Trump unites NFL - against him.

Honestly if you came to my store you would be denied service if you act the way you act on here. It would have nothing to do with the fact that you are gay. So what are you saying that there should be a law that someone has to serve you just because you are gay and then you can act like a jerk also?
I'm not really into gay nazi leathers, but thanks for the offer anyway.
I'm seriously done...... You are right we need 10,000 more laws so that we need 100,000 more police officers to enforce them. Trust the government these new police officers won't be racists....... Protesting police officers all while advocating for more laws is an oxymoron in itself.
Stick to matters of lighting. You're revealed as a bigoted shit ball over here.
Don't let the loudmouth bully chase you off the schoolyard, either.

I hear your point.

It is also true that if we allow business to be racist we will end up right back in the worst of 1950s segregationism.

A legal punishment to prevent racist/sexist/bigoted businesses from discriminating against people is a good idea. We won't need more cops, the lawsuits will work just fine to drive them out of business.

That's my opinion. Unfortunately, I don't have a seat on the Supreme Court. We'll see what they decide.

Fortunately today we live in an ever connected society. I also truly believe we live in a much less bigoted time than ever before. As I've said I will stand next to anyone and protest a business or law or institution of racism. I am just weary of an ever over reaching government that spys more and more on its citizens and slowly erodes there rights.
why are you telling a racial segregationist that he has a point?

he doesn't.
I heard his point, that is to say, I told him that I understood where he was coming from. The rest of my post was devoted to my disagreement with it- of course you conveniently censored that part.

That's dishonest and proves just one thing;

You're just here to scream.
Facts don't matter at all, you'll twist anything to get an angle to attack people. Your anger isn't righteous, it isn't persuasive, it's just abusive.

It's going to give you a heart attack if you aren't careful.

Let go of the hate. You profess not to be a bigot, yet you're the most hate filled person I know.