on class & wealth?
Trump is racist and a privileged rich, white man. This I agree with.
But I have also experienced being targeted by the police for my class and appearance.
In my younger days I had long hair and drove a shitty car and was pulled over and harassed
simple because of this. I didn't even have any weed at the time and the cop lied and said
he smelled marijuana to search my car. It is profiling based on class and appearance.
Now, odds are in their favor that I may have something on me because of my appearance.
I had no white privilege then or now.
check out the jon stewart video I posted earlier. Nobody is saying class and appearance don't matter. What is being said is regardless of economic status and appearance, black men especially are targets of the police and experience more discriminatory actions than you. Regardless of economic class and appearance.
Foggy, that's a good break down and pretty much what I was trying to get at when I said "I don't know that I would categorize those "privileges" along side skin color".

I don't understand why honest conversations can't be had here without the fucking hysteria. Most people on the left denounce racism (to varying degrees), or at least do not overtly partake in it. In this particular instance, we have people blatantly ignoring the role of social status and money when it comes to our criminal justice system. You have to be living under a rock not to know that money often times can buy you your freedom, regardless of your skin color.

Not pointing my finger at you, but there is an almost cult like adherence with some people here when it comes to this topic. Like fucking strict, fundamental religious nutters. There is no room in the conversation for nuance or grey areas. It's either believe 100% of my opinion on the subject, or you're a racist nazi shitbag. If that's where this side of the political coin is heading, then it's going to be a long, lonely walk in the woods. How about we let black people define what's acceptable and what's not, and we do our part to be good people and stop trying to pretend that we're some moral authority on the subject?
Just curious,

Agree or disagree:

White people in the U.S. have certain advantages because of the color of their skin.
Foggy, that's a good break down and pretty much what I was trying to get at when I said "I don't know that I would categorize those "privileges" along side skin color".

I don't understand why honest conversations can't be had here without the fucking hysteria. Most people on the left denounce racism (to varying degrees), or at least do not overtly partake in it. In this particular instance, we have people blatantly ignoring the role of social status and money when it comes to our criminal justice system. You have to be living under a rock not to know that money often times can buy you your freedom, regardless of your skin color.

Not pointing my finger at you, but there is an almost cult like adherence with some people here when it comes to this topic. Like fucking strict, fundamental religious nutters. There is no room in the conversation for nuance or grey areas. It's either believe 100% of my opinion on the subject, or you're a racist nazi shitbag. If that's where this side of the political coin is heading, then it's going to be a long, lonely walk in the woods. How about we let black people define what's acceptable and what's not, and we do our part to be good people and stop trying to pretend that we're some moral authority on the subject?

White people whining. Brilliant!
Absolutely agree.

Here's one for you:

If you have money, you stand a much better chance of navigating our criminal justice system.

Agree or disagree

The topic was racial entitlement, not financial entitlement. We can talk about either but using the latter to obscure the former is a dick move.
You've been here a few months, and now you're the decider on what we can discuss?

Talk about privileged white guy! :lol:

No, but I will call out your "look squirrel" bullshit anytime I see it. Let's talk about the plight of white people some more. List your #1 pet peeve about being white. List it or slink away. I'm pretty sure I know where this is going. A few more diversion attempts followed by you running back under the floorboards like most of you bernbots do. Prove me wrong.
"Son"? Okay, Foghorn, since we're making sock charges, I'm beginning to think you're a Tampee sock. Same mental range.

How come you didn't write a strongly worded letter to HBO in support of firing Bill Maher after he dropped the N word, sammich? If you're going to be the moral compass of the black community, you need to show some consistency!

The chairwoman of Black Lives Matter had a lapse in judgement. Bill Maher is not her enemy and she's ignoring context.
How come you didn't write a strongly worded letter to HBO in support of firing Bill Maher after he dropped the N word

Look! Squirrel!

How do you know I didn't and why is that pertinent? Calling your racism out does not obligate me to comment on every possibly racist comment made by everyone in the world.

Critical Thinking. Might have some decent online classes you can take.
No, but I will call out your "look squirrel" bullshit anytime I see it. Let's talk about the plight of white people some more. List your #1 pet peeve about being white. List it or slink away. I'm pretty sure I know where this is going. A few more diversion attempts followed by you running back under the floorboards like most of you bernbots do. Prove me wrong.

You must be confused. I have never once brought up, or supported any notion about the plight of white people, or men's rights.

That's strike two sammich. Keep digging for something to try and discredit me with....