The Real Reason White People Say...

do you believe rewriting history, tearing down statues and making new lyrics, new team names, bitching about said names and statues, or supporting the non removal of said items is paramount to healing or more fuel for the fire?
I think much more should be done to help people's lives. As usual in this country, the focus is on entirely the wrong things.
many of those things did happen of course.
Anthony Johnson a black man was among the first to have his lifetime ownership of a servant legally sanctioned by a court.. blacks and asians both had white slaves, forced them to eat separately and banned them from their schools of course.
american indians owned thousands of black slaves. The census of 1830 lists 3,775 free Negroes who owned a total of 12,760 slaves.

I dont understand why things happen. Do you believe the cries of the oppressed grandchildren might help keep the racism
machine oiled up?

+rep :clap:
I don't believe in protesting during a national anthem and disrespecting all the people that have gave their life for the country. Those people are the reason you are allowed to protest. You can protest all you want but why do you have to disrespect the people that died to protect you are you telling me they are racist?
I don't believe in protesting during a national anthem and disrespecting all the people that have gave their life for the country. Those people are the reason you are allowed to protest. You can protest all you want but why do you have to disrespect the people that died to protect you are you telling me they are racist?
What is your point? You think I'm a republican? I'm not. Even if I were that wouldn't make me a racist. Are you aware that Abraham Lincoln was our first Republican president?
Okay I read it. But you're still not telling me what makes me a racist.

I don't believe in protesting during a national anthem and disrespecting all the people that have gave their life for the country. Those people are the reason you are allowed to protest. You can protest all you want but why do you have to disrespect the people that died to protect you are you telling me they are racist?
Taking a knee to draw attention to people being murdered in the street with impunity is definitely showing respect to everything that flag stands for.